Quote Originally Posted by Mako-CV:
Thanks Max, best of luck, will be tailing.
Anyway, good stuff either way, thanks again Gian and Max for a nice ride.
All of the thanks goes to Gian. All of it! He discovered the system. I couldn't have done it in a million years. I don't have that kind of creative mind, with ground-breaking ideas. The only reason I mentioned the work that I've done the last two months is to emphasize how much GianFranco has done for 3 years! The work, the discipline, the dedication, the generosity--to me it is amazing. As I have said, the workload is overwhelming--there are at least 13 variables that go into it--and I never could have come up with it in the first place. More importantly, he has shared with us the fruit of his labor. I couldn't have done that either. After working so diligently and so long on it, I would have kept the results to myself and not shared them with the BazookaJoes of the world. It is the rarest of persons who would be willing to open the door of his gold mine to hundreds, or thousands, of strangers, and say, "Here it is, come join in the bounty." Yes, all of the thanks goes to GianFranco.
To those who have asked to "friend" me, please wait until I am a little less busy. To Sticks93, thank you for the explanation. I understand what you're saying, but I would not feel right starting my own thread wherein I am basically using GianFranco's system. Yet, it's not fair to him for me to mix my results with his. I won't add my plays to his totals, nor will I keep a running total of my plays. Someone else can do one of those things if they wish.
Two more things. First, I want to mention that if I didn't have access to a Watson-like computer through the firm where I have worked for a very long time, I never could have replicated the GF1114 System. Secondly, please proceed cautiously. Tonight's plays don't look that good to me. San Antonio's defense is the best in the league and the last game I lost both halves tailing GianFranco was a very low scoring Clippers game. But I see some hitch or snag in every play. Somehow, the GF1114 System seems to keep running smoothly. Jump on or off whenever you want. I will stay at the helm until GianFranco tells me to step down or until the end of March Madness, whichever comes first.
Oh, one more thing. Because of the earlier interruptions, I didn't have enough time to evaluate every game. I had only looked at the bottom four games before I became discouraged by some of the comments. There were probably at least three or four more plays, and they might have been stronger than the two I posted. From now on I'll be on top of it, I'll find the time to evaluate every game, I'll only post the plays, without reading or making comments, I won't have any typos, and I'll do my best to share GianFranco's vision with you. Thank you to those of you who wrote positive comments, and one last thank you to GianFranco--we all want you to come back soon!