Quote Originally Posted by 14daroad:
From the article on the failure of this program:
Initial fears that as many as 375,000 sick people would swamp the
pools and bankrupt them by 2012 did not pan out. This is largely
because, even though the pools must charge premiums comparable to those
for healthy people, the plans sold through them are often expensive.
it was also because the pools are open only to people who have gone
without insurance for at least six months. The result is that, while
only about 135,000 people have gotten coverage at some point, they are
proving far more costly to insure than predicted.
Many people who
are uninsured go untreated, exacerbating their medical problems. When
they finally do get coverage through a high-risk pool, they are in
immediate need of expensive care.
“What we’ve learned through the
course of this program is that this is really not a sensible way for the
health-care system to be run,” Cohen said.

I realize you have little interest in actually examining this - after all, healthcare is an emotional issue for you - but I feel it is worth contrasting your opinion with reality.
That isnt the point at all.
The fact that they ran out of money is the issue. Why did they run out of money?
What group is harmed by not having this available?
So you dont think that had this been funded properly with less restrictions then there would be a large number more participating?
You missed the point as did walter..because you arent looking for any point, rather you are looking to argue and make everything anti democrat/liberal.
The point is that healthcare inflation has been out of control for decades, forecasting is obviously useless and there are no realistic plans out there which are both affordable AND actually cover..especially for people who are in this situation and others who are without insurance.
Keep looking for reasons to nit pick rather than reading what I have said numerous times..our healthcare problem has nothing to do with Obamacare, if that were the case we would have a history of the exact reverse of what is the case for the last twenty to thirty years.
Yeah this concept is so difficult to understand, especially for scholars and people allegedly in the industry.