Quote Originally Posted by MoneySRH:
Oh, brother, Wow… that’s stupid. Let me see… the president thought… Hey, guys I’ve got a plan. Let’s throw logic out the damn window and let five terrorists go free to commit terrorist acts so I can get the military to love me.

SMH, my eyes are burning... unbelievable
Red Eyes ...listen and learn.
The Swap was only the latest in a series of PR events staged by Obama and the Obama administration since it was reviled that Vets were dying because of a Veterans waiting list and that records were falsified to hide the facts.
Try to follow the sequence of events ..
1.) Obama's chief of staff went on TV say
the president was "madder than hell" about the scandal and would get to the bottom of it.
2.) Five days later, on the Friday before the Memorial Day weekend, and attention on veterans saturating the news media, Obama held a news conference and VOWED "Anybody found to have manipulated or falsified records at VA facilities has to be held accountable."
3.)The next day, a Saturday, in an apparent effort to shift attention to something more positive with regard to veterans, Obama stepped into the Rose Garden to announce
that the U.S. combat role in Afghanistan would end this year.
Such announcements are rarely made on Saturdays, signaling White House worry about the VA scandal.4.) On Sunday, Obama made a surprise visit to Afghanistan where
he was photographed surrounded by cheering American troops.Oh-Bama


5.)The next day, Memorial Day, the president used his traditional speech at Arlington Cemetery to reiterate that the war in Afghanistan is coming to an end.
More photos in the midst of veterans and their families.
A day later, he was off to West Point
. A
nd again, surrounded by uniformed military, Obama delivered a commencement speechthat outlined his revised foreign policy.
It was widely panned for being rambling and incoherent.
7.) He followed that up last Saturday with what the PR gurus must have thought was a stroke of genius. Obama announced , again in the Rose Garden,
that he secured the freedom of the only U.S. soldier held by the Taliban in exchange for five high-level Taliban terrorists held at Guantanamo.
With the soldier's parents beside him, it made good first-day headlines and pictures....sourcing from USA Today..
Now even you Money... are smart enough to see how the Swap was just another PR move to put Obama in good light with the Americans in general and the Military men /women and their families in particular...and skipping Congress to do this.. to give all the credit for securing the release to Barack Obama hmmmmm hmmm hmmm.