Mug... these lost souls have nothing left. Love the convicted felon crap... as we all know , a completely political move... they have no shame... impeachment, whst happened??.. nada...
Mug... these lost souls have nothing left. Love the convicted felon crap... as we all know , a completely political move... they have no shame... impeachment, whst happened??.. nada...
Mug... these lost souls have nothing left. Love the convicted felon crap... as we all know , a completely political move... they have no shame... impeachment, whst happened??.. nada...
#45....This is what the MAGA extremists support
2024 Presidential Greatness Project Expert Survey
As ranked by *INDEPENDENTS*
*Only the recent 10 Presidents in our lifetime shown
27 Gerald Ford
31 George W. Bush
36 Richard Nixon
~ big gap ~
45 Donald Trump <--- LAST!
#45....This is what the MAGA extremists support
2024 Presidential Greatness Project Expert Survey
As ranked by *INDEPENDENTS*
*Only the recent 10 Presidents in our lifetime shown
27 Gerald Ford
31 George W. Bush
36 Richard Nixon
~ big gap ~
45 Donald Trump <--- LAST!
Jeo has already "won" the Democratic Primary.
If he is removed from office at this time you might as well label it a coup d'etat because that is exactly what it will be.
If he volunteers to "withdraw" his nomination that will open up the pathway for an entirely new ticket for the DNC, open convention time. One which will be chosen by the Donors and not the voters. "Democracy" as you guys like to call it, at its' finest.
Jeo has already "won" the Democratic Primary.
If he is removed from office at this time you might as well label it a coup d'etat because that is exactly what it will be.
If he volunteers to "withdraw" his nomination that will open up the pathway for an entirely new ticket for the DNC, open convention time. One which will be chosen by the Donors and not the voters. "Democracy" as you guys like to call it, at its' finest.
I took the last week off, headed up to the mountains where I can only get email. No cell service without a road trip to town. I split the trip in half, in one county fishing a good hole and the rest of the week in one county over at another "pond". So, the news we heard from Saturday on was old school, from the people who live in those counties. No interwebs or forums with split second opinions on who farted. The most shocking was how the Trump haters were complaining about the miss, a phrase I heard most was it was a bad shot. WTF is wrong with people?? Then those same maniacs were talking of it was fixed like the WWE and the kid was a republican. At 20 years old no one knows anything other than what they see their family vote in politics. One county over and I see a ton of Let's go Brandon everywhere, and not one single person in those 3 days said anything about politics, the shot attempt, nothing about Biden. Nothing political, so just don't let this shit consume your life. Unplug for a week and go live life
I took the last week off, headed up to the mountains where I can only get email. No cell service without a road trip to town. I split the trip in half, in one county fishing a good hole and the rest of the week in one county over at another "pond". So, the news we heard from Saturday on was old school, from the people who live in those counties. No interwebs or forums with split second opinions on who farted. The most shocking was how the Trump haters were complaining about the miss, a phrase I heard most was it was a bad shot. WTF is wrong with people?? Then those same maniacs were talking of it was fixed like the WWE and the kid was a republican. At 20 years old no one knows anything other than what they see their family vote in politics. One county over and I see a ton of Let's go Brandon everywhere, and not one single person in those 3 days said anything about politics, the shot attempt, nothing about Biden. Nothing political, so just don't let this shit consume your life. Unplug for a week and go live life
Kinda ironic when you realize.....
Joe Biden pulled from his re-election campaign on July 21st.
National Ice Cream Day is July 21st and we all know Joe likes ice cream.
On July 21st, 2021 Joe said Get the vaccine and you won't get COVID.
On July 21st, 2022 CNN reports Joe tests positive for COVID.
Kinda ironic when you realize.....
Joe Biden pulled from his re-election campaign on July 21st.
National Ice Cream Day is July 21st and we all know Joe likes ice cream.
On July 21st, 2021 Joe said Get the vaccine and you won't get COVID.
On July 21st, 2022 CNN reports Joe tests positive for COVID.
"Democracy".... at its' finest.
There are some usernames here with THOUSANDS of posts copy & pasting regurgitated regime narratives propping up Jeo as the greatest President in modern day history....
Just as recent as 2 days ago, Jeo was the man to get the job done still....
Now, after the DNC regime narrative has shifted to Kamala in less than 48 hours. These same usernames are championing Jeo's withdrawal. What changed?
Nothing, only the simple message put out to the sheep that only live to obey orders has changed. Remove one sock puppet and replace with another. Power doesn't change, the shitlib brained will fall in line just like their masters tell them too. I feel sorry for you people.
"Democracy".... at its' finest.
There are some usernames here with THOUSANDS of posts copy & pasting regurgitated regime narratives propping up Jeo as the greatest President in modern day history....
Just as recent as 2 days ago, Jeo was the man to get the job done still....
Now, after the DNC regime narrative has shifted to Kamala in less than 48 hours. These same usernames are championing Jeo's withdrawal. What changed?
Nothing, only the simple message put out to the sheep that only live to obey orders has changed. Remove one sock puppet and replace with another. Power doesn't change, the shitlib brained will fall in line just like their masters tell them too. I feel sorry for you people.
REUTERS 2023; Biden administration on Wednesday broadly eased sanctions on Venezuela's oil sector in response to a deal reached between the government and opposition parties for the 2024 election.
The U.S. moves follow months of negotiations in which Washington had pressed Caracas for concrete actions toward democratic elections in return for lifting some - but not all - of the tough sanctions imposed under former U.S. President Donald Trump.
REUTERS today; The Biden administration said on Monday that electoral manipulation had stripped the announcement of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's reelection victory of "any credibility," and Washington left the door open to fresh sanctions on the OPEC nation.
REUTERS 2023; Biden administration on Wednesday broadly eased sanctions on Venezuela's oil sector in response to a deal reached between the government and opposition parties for the 2024 election.
The U.S. moves follow months of negotiations in which Washington had pressed Caracas for concrete actions toward democratic elections in return for lifting some - but not all - of the tough sanctions imposed under former U.S. President Donald Trump.
REUTERS today; The Biden administration said on Monday that electoral manipulation had stripped the announcement of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's reelection victory of "any credibility," and Washington left the door open to fresh sanctions on the OPEC nation.
Poor Jeo....
That was the last straw for a core group of Congressional leaders, government officials and some senior Biden funders who were withholding huge amounts of committed contributions. “There was pressure on donors to come across on their pending commitments,” the official told me. “It was understood that Biden had a physical problem in Las Vegas and the family was saying no” to continued pressure from donors and senior Democrats in Congress to withdraw from the presidential campaign. Initially, the president could not be reached.
By Saturday, July 20, former President Barack Obama was deeply involved, and there was talk that he would place a call to Biden. It was not clear whether Biden had been examined or just what happened to him in Las Vegas. “The Big Three,” the official said, referring to former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, continued to be directly involved.
“On Sunday morning,” the official told me, with the approval of Pelosi and Schumer, “Obama called Biden after breakfast and said, ‘Here’s the deal. We have Kamala’s approval to invoke the 25th Amendment.”
The amendment provides that when the president is determined by the vice president and others to be unfit to carry out the powers and duties of his office, the vice president shall assume those duties.
“It was clear at this point,” the official said, “that she would get the nod”—that is, the support to run for the presidency in the November election. “But Obama also made it clear,” the official said, “that he was not going to immediately endorse her. But the group had decided that her work as a prosecutor would help her deal with Trump in a debate.”
A key factor in the decision to force Biden out of office by invoking the 25th Amendment was a series of increasingly negative polls on the president’s standing against Trump that had been commissioned by the funders, the official said. “The downward slope was increasing.” Polling would also be important for the vice president, I was told, and it was agreed that if the polls did not continue to show her gaining traction, other options would be considered, including an open convention. I was unable to learn if Harris was aware of such considerations or whether she intends to abide by them.
The official, who has decades of experience in fundraising, told me that Obama emerged as the strongman throughout the negotiations. “He had an agenda and he wanted to seek it through to the end, and he wanted to have control over who would be elected.”
A few days after we talked, with Harris getting off to a solid start, Obama and his wife announced their endorsement of Harris and told her, over the phone in a staged TV event, that they would do all they could to campaign for her and to support her.
But she had better perform.
link w/out paywall...
Poor Jeo....
That was the last straw for a core group of Congressional leaders, government officials and some senior Biden funders who were withholding huge amounts of committed contributions. “There was pressure on donors to come across on their pending commitments,” the official told me. “It was understood that Biden had a physical problem in Las Vegas and the family was saying no” to continued pressure from donors and senior Democrats in Congress to withdraw from the presidential campaign. Initially, the president could not be reached.
By Saturday, July 20, former President Barack Obama was deeply involved, and there was talk that he would place a call to Biden. It was not clear whether Biden had been examined or just what happened to him in Las Vegas. “The Big Three,” the official said, referring to former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, continued to be directly involved.
“On Sunday morning,” the official told me, with the approval of Pelosi and Schumer, “Obama called Biden after breakfast and said, ‘Here’s the deal. We have Kamala’s approval to invoke the 25th Amendment.”
The amendment provides that when the president is determined by the vice president and others to be unfit to carry out the powers and duties of his office, the vice president shall assume those duties.
“It was clear at this point,” the official said, “that she would get the nod”—that is, the support to run for the presidency in the November election. “But Obama also made it clear,” the official said, “that he was not going to immediately endorse her. But the group had decided that her work as a prosecutor would help her deal with Trump in a debate.”
A key factor in the decision to force Biden out of office by invoking the 25th Amendment was a series of increasingly negative polls on the president’s standing against Trump that had been commissioned by the funders, the official said. “The downward slope was increasing.” Polling would also be important for the vice president, I was told, and it was agreed that if the polls did not continue to show her gaining traction, other options would be considered, including an open convention. I was unable to learn if Harris was aware of such considerations or whether she intends to abide by them.
The official, who has decades of experience in fundraising, told me that Obama emerged as the strongman throughout the negotiations. “He had an agenda and he wanted to seek it through to the end, and he wanted to have control over who would be elected.”
A few days after we talked, with Harris getting off to a solid start, Obama and his wife announced their endorsement of Harris and told her, over the phone in a staged TV event, that they would do all they could to campaign for her and to support her.
But she had better perform.
link w/out paywall...
2024 Presidential Greatness Project Expert Survey
As ranked by *INDEPENDENTS*
*Only the recent 10 Presidents in our lifetime shown
27 Gerald Ford
31 George W. Bush
36 Richard Nixon
~ big gap ~
45 Donald Trump <--- LAST!
2024 Presidential Greatness Project Expert Survey
As ranked by *INDEPENDENTS*
*Only the recent 10 Presidents in our lifetime shown
27 Gerald Ford
31 George W. Bush
36 Richard Nixon
~ big gap ~
45 Donald Trump <--- LAST!
And now we're watching episode number 388 of "Dementia Joe goes to the beach"......& after his last disastrous appearance on some network interview, I'm guessing it'll be a long one.
And now we're watching episode number 388 of "Dementia Joe goes to the beach"......& after his last disastrous appearance on some network interview, I'm guessing it'll be a long one.
I just watched an interview with Dem rep Jason Crow (D-CO)......this guy is either a complete idiot or a complete liar. He was pinned down on the bad economy & his only response was "but, but, but TRUMP!"
I just watched an interview with Dem rep Jason Crow (D-CO)......this guy is either a complete idiot or a complete liar. He was pinned down on the bad economy & his only response was "but, but, but TRUMP!"
So this assumes you are slurping the Biden blame narrative from the GOP right? Its like magic, the economy in the span of two years took a massive inflationary leap we havent seen since the late 70s and its all because of Biden.
So this assumes you are slurping the Biden blame narrative from the GOP right? Its like magic, the economy in the span of two years took a massive inflationary leap we havent seen since the late 70s and its all because of Biden.
You know what happens when you assume things.
We're all use to political spin & denial.....but this guy just embarrassed himself.
You know what happens when you assume things.
We're all use to political spin & denial.....but this guy just embarrassed himself.
Posting an insult on a DEM interview is more than an assumptive conclusion, we know your position and lack of comprehensive reality regarding inflation. I was being reasonable with the comment with the assumes part...we both know there was no assume required you are tattooed anti anything DNC even when it makes no logical sense.
Magic Biden inflation powers, I am positive it is still impressing Ben and Janet and Jerome since none of them have the magic inflation touch like he does.
Posting an insult on a DEM interview is more than an assumptive conclusion, we know your position and lack of comprehensive reality regarding inflation. I was being reasonable with the comment with the assumes part...we both know there was no assume required you are tattooed anti anything DNC even when it makes no logical sense.
Magic Biden inflation powers, I am positive it is still impressing Ben and Janet and Jerome since none of them have the magic inflation touch like he does.
Yeah Mugg, we all know it was Putin's Price Hike. Nothing Joe could do, just like the border.
The world gets destablized and look what happens. Gee, what bad luck for poo Joo.
Yeah Mugg, we all know it was Putin's Price Hike. Nothing Joe could do, just like the border.
The world gets destablized and look what happens. Gee, what bad luck for poo Joo.
Were you saying that when Covid made Trump look like an amateur dope and the markets got wrecked from it?
I dont remember those messages, I wonder why that is. Trump was not to blame for Covid or the market cracking or the questionable political decisions he made and Biden was not at all responsible for inflation due to a supply curve shift inwards, neither deserve blame but you cant admit a partisan neutral event it only can be a stab when it is a DEM and either ignore or defend when it is a TNC event.
Biden needs to be the next Fed chair though, that is a fact. The prior three heads made zero inflation dent and SUPER Biden waved his magic wand and inflation went rampant.
Were you saying that when Covid made Trump look like an amateur dope and the markets got wrecked from it?
I dont remember those messages, I wonder why that is. Trump was not to blame for Covid or the market cracking or the questionable political decisions he made and Biden was not at all responsible for inflation due to a supply curve shift inwards, neither deserve blame but you cant admit a partisan neutral event it only can be a stab when it is a DEM and either ignore or defend when it is a TNC event.
Biden needs to be the next Fed chair though, that is a fact. The prior three heads made zero inflation dent and SUPER Biden waved his magic wand and inflation went rampant.
And I never responded to the recent market crash thread. I am sure you looked.
And if Trump was an amateur with COVID, Biden/Harris was a train wreck.
I hold Biden/Harris responsible for not intervening in Ukraine when Russia drew the line No NATO. That invasion increased our inflation when it didn't have to.
I hold Biden/Harris responsible for the amateur Afghan pullout, 13 dead soldiers, looking at his watch, and then in his one and only debate " no soldiers died under my watch."
I hold Biden/Harris responsible for taking Houthis off the terror list and getting US aid. UNRWA getting aid even though it was confirmed they were in with HAMAS. Giving Iran their billions less than one month before the attack on Israel. Gee whiz why is everything falling apart???
I hold Biden/Harris responsible for shutting down Keystone and then buying tar crude from Venezuela.
To say his/her actions, or inactions, did not contribute needlessy to inflation is laughable.
And I never responded to the recent market crash thread. I am sure you looked.
And if Trump was an amateur with COVID, Biden/Harris was a train wreck.
I hold Biden/Harris responsible for not intervening in Ukraine when Russia drew the line No NATO. That invasion increased our inflation when it didn't have to.
I hold Biden/Harris responsible for the amateur Afghan pullout, 13 dead soldiers, looking at his watch, and then in his one and only debate " no soldiers died under my watch."
I hold Biden/Harris responsible for taking Houthis off the terror list and getting US aid. UNRWA getting aid even though it was confirmed they were in with HAMAS. Giving Iran their billions less than one month before the attack on Israel. Gee whiz why is everything falling apart???
I hold Biden/Harris responsible for shutting down Keystone and then buying tar crude from Venezuela.
To say his/her actions, or inactions, did not contribute needlessy to inflation is laughable.
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