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@Midnight1 As I expected, there are some early moves I support, and some I don't. It will be interesting to see where we stand after year one. |
Midnight1 | 193 |
Quote Originally Posted by thirdperson:
Quote Originally Posted by Midnight1: -- DJT Sure, diss our closest ally. You're smart enough to know that's not a good idea. Midnight1 is right. US is stronger with allies instead of none. NATO has proven to be the most successful defensive alliance in history. But deluded Trump sees allies as no better than enemies. He thinks the world is ripping off the US when the opposite is true. As a demagogue, he appeals to the ignorance and prejudice of voters. And how is the opposite true. Alliances like NATO, the Paris Accord, etc base contributions on GDP. It will always fall to us to fund these things, and we really don't see return on our investment. It's time we rethink out alliances. We'll provide military support to countries who present some strategic advantage to us, usually based solely on their geographic region. What we shouldn't be is the worlds military. It's a back breaking expense and it doesn't make us safer. It outs us more at risk by antagonizing other military super powers. Honest question. Do you believe supporting Ukraine made us safer, or more at risk? |
Midnight1 | 64 |
Quote Originally Posted by thirdperson:
Quote Originally Posted by Midnight1: -- DJT Sure, diss our closest ally. You're smart enough to know that's not a good idea. Midnight1 is right. US is stronger with allies instead of none. NATO has proven to be the most successful defensive alliance in history. But deluded Trump sees allies as no better than enemies. He thinks the world is ripping off the US when the opposite is true. As a demagogue, he appeals to the ignorance and prejudice of voters. Successful in that it allows us to better defend other countries. It is a very one-sided alliance. |
Midnight1 | 64 |
Quote Originally Posted by wallstreetcappers:
If the purpose for a reply in a partisan thread is to antagonize and provoke, why make it? You right guys have several threads to poke around in and I just do not see a single purpose for digging responses, even if the OP tolerates such things.
Is this forum meant for discourse and debate, or is it meant to be an echo chamber? |
Midnight1 | 193 |
Quote Originally Posted by Midnight1:
INTERESTING TIDBIT ABOUT THE NEWS PRESS SECRETARY: She announced her engagement to a guy 32 years older than her on Christmas Day in 2023. In July of 24, she gave birth to their son. So with her wonderful Christian values, she got knocked up out of wedlock. So when the kid turns 20, his old man will be 79. Oh yea, she went to college on a softball scholarship. Crazy watching liberals get all judgemental. Her marriage, and her faith, in her business. It's 2025. People get have sex before marriage. At least the baby wasn't born out of wedlock. I'm sure she's not getting excommunicated for getting pregnant before marriage and questioning someone's faith based on such a thing, a person who grew up in the church and went to Catholic school, is borderline blasphemy. Only God can judge. Not internet haters. |
Midnight1 | 193 |
Quote Originally Posted by Midnight1:
Quote Originally Posted by StumpTownStu: Quote Originally Posted by Midnight1: Quote Originally Posted by scooby-doos: Stu.. You put an ordinary joe instead of Trump, none of this exists. It's purely horsecrap and political and most realize that. An ordinary Joe would be serving time. They wouldn't though. Emphatically, they wouldn't. Even if that woman comes forward within the statute of limitations, no criminal court would evet draw charges forva case where there's zero evidence. Are you trying to imply that Trump got preferential treatment in a New York court? You can't be serious. Preferential treatment??? Nah, the jury found that he committed sexual abuse in the Caroll case & he's a 32 time convicted felon. With this record, a regular Joe would be in prison. One was white collar crime. There are dudes getting leniency for gun charges. Armed robberies. As far as the other thing, when there is zero evidence, the court won't even bring charges. If the E.Jean Carroll thing was a criminal matter, it never goes to court. He's never even charged. She gets exposed as being an unhinged, pathological liar. |
Midnight1 | 64 |
Quote Originally Posted by Midnight1:
Quote Originally Posted by scooby-doos: Stu.. You put an ordinary joe instead of Trump, none of this exists. It's purely horsecrap and political and most realize that. An ordinary Joe would be serving time. They wouldn't though. Emphatically, they wouldn't. Even if that woman comes forward within the statute of limitations, no criminal court would evet draw charges forva case where there's zero evidence. Are you trying to imply that Trump got preferential treatment in a New York court? You can't be serious. |
Midnight1 | 64 |
Quote Originally Posted by SarasotaSlim:
Quote Originally Posted by fubah2: Quote Originally Posted by Midnight1: The POS made his first calls as President to Saudi Arabia & El Salvador. That tells me all I need to know about who HE considers his allies. @StumpTownStu Here are a few @THEMUGG Didn't he tell us "They let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the..." Keep up the great reporting, Midnight1 From my experiences ............That's a true statement.. |
Midnight1 | 64 |
In those conditions, fire spreads incredibly fast. The high winds prevented the use of helicopters early on, which would've made a huge difference. The majority ofnthe state, save for the Sacramento/San Joaquin valley, is hilly ot mountainous. Terrain poses issues. High winds posed issues. And an overloaded utility system exacerbated everything. So of course somethings could've been done differently, and some mistakes were probably made, but not to the level that is being made out in the media. |
Midnight1 | 193 |
Quote Originally Posted by scooby-doos:
Stu.. You put an ordinary joe instead of Trump, none of this exists. It's purely horsecrap and political and most realize that. Screw an ordinary Joe, even if Donald Trump himself was accused of this when it allegedly happened, the case never goes to trial. He's never brought up on charges. The case has too many holes. It's too unbelievable. There's no evidence. It was a civil case though, over 20 years later, and was always a witch hunt. Thst is a sick women. She wanted to write a book about how horrible men are, that's the premise. She looked around. Trump was in the midst of the Stormy Daniels controversy, which was consensual. She took a storyline from Law & Order and said he raped her in a bathroom. Les Moonves was caught up in his own scandal so she said he sexually assaulted her in an elevator. And not to be like that, but we're talking about a 50 something year old mildly unattractive woman that apparently guys couldn't keep their hands off of. Maybe she was attractive in her youth by some conventional standards, tall, skinny, face symmetry, but she wasn't what you would call a not 50+ year old. Not that you have to be hot to be assaulted but this notion that multiple men just couldn't control themselves around her is pure fiction. |
Midnight1 | 64 |
There's so much misinformation out there, and our president isn't helping. I appreciate our president because he's willibg to ask why? He's not an expert on things but he'll ask, "Why can't we do this? Why don't we try that?" Sometimes the reason is simply bureaucracy and that's what needs to change but other times, it's simply that things are physically impossible. Or that he doesn't quite understand the issue. He'll talk about water being wasted by flowing into Pacific as if he doesn't understand how river systems work. Regardless of how many times to dam a creek or river, countless times all over California, water ultimately makes it's way to the ocean. He talks as if California diverts the water to the ocean, like just flushing it away. He talks about diverting the Columbia... First of all, the Columbia exists in Canada, Washington, and Oregon. Aside from California having no water rights to the Columbia, I don't know what engineering marvel could be conceived to move that water 1000 miles to LA. It would cost hundreds of billions, possibly a trillion dollars to construct such an aqueduct, if even at all possible. |
Midnight1 | 193 |
The problem isn't storage capacity. It's usage. Too much of the water is used to grow almonds for China, grain for Saudis, and too much is bottled by water conglomerates like Nestlé. This is all fact. Also fact is that all the water in the world wasn't preventing those fires. Most of SoCal is what we'd call a semi-arid chaparral environment. It's boderline desert. And then you have the Inland Empire (Palm Springs, for example) which is actual desert. So you have desert to the east of the mountains, and semi-arid desert adjacent to the west. With that chaparral environment comes drought resistant shrubby/bushy plants, and weedy grasses. The type of plant that thrives in such an environment. You pull it, hack it down, it grows right back. They don't need much water and when the rare rain storm comes, the shit explodes. Mitigating some of this stuff is next to impossible. You here people talk about controlled burns. You don't typically see controlled burns that close to densely populated neighborhoods in an area known for dry conditions, both dry vegetation and and warm dry winds. I guess you could hack everything down and concrete over but then you lose canopy, oxygenation, etc. And overall esthetic. People choose to live in such places for a reason. |
Midnight1 | 193 |
Quote Originally Posted by UNIMAN: Flow data shows about 6 months of flows above drought or low flow conditions. Only makes sense capturing and storing water during these times is key. Never enough storage capacity. You posted a flow chart for the Sacramento River. Do you realize the amount of Sacramento River water that is stored? Some of our major dams are impoundments of the Sacramento River or it's tributaries. Where do you think another dam is gonna go? This is what I mean by people who don't understand the oroblem. You're my bro. I appreciate you. I respect you. You're one of a handful here I consider an actual friend but you just don't understand, with all due respect. |
Midnight1 | 193 |
Quote Originally Posted by UNIMAN:
Trust me, California has tons of reservoirs. The number of reservoirs is not the problem. OK, in 2014 voters approved $7.5 billion in watershed projects that included $4 billion for "drought preparedness" yet you say reservoirs not needed.
I didn't say more reservoirs are not needed per se. I said they're are tons of reservoirs in the state already, that up until the last couple years, filling the reservoirs that exist has been a problem. That even in years when the state gets rain, not every region, not every watershed gets rain,.no not every reservoirs fills. That when the Oroville dam failed, it costs a billion dollar just to fix it. People think three, or four, or seven billion equates to building a ton of reservoirs. It doesn't. I also believe people think reservoirs are just big buildings to store water. Overgrown swimming pools. Build them anywhere. They aren't. Infrastructure improvements may be needed but water storage capacity is not the problem. |
Midnight1 | 193 |
Quote Originally Posted by Midnight1:
@kcblitzkrieg The POS made his first calls as President to Saudi Arabia & El Salvador. That tells me all I need to know about who HE considers his allies. BTW..good for you finding the POS giggling! @StumpTownStu Here are a few @THEMUGG Didn't he tell us "They let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the..." I find it interesting, and maybe it's just a councidence, that aside from the instances I had already mentioned, every single one of these women "came forward" in 2016. Was there something significant about 2016? What happened in 2016. Look, to be clear, i'm not some Trump apologist. If he's really a creep, going around randomly kissing girls and putting them on the ass, I have no words for him. I find it interesting that not one of these pageant contestants came forward prior to 2016 but neither here nor there. My position has never had anything to do with other accusations. I don't believe he raped E.Jean Carroll in a Bergdorf dressing room. Her story has too many inconsistencies, and sounds made up. And it's eerily similar to a Law & Order episode. The woman can't even remember in what month/year it allegedly happened. "Maybe it was fall of this year. Maybe it was spring of that year." You never see that. Repressed memories aren't really a thing. Most psychologist agree. Sometimes a child may have a traumatic experience that they are too young to understand, and as they get older, and gain ubderstanding, it takes the form of a "repressed memory" but rape victims don't forget when they were raped. She knows that if she narrowed it down, it would give him the opportunity to possibly show that he wasn’t even in town. Ao she creates an essentially 9 month window. I won't go into all the inconsistencies because I know Democrats don't really care about the truth. They just want to call him a rapist. That's why the judge came out and said thst whst he was found liable for doesn't constitute rape under New York law but it should be viewed as such. There is a lot to unpack in that statement. E.Jean Carroll accused him of rape. She said he penetrated her first withbhis fingers, and then his penis. Even the jury that awarded her a settlement ruled that it was unlikely, but gave her the finger part. The very jury that ruled for her didn't even fully believe her story. Let that sink in. Usually a rape accuser is believed, or disbelieved. They didn't believe her. Her story just doesn't add up but they threw her a consolation prize. E.Jean Carroll is a sick woman. We read a lot memoirs in my house, my wife especially. Life stories of regular people often faced with horrifying circumstances. I have read many accounts of rape. Nobody writes about the experience like that woman. It's like a harlequin novel. The woman is a writer. She wrote a story. Democrats, 99.9% of which never read her account, ate it up because they wanted to believe. If Donald Trump is going around groping women and giving them unsolicited kisses, then he is a horrible human being and should be punished in this life or the next but that is a far cry from raping a chick you barely know in a department store dressing room. Democrats though. They want you to believe DONALD J. TRUMP, one of the most recognized faces in the country, certainly New York, even before politics walked into Bergdorf and raped a chick in a dressing room, then slipped out undetected. Ok. |
Midnight1 | 64 |
Quote Originally Posted by UNIMAN:
Quote Originally Posted by PeterBlack: @UNIMAN Are you absolutely insane man?!! you just spent that time copying and pasting all of that bull-shit?!! Like it is just so easy to flow the water down from all over the Pacific Northwest and Northern CA, and that the liberals have/are somehow trying to stop it?? are you phucking nuts??!! are you that brain-washed?? Have you heard of droughts?? These affect the level of water in reservoirs over time. And you show-up like a 5th grade kid turning in your report? your ignorance make me sick. Things are going to get really, really bad in this country, before any "winning" is done. Winning ( sad sack of shit!?) that is what this about??winning?? are we at war with one another...what are you winning anyway? Meals on Wheels, Head Start, medicaid etc...etc...those are the hundreds of thousands that you are winning over and beating?!!! those that are truly in need and cannot afford to provide some things to their families. Did posting a Trump executive order drive you so crazy it forced you to post? When did I use the word "winning"? I have medicad/medicare and sorry, the sky isn't falling. California voters passed a prop in 2014 to spend billions ($7.5 bil) on water projects. NOT ONE has even started construction nine years later. There's no excuse for that. Storing water is the key yet they have done nothing. The last year and a half California had ample rainfall that could have filled new reservoirs had they been built. Just like Joe and his billions on EV charging stations throughout the country. Even a 5th grader would recognize idiots tripping over their own bloated regulations time and time again and getting nothing done.
I don't think you realize how many reservoirs there are in California, and what building a new one involves. And wbile California has received rain in the last year, the last two actually, it has been in the form of a few mega storms, and not sustained rain as needed. And when it has rained, southern California has mostly missed out. Trust me, California has tons of reservoirs. The number of reservoirs is not the problem. |
Midnight1 | 193 |
Quote Originally Posted by thirdperson:
Quote Originally Posted by StumpTownStu: Fentanly trafficked over the southern border by illegal immigrants. Vast majority (80-95%) of fentanyl is trafficked by US citizens at legal ports of entry according to Homeland security department.. They are less likely to be stopped at border. In the long term, all immigration has overall positive impact on US economy according to National academy of sciences. Immigrants pay more in taxes than what they receive in government benefits. Doing jobs that even poor Americans don't want to do. You're wrong. |
cd329 | 94 |
Quote Originally Posted by fubah2:
Price of coffee going UP! Thanks to the CONVICTED FELON New York CNN — Coffee prices hit a new high Monday, the day after President Donald Trump threatened – and then reversed course on – a 25% tariff on Colombia. Even though the tariff never went into effect, the mere THREAT sent nerves racing throughout the coffee market, causing the prices to rise. Colombia is the third largest coffee-producing country in the world, behind Brazil and Vietnam.
My coffee doesn't come from Columbia. Don't bury the lead. Why did he threaten tariffs? They threatened to not land our planes land. And what was on those planes? Illegals. That's called follwing through with a campaign promise. |
fubah2 | 194 |
Quote Originally Posted by fubah2:
Quote Originally Posted by thirdperson: Midnight1 is right. Multiple vaccinations are routine job requirements in military. Cowards shouldn't be in the US military. The CONVICTED FELON & disgusting SEX-OFFENDER - a known draft-dodger - has now not only enabled cowardice in our military, but the asshole-in-Chief has actually REWARDED it! I'm finding it hard to take you seriously. |
Midnight1 | 193 |
@thirdperson I'm really trying to stay off of this subject as to not offend any of my brothers who find the topic sensitive. I eill just say this. At the point of it's release, the covid vaccine was more akin to a yearly flu vaccine as opposed to the targeted, strain specific vaccine it was intended to be. Flu vaccine manufactures produce yearly versions based on estimates. They, like all of us, know that every year we're going to see some variant of the flu. So based on available data, based on mutation models, they make an educated guess on what that new variant will be. It's characteristics, how it will act, etc. If they come up with a vaccine that's 60% effective, hey, that's a win. Sometimes it's 40%. Sometimes it's 70% but just the same, sometimes it's 20%. When they whiff, for certain segments of the population, healthcare workers, the elderly, it's still better than nothing. That's akin to the impact of the covid 19 vaccine. For those who are elderly, those with comorbidities, heathcare workers, airline workers, etc, it was potentially a life saver. For the average human of moderate health, it probably didn't make much of a difference. You can interpret data in many ways. There are ways to interpret the data that say the number of vaccinated deaths could be attributed to a higher rate of vaccination amongst the elderly and those with existing conditions, or even the a higher percentage of the general population being vaccinated than not. You could also, using those same numbers, extrapolate that covid killed who it was gonna kill. It killed the elderly. It killed those with pre-existing conditions. It killed those who were susceptible. There were outliers, of course. There's no exact science to how these things affect a given person. There were plenty of generally healthy people who died from covid but I would also say to that, there are people who are, for all intents and purposes, healthy yet who sometimes harbor unknown conditions and/or genetic markers that make said seemingly healthy person potentially susceptible. This is what I know to be unequivocally factual. There is no available data that proves the covid 19 vaccine to be successful. When you throw around numbers, estimates, on the lives it potentially saved, those numbers are pure conjecture. And frankly, covid didn't go away. It just became endemic. I caught a cold last week that was probably covid. I didn't even test, even though I have boxes if tests in my linen closet. There's probably 100 tests in there, though some are expired. It's unnecessary. I travel a lot. People are always sick at airports and on planes. I caught a cold. Was it covid? Possibly. Probably. It doesn't make a difference one way or another than a common cold caused by rhinovirus. A virus doesn't typically reach that point, becoming endemic through vaccination. It comes from herd immunity because it is not through just human immunity but also the virus itself getting the opportunity to spread and mutate into less deadly variants. Deadly variants of respiratory viruses are rare. Viruses don't want to kill their hosts. They want their hosts to help them spread and dead hosts don't socialize. Left to their own devices, deadly strains of respiratory viruses always fade in favor of less severe yet highly transmissible strains, such as Omicron. I mean, can one even categorize Omicron as SARS-CoV2? It doesn't cause SARS. |
Midnight1 | 193 |
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