Quote Originally Posted by Sabanesque:
"When debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser."--Socrates. I never resorted to name calling, and I don't know your previous experiences, but chances are you may never had run into someone with my level of insight, and you probably never told anyone that you were stalking white people at a Trump rally in Buffalo, and you and your gang were trying to assault them BASED ON THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN but ONLY the police were preventing your crime. And you probably never told anyone else that you APPROVE OF A RACIST and leader of a HATE GROUP (officilly declared so by the SPLC) like FARAKHAN, who wants the seperation of whites and blacks, and blames all whites and future generations of whites (for example a 5 yr old white girl in kindergarten, according to Farakhan, is a "blue eyed devil.") for slavery (which is false on many levels but too complicated for you). Now you introduced something new, and said "They were CHANTING the N word..." I find that EXTREMELY UNLIKELY. Anyone going to a Trump rally in BUFFALO would go in and get out, and bee-line for their cars. I am certain they were waving US flags, not a Confederate flag. Noone in their right mind would troll someone in a crowd, use a racist slur, esp at a campaign rally representing the future President. The problems at Trump rallies were deliberately caused by paid instigators (proven), and inside Trump rallies you would find DIVERSITY, which includes all races under the Sun, esp blacks. I don't believe you. "Chanting?" C'mon. No, I do not "worship" Trump. I already pointed out in this forum that there were other competent billionaires out there, with no desire to troll his enemies. But this is the style of the Boss, and I can deal with it, just like I dealt with Obama's effeminate style (gender confusing). Obama is the divider, and he does so on the sly. I pointed out how he has defrauded and perverted "social justice" for political gains. He wanted us to feel our racial identities. Well, at the end of 8 years, he got UNINTENDED results. I don't think he REALLY WANTED "white folks" to start feeling it, but looks like they got fed up with the RACE BAITING, and they caught on. I don't know what affiliation you are, but you are noteably an apologist for Obama and Farakhan, and you see Trump through a different lens than I do. I am not "brainwashed," but the President has my faith, for now. Everyone lets me down eventually, and he already has, but not enough for me to join rebellious forces to undermine real progress for our country, for all races, for everyone.
What is your oral fixation with Louis Farakhan ...already told you , i didnt like the guy ...Believe his sect was invloved in killing MALCOLM X
yes there were confederate flags at the Trump Klan rally... Saw plenty of them ... Rex Ryan was foolish enough to appear on stage here with Trump , Local barber shops had posters made of Trump & Rex shaking hands with the confederate flag pics from outside the arena cropped in the background ......
I am too old to be chasing around Nazi skinheads , but there was a large group of people ( blacks + whites ) who cornered the mouth breathing cowards behind the police ...
No i dont think all trump supporters are bad people, i am sure many of them are just sick of the slimy clintons ( who should still be locked up fpr their whitewater crimes) ... but i have a hard time understanding how they could admire or support such a vile piece of trash ...
I have no feelings of anger or resentment towards you or anyone here on covers
Enjoy life Brother , its far too short