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Box! You are back! I used to follow you all the time on site that was called sportstalk or talksport. You were the Sun Belt and MEAC expert. Great to see you on here! |
Box and one | 5 |
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I watched the game. Had Dayton small. They were clueless and stupid all game. Badly missing shots. Fordham is not good. Inexplicable. |
FRANKtheBANKss | 34 |
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you should have seen the last play when dayton was down 1. After a timeout no less. They dribble pass it around with 18 secs left and don't even make a move to get within the arc till 4 secs left. Then, chuck up a terrible shot. Awful team. |
RonBergundy | 23 |
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The most inexplicable stuff is occurring all over during covid. If you can consistently win in this climate, when things return to normal, you should be raking it in. |
shoclo | 22 |
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As bad as Fordham is, Dayton goes long stretches without scoring. I believe they did this against LaSalle last week. Dayton didn't score the last 3 or 4 mins of the first half. Covid era hoops is really hard to cap. I don't know anyone who is killing it.
Christian_iaco | 32 |
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To me, it was like not knowing the Florida opt outs and covid issues until gametime - - but in that case, we knew a couple of days in advance and had the chance to adjust any wagers. Covid era betting tilts odds even more in favor of Vegas - look at their record winnings as of late. |
dustmiester | 22 |
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Have not posted in forever, but have been on this forum for 20 years plus. I read and research EVERYTHING. Completely agree with this post. Got screwed as well. Thought about buying out when I saw the spread drop in the morning Eastern Time. Dropped anywhere from 1.5 to 2 points on Fanduel, which is what I use these days. Lost a lot. I can take losing, but not when I don't have the information and can't access till 10 mins before kickoff. |
dustmiester | 22 |
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Jaskirat Singh Sidhu pleads guilty in Humboldt Broncos bus crash that killed hockey players
in NHL Betting Of course he should be accountable to the fullest extent of the law. I never implied or said otherwise. What happened makes me sick to my stomach. My uncle was killed a few years back due to someone blowing a stop sign, so I get it. It hurts all the time. My point was this guy didn't do it on purpose and wishing for him to get beat up in prison isn't going to accomplish anything. It was a sickening tragedy, and it doesn't make me a snowflake if I don't believe the guy should be given the electric chair. Yes, you are right, the crash happened during the daylight. The speed limit on the road is about 60 mph and closer to the intersection it is 35 mph. The driver was 29 and looks like he wasn't driving trucks for a long time - - the investigation is still isn't complete, and so his employer could face some liability as well. We still don't know (didn't find anything on line) why he blew the stop sign in broad daylight if he wasn't impaired. There has to be an answer even if it was that he was daydreaming and not paying attention. I didn't read anywhere that he fled the scene. It is not "false" that there have been several accidents at that intersection the past 20 years. Absolutely true. I never said they all had fatalities. As you state correctly, there was an accident with 6 fatalities 20 years ago. I have read that the intersection is dangerous and some obstructions of view should be addressed. I have not driven through that intersection and neither have you - - and we don't have the official report yet from the investigators. I mourn for the victims just like you. Just because I'm not ready to have the driver to put to death doesn't mean I deserve to be in the cell next to the truck driver. Unreal comment from you Polar Bear. You don't know me or anything about me personally, so leave the personal BS out of it next time.
Polar_Bear | 17 |
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Jaskirat Singh Sidhu pleads guilty in Humboldt Broncos bus crash that killed hockey players
in NHL Betting
“He wanted the families to know that he’s devastated by the grief that he’s caused them,” Brayford said. “And he’s overwhelmed by the expressions of sympathy and kindness that some of the families and players have expressed to him in spite of the fact their grief is entirely his fault.” |
Polar_Bear | 17 |
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replied to
Jaskirat Singh Sidhu pleads guilty in Humboldt Broncos bus crash that killed hockey players
in NHL Betting Sorry, last post cut off: Brayford also expressed Sidhu’s deep sorrow over everything he caused. |
Polar_Bear | 17 |
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replied to
Jaskirat Singh Sidhu pleads guilty in Humboldt Broncos bus crash that killed hockey players
in NHL Betting He did not "ignore"the sign. He didn't see it. He did not do this on purpose, was not drinking or doing drugs, etc. Yes, the facts are that this was a large stop sign, but there have been several accidents at the intersection over the past 20 years, including previous fatalities. Apparently, there are some trees in the area that obstruct some vision of the sign there as well. He pled guilty because he said that he did not want to cause the families a pain of a trial. The guy is showing 100% remorse and will live with this forever. It was a horrible mistake. ‘I just want to plead guilty. I don’t want you to plea bargain. I don’t want a trial.’ Mr. Sidhu advised me: ‘I don’t want to make things any worse. I can’t make things any better, but I certainly don’t want to make them worse by having a trial.'” Brayford also expressed Sidhu’s deep sorrow over everything he caused. |
Polar_Bear | 17 |
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Sorry man this is plain and simple ignorant and f'd up thinking that black QB's are being played "more" due to "political correctness," I imagine more people have not chimed in on this nonsense because a) it is labor day weekend and they have better things to do, and/or b) this is so off the wall it isn't worthy of a response, and/or c) it was very late when the comeback was complete. The reason you say "more" black QB's today has nothing to do with "political correctness" no matter what some clown on TV or some blog or one of your stupid drunk low-IQ friends are telling you.
I haven't posted in forever, but this crapola drives me nuts. We really have people (and plenty unfortunately) in our great country that think like this. WTF! Here is why we have "more" black QB's these days than in the 90s, 80s 70s etc. - - - the rage these days is the "dual threat" QB. For whatever reason, there are more black guys than white guys that are Division 1 caliber with that skill set. Just like on the US Olympic team, the majority of the sprinters are black - there are more of faster black guys than white guys. (I'm not going to debate why - that's another topic.) And since we have evolved as a society, it is acceptable to have a black guy as a QB in 2017 unlike it being a rare occurrence in the 70s. Back then, people had the ignorant stereotype that blacks were not "smart" enough to play QB and/or should not be leading "white" men. So, no coach is trying to "go the other way too much" in playing black guys at QB. In most instances, it is because that coach feels that a dual threat QB is their best option at that position. If they had a faster, better guy at that position who was not black, they would play them. Has nothing to do with race these days as far as picking your QB's. You may not like it. You may like your drop back, non-running QB, and that's fine. Like someone said above, your choice. And they can succeed greatly, too, and win championships just like athletic dual threat QB's can. But if you are obsessed with this race thing and think coaches are seeking out black QB's to be PC, then you have some issues |
Stryc9Nine | 66 |
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No worries, just double down on Pittsburgh for Thursday. There is no way the Sens win again, they are spent.
scalabrine | 20 |
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Ottawa is completely spent. They have nothing left in the tank. Penguins could bring up their entire AHL defense and still win easily as long as Crosby Malkin and Kessel are playing tomorrow night. Plus, there is no way in he!! that Bettman will allow a ratings disaster of an Ottawa-Nashville final. This is a rare occasion I would play on a -200 plus ML. No way Penguins lose this game. None. Anderson will not do it again and Pittsburgh will not shoot into his chest that many times again. Should be a 4-0, 4-1 type game.
Lippsman | 28 |
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I agree 100% with the chase theory here. No way SJ can come back. Zero. Penguins will make people money in game 6 or game 7. 100000000% lock.
magiccarpetride | 21 |
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double up for game 6. And if that doesn't work, load up on game 7. Easy money for Bettman's Penguins eventually!
irefusetolose | 7 |
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No way. Bettman will not allow Crosby to be denied. Game 6 should be Pittsburgh, and if not, home celebration in game 7. The Penguins winning the Cup this season is a stone cold mortal lock. Tonight was fluky.
LeRinkRat | 4 |
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I just saw the Villanova - Syracuse line go from -12 to -11 to -10 in the last hour. The money line went from -900 to -750 to -550. Anyone know what is going on ? I looked all over the internet and all kinds of twitter feeds to find info, but found nothing. I'm confused . . .
cappy22 | 2 |
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NCAA Restores Penn State's Postseason Eligibility Effective Immediately
in College Football Quote Originally Posted by ELDubarino: Why was Penn State not given a similar penalty to what SMU received in the 80's? What am I missing? Why are they all of sudden reinstating there bowl eligibility now after the season has already started? Would this have happened if they had started 0 - 2? And is it just a coincidence that this release happened on the same day as the Ray Rice Stuff? Perhaps trying to fly under the radar? Unfortunately, you and a lot of others are missing a lot in your dislike of Penn State that pre-dates the Sandusky scandal. SMU committed football crimes. Penn State did not commit any football crimes. Here are some facts (and these are facts, not interpretations): 1. Per the NCAA policy on reporting sexual assaults, Joe Paterno did exactly what the NCAA said someone in the athletic department should do. Look what the NCAA put out regarding handling campus sexual assaults the other week for yourself. Paterno did just that. 2. The famous "kid in the shower" that Mike McQueary saw ? Did you know he had a statement to the police that he was NOT molested by Sandusky on that night McQueary thought he saw a molestation incident ? Did you know that Sandusky was NOT convicted of "rape" on that charge ? What got people going was the grand jury presentment that Mcqueary "saw and anal rape" and told Paterno. Well, McQueary NEVER testified as such. That was the attorney general writing the presentment and blatantly lying. 3. Did you know that one of Paterno's grandkids was over Sandusky's house for one of Sandusky's kid's birthday parties in 2011 ? IF anyone in the Paterno family thought Sandusky was a pedophile, do you really think they would want their little child / grandchild there ? 4. Paterno and Sandusky did not get along and did not socialize after Sanduskys' retirement in 1999 ? 5. Did you know that when asked by his superiors in 1999 about Sandusky's retirement package, Paterno said that Sandusky should not be allowed to bring his kids from his charity into football facilities because of "liability issues." Well, guess who nixed that idea and allowed access ? Rodney Erickson, the guy was recently the interim president. 6. Did you know that not one incident with Sandusky and children was on Penn State's campus following the McQueary incident in 2001 ? Not one. The media and Louis Freeh made it seem like kids were being "raped" from 2001 and before all the way to 2011 on campus. Not true. He also was not convicted of any "rape." The word "rape" outrages people and is purposely thrown around to sensationalize the story. 7. a 1998 incident regarding Sandusky and a boy in a shower was investigated by the DA and no charges filed because they did not make a molesting finding. Since there were no charges, it would have been illegal for anyone in that investigation to even tell Paterno about it! That's why he never knew about it. 8. The Board of Trustees fired Paterno and then had to hire someone to write a report to justify it - otherwise, they would look like idiots. So, they got Freeh to grandstand (calling a press conference on the Monday of baseball all-star week when there are no sporting events that day) and promote these myths that have gotten the haters and a lots of others so worked up. 9. The grand jury presentment purposely got the date of the McQueary incident wrong (they have it occurring in 2002) so that they could sneak in charges against the PSU administrators within the statute of limitations - - the record has been corrected to reflect that the actual date of the McQueary incident is March 2001. Outside of the statute and a legal issue in the case. 10. Sandusky was not employed by Penn State in 2001 - he was employed by his charity, the Second Mile. He had been retired from PSU for 2 years in 2001. Somehow, no one sued the Second Mile and the press didn't care because it's not as juicy as Paterno and Penn State. 11. You do realize that things like the Freeh Report and grand jury presentment are one-sided documents that are not cross-examined and no defenses offered ? It is like going to a trial, hearing the prosecution side, but hearing no evidence or anything from the defense. In that case, everyone would look guilty. The public did not receive the benefit of the other side because of this irresponsible rush to judgment by the media which feeds the masses. 13. Paterno told his superior what McQueary told him. McQueary talked to the AD and VP. The AD talked to the Prez. The AD told Sandusky's employer. McQueary testified that no one told him to keep quiet. How in the world is that a cover-up ?? In cover-ups, you don't tell people stuff. The simple fact of the matter is that the PSU AD talked to Sandusky about what McQueary said he saw, and then believed that Sandusky was not a molester. That's why no one went to the police. Adoption agencies let this guy adopt 6 kids. His charity knew he showered with a boy, and didn't think he was a molester but maybe had boundary issues that needed to be addressed. People got fooled. But the media and others would rather believe that people knew and covered it up rather than being rational and seeing that child molesters are in our midst every day, and we can't easily see that. That scares people and pisses them off. 14. The NCAA had no business sticking their nose in this. The crimes were by a retired football coach in a non-football matter. This is not even close to SMU. There is so much more to this, and it is so complex. Hate on Penn State all you want, but they did not commit any crime. The only criminal in this was an ex-employee, Sandusky, who is in jail for life. |
TheDrizzle77 | 14 |
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I have watched several ECU and Ohio games last two years. I know what the teams can do and not do. Tettleton looked like he would be another MAC QB stud but regressed this year. In any event, there is absolutely NO reason ECU should not be killing this team. Ohio is NOT good. How they are in a bowl at all speaks volumes to what a joke accomplishment a bowl game really is in general. I don't think these ECU players give a rats behind. Once they blew the 14-0 lead, they can't do anything against a terrible defense. You can't cap some of this crud - it's a coin flip. You can do all the research you want, watch all the games you want, but in the end, lot of these games are just pure luck - a coin flip. ECU is way better than Ohio, but they are playing like absolute morons. How they don't have 30 points up yet is bs - zero excuse for this performance.
Vic-Vega | 156 |
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