Quote Originally Posted by UNIMAN:
I can easily call all of your BS. But that won't stop you from spewing more. Why is it 56% of the gun murders in the U.S. are commited by a race that makes up 13.6% of the population? Is it white previlage making them shoot??? I think Good Latin Americans are THE HARDEST WORKING PEOPLE in this country! Seen it everyday while living in Nevada. Have absolutely no problem allowing them to migrate here in a vetted/orderly manor. You don't swing the gates open and declare "Surge The Border". Everybody gets hurt, criminal seize the opportunity. So here you are, like so many others here, "Trump can't remember his wife's name" LIAR, "Trump said he never met Jeffery Epstein" LIAR, "Trump is a convicted rapist", LIAR, "Trump called soldiers Losers and Suckers", prove it LIAR, "Trump ignored bounties on troops in Afghanistan", LIAR, Trump colluded with Russia, LIAR. If he is sooo bad, why ya gotta lie? Oh, by the way, the Dow and S&P have performed 5 times better under Trump than Biden.
Couldn't agree more when people use these type of headlines to make some point....it's actually the exact opposite....if you population makes up less than the total populous being accounted for, then your percentage should less not up...the fact is pretty simple....a low percentage of that population is creating a majority of the crime for any specific category when the ratio is that figure...it doesn't matter if you are white, black, brown, yellow or purple....this just never made sense to me when one particular category makes up the vast percentage of whatever topic you are discussing....the same goes for the prison ratios...if whites are the majority, then shouldn't there be more whites in prison since they are making up more of the population?? I mean it's stats 101 right...but, the majority of the prison makeup is brown and black...I just never understood the argument from a sheer numbers standpoint...
From PEW Research
At the end of 2017, federal and state prisons in the United States held about 475,900 inmates who were black and 436,500 who were white – a difference of 39,400, according to BJS. Ten years earlier, there were 592,900 black and 499,800 white prisoners – a difference of 93,100. (This analysis counts only inmates sentenced to more than a year.) The decline in the black-white gap between 2007 and 2017 was driven by a 20% decrease in the number of black inmates, which outpaced a 13% decrease in the number of white inmates.
The gap between white and Hispanic imprisonment also narrowed between 2007 and 2017, but not because of a decrease in Hispanic prisoners. Instead, the number of white prisoners fell while the number of Hispanic inmates increased slightly. At the end of 2017, there were 100,000 more white inmates than Hispanic inmates (436,500 vs. 336,500), down from an inmate difference of 169,400 in 2007 (499,800 white inmates vs. 330,400 Hispanic inmates).
COVERS allows u to tell someone they are sexually frustrated so long as ur hands are clean