Here's a humbling thought for my atheist friends. Our relevance to the Universe is like a grain of sand on the beach of the planet Earth. Think about that the next time you start espousing your scientific theories and the nonexistence of God. You and your thoughts about the non existence of God is about as important as that grain of sand. Quite humbling actually.
It's actually a lot smaller than that, but this has nothing to do with anything. I know the universe is massive. The only thing I know I'll die regretting is that I can't see it all (or at least I doubt I'll be able to).
Quote Originally Posted by smoothd20:
Here's a humbling thought for my atheist friends. Our relevance to the Universe is like a grain of sand on the beach of the planet Earth. Think about that the next time you start espousing your scientific theories and the nonexistence of God. You and your thoughts about the non existence of God is about as important as that grain of sand. Quite humbling actually.
It's actually a lot smaller than that, but this has nothing to do with anything. I know the universe is massive. The only thing I know I'll die regretting is that I can't see it all (or at least I doubt I'll be able to).
I was raised christian. I think I stopped believing near the end of grammar school. I have 2 brothers and a sister, none of which believe anymore.
And before you say I must have experienced something to make all of us stop believing, but that isn't the truth. I have a very full and happy family. My mother believes and my father doesn't care lol
Quote Originally Posted by Mikniks:
I was raised christian. I think I stopped believing near the end of grammar school. I have 2 brothers and a sister, none of which believe anymore.
And before you say I must have experienced something to make all of us stop believing, but that isn't the truth. I have a very full and happy family. My mother believes and my father doesn't care lol
And I have admitted I don't have all the answers. You are the one claiming to have the answers when you have absolutely no idea what they are...
I have never proclaimed to have a smidgen of answers. Read my posts. The only answer I know for a fact is that God is and therefore I AM. But you don't understand that because you're caught up. You have an empty life Mikniks. That's is why you're here everyday around the clock trying to convince yourself that God doesn't exist. If you truly believe that. Why keep coming on this thread and debating something you don't believe in. I dont debate Mormons about Joseph Smith. I know Joseph Smith wasn't a messenger from God but I'm not going to debate my Mormon friends because that's their deal. They're still my friends and I know they believe in God. We may not see eye to eye on some of their deals but it's no concern to me. But you! You find it necessary to debate constantly about a God you say doens't exist. Who are you trying to convince us or yourself. This is a war that you fight within you my friend. The Christians and theist on this thread are believers and nothing you or your atheist friends can say or do will ever change that. Our faith is strong. Your faith in atheism is weak and you know it. You're searching and you don't know what you're searching for. Go withing Mikniks. Don't take my word for it. Go within and God will meet you at your level of understanding. I will pray for you that you find what you're searching for. Put your pride aside and seek him that loves you. Seek that one that created your spirit. The one that gave you the freedom to doubt his very existence. You can do it Mikniks. God gave you the strength to overcome the doubts that besiege you daily. Many people have come from atheists background and have softened their heart. It's like you're having a bad dream and forgot who you really are. Wakeup from the nightmare that is your life and go within friend. Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. Praise God. Praise his holy name!!! amen.
Quote Originally Posted by Mikniks:
And I have admitted I don't have all the answers. You are the one claiming to have the answers when you have absolutely no idea what they are...
I have never proclaimed to have a smidgen of answers. Read my posts. The only answer I know for a fact is that God is and therefore I AM. But you don't understand that because you're caught up. You have an empty life Mikniks. That's is why you're here everyday around the clock trying to convince yourself that God doesn't exist. If you truly believe that. Why keep coming on this thread and debating something you don't believe in. I dont debate Mormons about Joseph Smith. I know Joseph Smith wasn't a messenger from God but I'm not going to debate my Mormon friends because that's their deal. They're still my friends and I know they believe in God. We may not see eye to eye on some of their deals but it's no concern to me. But you! You find it necessary to debate constantly about a God you say doens't exist. Who are you trying to convince us or yourself. This is a war that you fight within you my friend. The Christians and theist on this thread are believers and nothing you or your atheist friends can say or do will ever change that. Our faith is strong. Your faith in atheism is weak and you know it. You're searching and you don't know what you're searching for. Go withing Mikniks. Don't take my word for it. Go within and God will meet you at your level of understanding. I will pray for you that you find what you're searching for. Put your pride aside and seek him that loves you. Seek that one that created your spirit. The one that gave you the freedom to doubt his very existence. You can do it Mikniks. God gave you the strength to overcome the doubts that besiege you daily. Many people have come from atheists background and have softened their heart. It's like you're having a bad dream and forgot who you really are. Wakeup from the nightmare that is your life and go within friend. Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. Praise God. Praise his holy name!!! amen.
I have never proclaimed to have a smidgen of answers. Read my posts. The only answer I know for a fact is that God is and therefore I AM. But you don't understand that because you're caught up. You have an empty life Mikniks. That's is why you're here everyday around the clock trying to convince yourself that God doesn't exist. If you truly believe that. Why keep coming on this thread and debating something you don't believe in. I dont debate Mormons about Joseph Smith. I know Joseph Smith wasn't a messenger from God but I'm not going to debate my Mormon friends because that's their deal. They're still my friends and I know they believe in God. We may not see eye to eye on some of their deals but it's no concern to me. But you! You find it necessary to debate constantly about a God you say doens't exist. Who are you trying to convince us or yourself. This is a war that you fight within you my friend. The Christians and theist on this thread are believers and nothing you or your atheist friends can say or do will ever change that. Our faith is strong. Your faith in atheism is weak and you know it. You're searching and you don't know what you're searching for. Go withing Mikniks. Don't take my word for it. Go within and God will meet you at your level of understanding. I will pray for you that you find what you're searching for. Put your pride aside and seek him that loves you. Seek that one that created your spirit. The one that gave you the freedom to doubt his very existence. You can do it Mikniks. God gave you the strength to overcome the doubts that besiege you daily. Many people have come from atheists background and have softened their heart. It's like you're having a bad dream and forgot who you really are. Wakeup from the nightmare that is your life and go within friend. Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. Praise God. Praise his holy name!!! amen.
I don't have an empty life at all. I'm very happy with my life. I'm certainly not looking to be converted. I don't believe in god and honestly I don't need god to get through life so I won't waste my time with it. I don't have an issue with believers. I have an issue with people who say they KNOW there is a god. You can believe whatever you want, but don't tell me you KNOW it is truth. It wouldn't bother me if someone told me they believed in Santa Claus, but don't tell me you KNOW Santa exists... That is my issue...
Quote Originally Posted by smoothd20:
I have never proclaimed to have a smidgen of answers. Read my posts. The only answer I know for a fact is that God is and therefore I AM. But you don't understand that because you're caught up. You have an empty life Mikniks. That's is why you're here everyday around the clock trying to convince yourself that God doesn't exist. If you truly believe that. Why keep coming on this thread and debating something you don't believe in. I dont debate Mormons about Joseph Smith. I know Joseph Smith wasn't a messenger from God but I'm not going to debate my Mormon friends because that's their deal. They're still my friends and I know they believe in God. We may not see eye to eye on some of their deals but it's no concern to me. But you! You find it necessary to debate constantly about a God you say doens't exist. Who are you trying to convince us or yourself. This is a war that you fight within you my friend. The Christians and theist on this thread are believers and nothing you or your atheist friends can say or do will ever change that. Our faith is strong. Your faith in atheism is weak and you know it. You're searching and you don't know what you're searching for. Go withing Mikniks. Don't take my word for it. Go within and God will meet you at your level of understanding. I will pray for you that you find what you're searching for. Put your pride aside and seek him that loves you. Seek that one that created your spirit. The one that gave you the freedom to doubt his very existence. You can do it Mikniks. God gave you the strength to overcome the doubts that besiege you daily. Many people have come from atheists background and have softened their heart. It's like you're having a bad dream and forgot who you really are. Wakeup from the nightmare that is your life and go within friend. Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. Praise God. Praise his holy name!!! amen.
I don't have an empty life at all. I'm very happy with my life. I'm certainly not looking to be converted. I don't believe in god and honestly I don't need god to get through life so I won't waste my time with it. I don't have an issue with believers. I have an issue with people who say they KNOW there is a god. You can believe whatever you want, but don't tell me you KNOW it is truth. It wouldn't bother me if someone told me they believed in Santa Claus, but don't tell me you KNOW Santa exists... That is my issue...
I wasn't doing deep soul searching for God at 22 either. You wait my friend, you will get smacked in a good way like I did. Just wait and see. Just leave your door cracked. Don't close it completely.
I wasn't doing deep soul searching for God at 22 either. You wait my friend, you will get smacked in a good way like I did. Just wait and see. Just leave your door cracked. Don't close it completely.
I know nothing and my life is meaningless without the love the one that created me. I know that God is real and I know that he sent his only Son Jesus Christ my brother to show us the way back home and paid the ultimate price by giving his very life so that that price wouldn't have to be paid again. I know that through Jesus that there is strength and power. I know that God the Father watches over us and cares for us. I know that Universal Law isn't a respecter of persons and that the law of Karma is God's way of keeping balance in the Universe. Cause and effect, karma, dharma, Whatever name you attach to it it's the same action/reaction. This is why truly evil people like Hitler and others have failed. Karma like the saying goes is a bitch. The bible says as a man soweth so shall he reap. (That's Karma) The boomerang theory (Karma) Everywhere you look God's Universal is in full effect. This is real not a coincidence.
If we decided to rob banks we would meet people who would help us in this endeavor. Suddenly our world would be full of people who could help make this goal real. Conversely at the same time God's Universal Law takes effect as well (Karma) so as soon we rob our first bank the wheels are set in motion. Events are then started that we have no control of as our action have caused a ripple effect in the Universe. We can either atone for this error or keep doing what we do. If we atone the penalty may be small but if we continue the effect grows even larger and eventually we will pay a price. Prison, injured or killed. Maybe something happens to our family like our kids. These events aren't coincidences but a result of Universal Law. That my friend is God in action. Believe it.
I know nothing and my life is meaningless without the love the one that created me. I know that God is real and I know that he sent his only Son Jesus Christ my brother to show us the way back home and paid the ultimate price by giving his very life so that that price wouldn't have to be paid again. I know that through Jesus that there is strength and power. I know that God the Father watches over us and cares for us. I know that Universal Law isn't a respecter of persons and that the law of Karma is God's way of keeping balance in the Universe. Cause and effect, karma, dharma, Whatever name you attach to it it's the same action/reaction. This is why truly evil people like Hitler and others have failed. Karma like the saying goes is a bitch. The bible says as a man soweth so shall he reap. (That's Karma) The boomerang theory (Karma) Everywhere you look God's Universal is in full effect. This is real not a coincidence.
If we decided to rob banks we would meet people who would help us in this endeavor. Suddenly our world would be full of people who could help make this goal real. Conversely at the same time God's Universal Law takes effect as well (Karma) so as soon we rob our first bank the wheels are set in motion. Events are then started that we have no control of as our action have caused a ripple effect in the Universe. We can either atone for this error or keep doing what we do. If we atone the penalty may be small but if we continue the effect grows even larger and eventually we will pay a price. Prison, injured or killed. Maybe something happens to our family like our kids. These events aren't coincidences but a result of Universal Law. That my friend is God in action. Believe it.
I know nothing and my life is meaningless without the love the one that created me. I know that God is real and I know that he sent his only Son Jesus Christ my brother to show us the way back home and paid the ultimate price by giving his very life so that that price wouldn't have to be paid again. I know that through Jesus that there is strength and power. I know that God the Father watches over us and cares for us. I know that Universal Law isn't a respecter of persons and that the law of Karma is God's way of keeping balance in the Universe. Cause and effect, karma, dharma, Whatever name you attach to it it's the same action/reaction. This is why truly evil people like Hitler and others have failed. Karma like the saying goes is a bitch. The bible says as a man soweth so shall he reap. (That's Karma) The boomerang theory (Karma) Everywhere you look God's Universal is in full effect. This is real not a coincidence.
If we decided to rob banks we would meet people who would help us in this endeavor. Suddenly our world would be full of people who could help make this goal real. Conversely at the same time God's Universal Law takes effect as well (Karma) so as soon we rob our first bank the wheels are set in motion. Events are then started that we have no control of as our action have caused a ripple effect in the Universe. We can either atone for this error or keep doing what we do. If we atone the penalty may be small but if we continue the effect grows even larger and eventually we will pay a price. Prison, injured or killed. Maybe something happens to our family like our kids. These events aren't coincidences but a result of Universal Law. That my friend is God in action. Believe it.
This is my last post before bed, but everything you said here is invalid. You clearly don't know the true meaning of Karma. I'll give you a hint, it doesn't mean what goes around comes around. This is a common misconception. If you believe in Karma, then you believe in reincarnation. Well, do you?
Quote Originally Posted by smoothd20:
I know nothing and my life is meaningless without the love the one that created me. I know that God is real and I know that he sent his only Son Jesus Christ my brother to show us the way back home and paid the ultimate price by giving his very life so that that price wouldn't have to be paid again. I know that through Jesus that there is strength and power. I know that God the Father watches over us and cares for us. I know that Universal Law isn't a respecter of persons and that the law of Karma is God's way of keeping balance in the Universe. Cause and effect, karma, dharma, Whatever name you attach to it it's the same action/reaction. This is why truly evil people like Hitler and others have failed. Karma like the saying goes is a bitch. The bible says as a man soweth so shall he reap. (That's Karma) The boomerang theory (Karma) Everywhere you look God's Universal is in full effect. This is real not a coincidence.
If we decided to rob banks we would meet people who would help us in this endeavor. Suddenly our world would be full of people who could help make this goal real. Conversely at the same time God's Universal Law takes effect as well (Karma) so as soon we rob our first bank the wheels are set in motion. Events are then started that we have no control of as our action have caused a ripple effect in the Universe. We can either atone for this error or keep doing what we do. If we atone the penalty may be small but if we continue the effect grows even larger and eventually we will pay a price. Prison, injured or killed. Maybe something happens to our family like our kids. These events aren't coincidences but a result of Universal Law. That my friend is God in action. Believe it.
This is my last post before bed, but everything you said here is invalid. You clearly don't know the true meaning of Karma. I'll give you a hint, it doesn't mean what goes around comes around. This is a common misconception. If you believe in Karma, then you believe in reincarnation. Well, do you?
Don't know what to tell you Mikniks. I don't know why that offends you so much but yes people do KNOW that there is a God. I didn't realize you were so young. Offensive is right you will learn and grow. At 22 you're probably having conflicting thoughts maybe coming from a strict religious upbringing I don't know. But I suggest when you feel ready, read the bible. Jesus went to parties and he drank wine. It's ok to do that in moderation. Everything in moderation. Jesus hung around with people that looked down upon, prostitutes, criminals, homeless people and yet he was the most powerful person on Earth. Like my Aunt says "Enjoy your life" Just because people believe in God doesn't mean your life has to be boring. Don't fall into that trap. Good night. BTW today Dec. 23 is my birthday so be nice to me. I turned 50 today and it's the first time I'm actually tripping off my age. I can't believe I'm 50. I don't look it and I don't feel it but that's the reality. God has bless me with 50 years on this planet and I hope he lets me stay here just a little bit longer. Good night everybody. God bless you all.
Don't know what to tell you Mikniks. I don't know why that offends you so much but yes people do KNOW that there is a God. I didn't realize you were so young. Offensive is right you will learn and grow. At 22 you're probably having conflicting thoughts maybe coming from a strict religious upbringing I don't know. But I suggest when you feel ready, read the bible. Jesus went to parties and he drank wine. It's ok to do that in moderation. Everything in moderation. Jesus hung around with people that looked down upon, prostitutes, criminals, homeless people and yet he was the most powerful person on Earth. Like my Aunt says "Enjoy your life" Just because people believe in God doesn't mean your life has to be boring. Don't fall into that trap. Good night. BTW today Dec. 23 is my birthday so be nice to me. I turned 50 today and it's the first time I'm actually tripping off my age. I can't believe I'm 50. I don't look it and I don't feel it but that's the reality. God has bless me with 50 years on this planet and I hope he lets me stay here just a little bit longer. Good night everybody. God bless you all.
You keep saying I believe something comes from nothing. I don't believe that. I don't necessarily believe in Hawking's theory either. I just acknowledge it as a possibility. So if you're telling me Hawking's "no boundaries" theory does not involve something coming from nothing, then you are the fool here who keeps proclaiming I believe something I do not.
One minute you are saying that you believe something can come from nithing, the next minute you say you dont, then the next minute you say you follow Hawking, the next minute you dont....What is wrong with you.....I have maintained my position the whole way through, Consistency is a very strong strong of a strong argument, you keep chopping and changing, back and forth.....Seriously, you are very confused.
Hawking said the universe created itself out of nothing, by nothing for nothing....Even his colleagues dont take hm seriously. Have a look at Sir Roger Penrose for example.
His use of the word nothing is misleading, the quantum vacum is not nothing, even a 10 year old can tell you this.
I will give some advice, type in William Lane Craig in you tube and follow his debates. He is a philosopher and he has debated the very best science has to offer including Professor Russell Kraus who is one on the smartest people in Physics in the world and Craig schools him. Krauss has NO answer or refutations to Craigs arguments including the beginning of the universe.
Craig wins 99% of his debates, even Richard Dawkins refuses to debate him even after being asked plenty of times, Dawkins refuses to debate him.
Have a look at Craig, seriously, you are confused mate. Just look at one of his debates and make up your mind....Its not too late.
You keep saying I believe something comes from nothing. I don't believe that. I don't necessarily believe in Hawking's theory either. I just acknowledge it as a possibility. So if you're telling me Hawking's "no boundaries" theory does not involve something coming from nothing, then you are the fool here who keeps proclaiming I believe something I do not.
One minute you are saying that you believe something can come from nithing, the next minute you say you dont, then the next minute you say you follow Hawking, the next minute you dont....What is wrong with you.....I have maintained my position the whole way through, Consistency is a very strong strong of a strong argument, you keep chopping and changing, back and forth.....Seriously, you are very confused.
Hawking said the universe created itself out of nothing, by nothing for nothing....Even his colleagues dont take hm seriously. Have a look at Sir Roger Penrose for example.
His use of the word nothing is misleading, the quantum vacum is not nothing, even a 10 year old can tell you this.
I will give some advice, type in William Lane Craig in you tube and follow his debates. He is a philosopher and he has debated the very best science has to offer including Professor Russell Kraus who is one on the smartest people in Physics in the world and Craig schools him. Krauss has NO answer or refutations to Craigs arguments including the beginning of the universe.
Craig wins 99% of his debates, even Richard Dawkins refuses to debate him even after being asked plenty of times, Dawkins refuses to debate him.
Have a look at Craig, seriously, you are confused mate. Just look at one of his debates and make up your mind....Its not too late.
It will happen. Like I said, leave your door cracked, just don't completely close it. I've experienced things in my life that have no scientific explanation and have only strengthened my faith. Things that have happened to me directly and to my family that are not passed down stories.
Your 22 bro, let some time pass.
It will happen. Like I said, leave your door cracked, just don't completely close it. I've experienced things in my life that have no scientific explanation and have only strengthened my faith. Things that have happened to me directly and to my family that are not passed down stories.
I have never proclaimed to have a smidgen of answers. Read my posts. The only answer I know for a fact is that God is and therefore I AM. But you don't understand that because you're caught up. You have an empty life Mikniks. That's is why you're here everyday around the clock trying to convince yourself that God doesn't exist. If you truly believe that. Why keep coming on this thread and debating something you don't believe in. I dont debate Mormons about Joseph Smith. I know Joseph Smith wasn't a messenger from God but I'm not going to debate my Mormon friends because that's their deal. They're still my friends and I know they believe in God. We may not see eye to eye on some of their deals but it's no concern to me. But you! You find it necessary to debate constantly about a God you say doens't exist. Who are you trying to convince us or yourself. This is a war that you fight within you my friend. The Christians and theist on this thread are believers and nothing you or your atheist friends can say or do will ever change that. Our faith is strong. Your faith in atheism is weak and you know it. You're searching and you don't know what you're searching for. Go withing Mikniks. Don't take my word for it. Go within and God will meet you at your level of understanding. I will pray for you that you find what you're searching for. Put your pride aside and seek him that loves you. Seek that one that created your spirit. The one that gave you the freedom to doubt his very existence. You can do it Mikniks. God gave you the strength to overcome the doubts that besiege you daily. Many people have come from atheists background and have softened their heart. It's like you're having a bad dream and forgot who you really are. Wakeup from the nightmare that is your life and go within friend. Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. Praise God. Praise his holy name!!! amen.
Very well said...
Quote Originally Posted by smoothd20:
I have never proclaimed to have a smidgen of answers. Read my posts. The only answer I know for a fact is that God is and therefore I AM. But you don't understand that because you're caught up. You have an empty life Mikniks. That's is why you're here everyday around the clock trying to convince yourself that God doesn't exist. If you truly believe that. Why keep coming on this thread and debating something you don't believe in. I dont debate Mormons about Joseph Smith. I know Joseph Smith wasn't a messenger from God but I'm not going to debate my Mormon friends because that's their deal. They're still my friends and I know they believe in God. We may not see eye to eye on some of their deals but it's no concern to me. But you! You find it necessary to debate constantly about a God you say doens't exist. Who are you trying to convince us or yourself. This is a war that you fight within you my friend. The Christians and theist on this thread are believers and nothing you or your atheist friends can say or do will ever change that. Our faith is strong. Your faith in atheism is weak and you know it. You're searching and you don't know what you're searching for. Go withing Mikniks. Don't take my word for it. Go within and God will meet you at your level of understanding. I will pray for you that you find what you're searching for. Put your pride aside and seek him that loves you. Seek that one that created your spirit. The one that gave you the freedom to doubt his very existence. You can do it Mikniks. God gave you the strength to overcome the doubts that besiege you daily. Many people have come from atheists background and have softened their heart. It's like you're having a bad dream and forgot who you really are. Wakeup from the nightmare that is your life and go within friend. Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. Praise God. Praise his holy name!!! amen.
This is my last post before bed, but everything you said here is invalid. You clearly don't know the true meaning of Karma. I'll give you a hint, it doesn't mean what goes around comes around. This is a common misconception. If you believe in Karma, then you believe in reincarnation. Well, do you?
You are sorely mistaken about Karma. Karma is a Cause and effect, Universal Law. You don't have to wait until a next life to catch Karma. Sometimes karma can be instant. You commit murder and that same day your entire family is wiped out in a car accident. That's Karma. Time is an illusion so whether the price is now or a thousand years from now. The price will be paid. No I fully understand the concept of Karma and I also understand Dharma. Something you're dealing with right now and the reason why you keep coming back here searching for answers and running away from your reality. Dharma. Look it up.
Quote Originally Posted by Mikniks:
This is my last post before bed, but everything you said here is invalid. You clearly don't know the true meaning of Karma. I'll give you a hint, it doesn't mean what goes around comes around. This is a common misconception. If you believe in Karma, then you believe in reincarnation. Well, do you?
You are sorely mistaken about Karma. Karma is a Cause and effect, Universal Law. You don't have to wait until a next life to catch Karma. Sometimes karma can be instant. You commit murder and that same day your entire family is wiped out in a car accident. That's Karma. Time is an illusion so whether the price is now or a thousand years from now. The price will be paid. No I fully understand the concept of Karma and I also understand Dharma. Something you're dealing with right now and the reason why you keep coming back here searching for answers and running away from your reality. Dharma. Look it up.
Thank you Rostos. You're a good man. May God bless you during this holiest of seasons. Bless you and your family so that you may continue to enlighten those dark souls that are stubborn and want to remain ignorant to the truth of God and his son Jesus Christ. Stay strong and know that you fight the good fight. Be well.
Quote Originally Posted by Rostos:
Very well said...
Thank you Rostos. You're a good man. May God bless you during this holiest of seasons. Bless you and your family so that you may continue to enlighten those dark souls that are stubborn and want to remain ignorant to the truth of God and his son Jesus Christ. Stay strong and know that you fight the good fight. Be well.
I don't have an empty life at all. I'm very happy with my life. I'm certainly not looking to be converted. I don't believe in god and honestly I don't need god to get through life so I won't waste my time with it. I don't have an issue with believers. I have an issue with people who say they KNOW there is a god. You can believe whatever you want, but don't tell me you KNOW it is truth. It wouldn't bother me if someone told me they believed in Santa Claus, but don't tell me you KNOW Santa exists... That is my issue...
But you are, you are here day and night arguing, sounds like you are spending alot of time here.....
This is not a personal attack, but one thing i have noticed the major difference between myself, Offensive, SJD , Matt and Smooth is that we are and have been very very consistent withour thoughts and arguments the whole way through. What i have noticed in particluar between you and especially KK is alot inconsintencies in your arguments. Again, not personal, but your logics and arguments are changing left right and centre. It is a sign of confusion mate, athesim is confusion because it is not logically consistent.
In this very thread youn said you arent spending time on God but you are here day and night. As smoothd said, even myself.
If i titled a thread called, Harry Potter is real and he really exists, i guarantee you, everyone will come on here and call me nuts and they will NEVER come back into this thread. 98% of people wouldnt even bother responding , cause they are totally secure within themselves that harry potter is not real, the 2% would simply just laugh at me.
This thread is 120 pages long...There is a reason why that is the case.
Quote Originally Posted by Mikniks:
I don't have an empty life at all. I'm very happy with my life. I'm certainly not looking to be converted. I don't believe in god and honestly I don't need god to get through life so I won't waste my time with it. I don't have an issue with believers. I have an issue with people who say they KNOW there is a god. You can believe whatever you want, but don't tell me you KNOW it is truth. It wouldn't bother me if someone told me they believed in Santa Claus, but don't tell me you KNOW Santa exists... That is my issue...
But you are, you are here day and night arguing, sounds like you are spending alot of time here.....
This is not a personal attack, but one thing i have noticed the major difference between myself, Offensive, SJD , Matt and Smooth is that we are and have been very very consistent withour thoughts and arguments the whole way through. What i have noticed in particluar between you and especially KK is alot inconsintencies in your arguments. Again, not personal, but your logics and arguments are changing left right and centre. It is a sign of confusion mate, athesim is confusion because it is not logically consistent.
In this very thread youn said you arent spending time on God but you are here day and night. As smoothd said, even myself.
If i titled a thread called, Harry Potter is real and he really exists, i guarantee you, everyone will come on here and call me nuts and they will NEVER come back into this thread. 98% of people wouldnt even bother responding , cause they are totally secure within themselves that harry potter is not real, the 2% would simply just laugh at me.
This thread is 120 pages long...There is a reason why that is the case.
there's an old saying...for those who believe no explanation is needed, for those who don't, none will do. most religeons are faith based, and faith is believing in that which CANNOT be proven, it's as simple as that
So you should acknowledge in real world decisions, a multitude of hokey beliefs should give way to information not based on individual wish fantasy, but hard data.
I'd rather be playing D&D.
Quote Originally Posted by tmstr929:
there's an old saying...for those who believe no explanation is needed, for those who don't, none will do. most religeons are faith based, and faith is believing in that which CANNOT be proven, it's as simple as that
So you should acknowledge in real world decisions, a multitude of hokey beliefs should give way to information not based on individual wish fantasy, but hard data.
Not that this matters because God is beyond time and space and He can manipulate scientific laws whenever He wishes to carry out His plan or prophecy.
But just to show you possibility
(4) Sperm whales are capable of swallowing humans. They live on squid, which they swallow whole. In 1955 a 405-pound squid was removed intact and alive from the belly of a sperm whale.
It actually would be possible to survive in a whale. There is air in the belly and the digestive breakdown would not occur with a prey still being alive.
Furthermore, there was no Hebrew translation so we say whale. The translation is closer to Sea Monster so we cannot really just say whale.
I believe it was Rostos that showed it would not take millions of animals to board Noah's Ark for species to survive. That's an easy one.
I doubt Jonah was obese, probably weighed a lot less than the 405 pound squid.
Not that this matters because God is beyond time and space and He can manipulate scientific laws whenever He wishes to carry out His plan or prophecy.
But just to show you possibility
(4) Sperm whales are capable of swallowing humans. They live on squid, which they swallow whole. In 1955 a 405-pound squid was removed intact and alive from the belly of a sperm whale.
It actually would be possible to survive in a whale. There is air in the belly and the digestive breakdown would not occur with a prey still being alive.
Furthermore, there was no Hebrew translation so we say whale. The translation is closer to Sea Monster so we cannot really just say whale.
I believe it was Rostos that showed it would not take millions of animals to board Noah's Ark for species to survive. That's an easy one.
I doubt Jonah was obese, probably weighed a lot less than the 405 pound squid.
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