i take the protection of my family very seriously as i'm sure you do as well, but your scenario is faulty, if a guy is walking toward you with a 10 inch knife, your life is not in danger, he may simply be walking around with a knife, perfectly legal, but someone with a gun in his pocket feel threatened and shoot him , whereas had he not been carrying that gun that guy may simply have walked right on by
Just because you don’t take the protection of your family seriously doesn’t mean that others who do are dumb or do dumb things.
“if you are walking to the corner store and some scumbag decides hes going to rob you, what are the chances hes going to announce it first? odds ar hes going to walk up to you in a non threatening manner stick a gun in your face and demand EVERYTHING in your pocket, including your gun.”
What’s your point? Unless you are the Bruce Lee wannabe from the first page you give him whatever he wants in that situation.
What ignorant people don’t realize is that carrying a gun doesn’t mean you use it at the first sign of danger. It is simply another tool you can use to give yourself and your family the best chance of survival.
If someone has a gun pointed in your face and demands your wallet = give him your wallet.
If someone walking towards you pulls a knife 10+ yards away = pull your gun and take it from there.
Again, it’s just about giving yourself and your family the best chance of survival. Just because that might not be something you care about doesn’t mean others shouldn’t be allowed to protect their loved ones.