You crazy lefties crack me up.
Imagine if back in March Trump said; Don't listen to Fauci, you MUST wear a mask. You would here right now showing scientific evidence from CNN, MSNBC, etc. on how mask wearing is dangerous!
You've made it all political.
And it's all the Trumpers who are spreading it.
Yet back in August hundreds of Biden voters from Washington D.C. held a huge block party during restrictions. How do we know? Only because at least four of the attendees fired over 100 rounds and killed 1, wounding 21 others. Biggest mass shooting in the U.S. this year!!!
NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC??? Shhhhh, don't say anything, It's not Anti-Trump!!! And they didn't.
How many more of these parties across the U.S. cities took place??? We will never know!!!
Back to the masks. I live in rural America, Trump supporter dominated. A little virus hit here in the spring (airport travel the cause) and it was quickly contained. All the "TRUMPERS" I see are wearing masks, social distancing, including myself. This fall it came hard a heavy, like most everywhere else. I live with 3/4 gated drive. Very private for wife and I. No visitors since August, even FedEx has a box they deliver to at end of driveway. No problem with thefts out here, were ALL LAW ABIDING FOLKS. Three places I've only visited; Walmart, Big box store, Indian Casino to make football bets. ALWAYS a mask, ALWAYS disinfect hands and face at my vehicle. NEVER ate in restaurants, not one visitor at my home last three months!
And I got the RONA. Headaches, diarrhea, dizzyness from blood pressure fluctuations, tight chest for three days and then got over it. No fever. Wife had a cough and little achy, that was it. She never gets sick, always been that way.
How did I get it? Probability is it came right through that mask. In the box store one day I saw a woman cross my path 20 ft ahead of me. When I got to that point where she crossed her perfume filled my mask! If that perfume was still there, would not the virus be there to if she had it. If the perfume slides through a mask would not the virus too??? Maybe not in water droplets, but it gets through.
Bottom line; Masks may do some good, social distancing may do some good, BUT THEY DON'T COME CLOSE TO PREVENTING IT. THE RISE WE NOW SEE PROVES THAT.
So stay on your soapbox, claim it's the Trumpers who don't obey "science" or at least ONLY THE SCIENCE YOU WILL ALLOW. Have your block parties all the while pointing fingers.
I'll just keep laughing.