I don't think it's rigged, but Dallas made an unforced error to lose the game.
Kicking game is risky, anything can happen, i.e. he was supposed to make the kick and they would of won.
The better point would of been if they didn't review the first down they gave Dallas. That's usually the kind of thing they apologize for the next day. Ya know, "the play should of been reviewed...sorry."
The theory just happened to be 3-1 ATS. Anyone in this thread not like winning 75%

I liked the idea of using the Colts, they were a bargain at home -7, they were only 8-0.
The media chimed in plenty all week about how would they stop Johnson, blah, blah, blah.
Another good sign.
The league loves having Indy at Baltimore next week as well (I'm from Baltimore).
I'm biased but thats a great f'in game.
I got Dallas +3. They should of won the game. I feel bad for the ML bettors. That was their game.
I took a flyer on the Jets, I knew it was a sucker line but I had to be a sucker. The backward lateral did them in. They were jamming it down NE's throat up until that. Why have a play with a guy that can't break a pane of glass throwing it behind the line of scrimmage. Also since the players are paid millions, do you think they'd react to the ball being behind the line. I guess thats not on the Wonderlich test.
I used the Giants. A New York team, the other one already out. They'd be in this game.
Nice thing about the 4 games, you won 3 of them pretty easily and was in the 4th until the 4th quarter.
We wouldn't have to work everyday if we'd win 3 of 4.
Next Week:
I still believe Peyton Manning will get every opportunity to advance. The Ravens will be up however.
I was there on 9/11 2005, f'in loud, Extremely loud. If weather is cold, that'd help the Ravens immensely.
If it's nice out, not good for the Ravens. Lucky noone can control the weather (except in New England).
Philly has experience across the board but the Saints are having their way this year. I think it's time for it to end for them, but the Katrina angle might take it farther. These two played a great game earlier in the year, I used the ML on the Saints, they were a small dog at home and won on a last second field goal.
Philly looks damn good now, this looks like the game to stay away from.
Sea at Chi. Chicago drilled them earlier, I think it's time for Seattle to go away too. Now you gotta bet on Grossman, that's a great incentive. What's this guy gonna do? I can't take Seattle.
NE at SD. NE's clicking pretty well. SD hasn't looked that great as of late. It's all about NE stopping the run and daring Rivers to beat them. The defense didn't look good against the Jets. Tough game.
GL next week.