Quote Originally Posted by Titan65:
1) In my opinion there's no shame in questioning 9/11. Your attitude and candor towards the events are evident that you would blindly accept anything that occurs in front of your face even if there are gaping wounds in the event itself or the theory. Nothing is impossible and for people to question the government whether they allowed the attacks to happen, turned a blind eye on them, or perpetrated the attacks itself is not only acceptable but highly difficult to avoid. There is plenty of viable and reliable revisionist history that points out and uncovers that the government was aware of the Pearl Harbor attacks and offered no warning and little preparation to those that perished in the navy that day.
2) It didn't need to snow in New England for the game to be fixed. In fact, Oakland could have very well won the game but won on a fluky field goal thus saving the NFL and which ever other entities that wanted a team named the Patriots in the Super Bowl. In fact, they spruced up an old rule and switched around the meaning of it following the season in order to give the Pats the victory. Oh, and never mind the fact that the Patriot defensive backs were allowed to manhandle those receivers in the Super Bowl. Don't you recognize coincidences, especially those so conveniently exposed?
3) The Patriots are the obvious choice. Judging by the governments appropriations for homeland security expenditures towards New York City and State, it is obvious no one gives a rip about New York. Don't seem to recall rallying cries involving the blood of giants anywhere, so you know.
4) Houston taking Williams over Bush stinks on many levels, including Charlie Casserly stepping down immediately following the pick. They knew Dominick Davis and their offense was stagnant. Why take a defensive player, especially a young, spotty end who no one had number one (no one reliable) on their draft boards? Don't give me that Mel Kiper bullshit either.
1. As far as the governmet comment, there is only one fact that I don't believe, I think the third plane got shot down and not overrun by the passangers, this was covered up for understandable reasons. Shooting down a passanger jet is not a good move to rally the people. Were they looking for a reason to go to war, I would say so. Did they know it was comming, according to the documets found afterwards, Yes. Did they physically plant bombs in the buildings or shoot a missle into the Pentagon, No, that is ridiculous and its the only part that the conspericy guys hang their hat on. I think it's obvious that we were looking to start a fight and it's a pretty known fact that the government knew it was comming so I dont' think you can call that part a conspericy. I am not a Rep or Dem, I'm a realist. I'm really not sure how you can disprove something that never happened. So many people would have had to been in on it, not just government people, it would have leaked. For christ sakes, we have cell phone footage of Saddam a day after it happened. And to that, Bring the Boys Home
2. There is no way that the refs could think that fast on their feet to pull out a rule that wasn't there in order to let the Pats win. If I remember it correctly, he made a decisive call quickly which tells me that he knew the rule and he just enforced it. I totally disagree with the call but that was the rule. There are rule books and analysts read it right on the air.
3. I don't know how to reply because it's not fixed
4.I agree that Bush is the better player but RB's in this league are a dime a dozen compared to DE. He was a combine freak and that makes the GM's wet. It never equates to making the right pick but you see it every year some guy who runs a fast 40 and can jump over a building, gets drafted high and doesn't amount to much. I won't make my decision for a little bit because 1 year's not enough. Besides many things, the Texans need an offensive line more than a RB.
You are picking out one, one thousanth of the scenerio that has to happen, in order to fix a season.
(Disclaimer on the last SB, that might have been fixed
