It is not nitpicking---I do not intend it that way.Either you can answer questions about your stances; or you cannot answer them. If you cannot, and just simply do not like companies, that is cool. Again, you are one of the few that sometimes try to make a decent case. But you cannot get upset every time someone questions you about something. I just have the opposite stance is all. In other words, I always try to think of what I would say to convince someone of something. You are not successful by belittling them and name calling them.
You have a history of nagging trolling on my posts. You are not coming in and having a discussion or make comments, you take your shots in nearly every single post you make...look at the recent history, you follow me around and come to ask nagging annoying unimportant questions and you did so again yesterday and today.
I am not going to make a list of corps I like and why, what the crap would that accomplish? My position is that those with power abuse, those with money abuse and corps especially ones with both abuse. You think it is inside the bounds of the code and then it is ok, I do not agree. The individual should be treated the same, have the same benefit and access as corps do but it is not the case. Corps hire lobbyists, lawyers, government employees to exploit the code and you think that is good and legit. I think it is abuse of power and money. Loopholes exist to make way for the elite and powerful, they are never closed because our government is held hostage to money and power.
You are also mistaken about offshore money, it is not held at some bank like Wells Fargo Bahamas branch, it is twisted and hidden and shielded so it cannot be accessed...same goes for the elite, they have the power and options to keep 5 steps in front of any action the government can take. The government is not funded to track corps and their lawyers, we do not properly equip government employees or pay them commensurate to catch these cheats. My position is that the only way to catch a cheat who has more power and money than you is to use what resources you have to force their hand. So in my case as I stated above if you draw a line and let the corp or elitist choose to either come straight with their tax account or leave the country and be treated as a foreign entity and let them choose. Closing the loopholes is never going to happen because they are never closed, there might be a change or two but believe me corps are 5 steps in front and will have shifted before the ink is dry and nothing will change.
This country is for the benefit of all, everyone should be equal and treated the same...but that is not the case, those with money and power and control have opportunities and options that the majority do not.
I dont mind a debate but you are a nagging gnat, pick pick pick, that is not a discussion that is you trying to find fault and tangent me to death. Its been going on a very long time and sometimes I just ignore your posts because you are not interested in having a discussion, you ask your questions then you repeat over and over and over. You rarely if ever make a counter or even state a position...its always just nag nag nag and that is quite boring when it is all you seem to do.
How about instead of the picking questions YOU state a position, YOU state what your opinion is and why it might counter to mine...instead of asking how many corps I like or say a silly comment like employees can leave and what abuses? Oh my word it never ends.