Quote Originally Posted by Midnight1:
Ok so, the other 64 or so woman who accused him of assault are also looking for their 15 minutes of fame? C'mon now
I don't know where these numbers come from but I will say this. I delved deep into this law suit. There was no actual evidence. The one thing they used to rule against Trump was prior accusations. So lets look at those prior accusations.
The first, Ivanna Trump, during contentious divorce proceedings, claimed he once sexually assaulted her. Quite possible as most sexual assaults and rapes are perpetrated by a mate or personal acquaintance, but probably a ploy to gain leverage in the divorce. She gained no leverage, recanted her statement, and the remained more or less on good terms until her death.
The second, an associate of Trump in the early 90s, made claims of unwanted advances towards her on two occasions, one of which was with her boyfriend while visiting Mar-a-lago. She says he tried to kiss her. The accusation caused him to back out of a business deal. She sued for breach of contract. He settled. After almost 25 years, age contacts him to work on his campaign. I believe she was a make-up artist or something at this point. He hired her.
The rest are all vapor. Miasma. After E. Jean Carroll's accusations, and the whole Epstein situation, a few whack jobs made some wild claims. They were quickly found to be whack jobs out for a pay day who had never even been in the same room with Trump. Literally no connection. Then there were the pageant contestants who claimed Trump would walk around backstage while they were undressed. Now this is probably true. He said as much himself. This is the thing that most people don't realize about most pageants, fashion shows, and even often the ballet. The women are often backstage in various states of undress in front of producers, directors, stagehands, dressers, hair and make-up artist, and various other staff. It's a mad house. Everything happens quick. Wardrobe changes are quick. There are tons of women and they often aren't going back into private dressing rooms. Trump may have walked around back there. It wouldn't have been out of the ordinary. He even jokes about it, which makes him a creep. Not a rapist. None of those women complained until he ran for President and it became a story.
Trump has been in the public eye for over 40 years. We haven't seen any indication that he is capable of the kind of behavior claimed by Ms. Carroll. They circulated a picture of them together to put it in people's minds that they dated, and that literally became the narrative. The media did this because, as I said, most sexual assaults and rapes are perpetrated by mates are acquaintances. They didn't know wach other like that though. That famous picture that made people think they were on a date, they weren't. They were simply part of the same social circle and were phographed together. There is another picture from that era that shows him and his then wife (Ivana) and her and her then husband. The media didn't plaster that picture everywhere though. It didn't fit there narrative. E.Jean Carroll stole a storyline from Law & Order to sell a book. She also accused Les Moonves of sexual assault. She aimed to shop a book about how bad men are. She looked at two famous and powerful men who at the time were mired in sex scandals (Trump with Stormy Daniels), and she said, "Yep, the assaulted me." Her story about Trump has so many holes in it, it wouldn't even make an effective fishing net.