The 10 commandments should all be followed with "...unless you ask for forgiveness" lol
The 10 commandments should all be followed with "...unless you ask for forgiveness" lol
Yes, everyone should follow the Ten Commandments but the thing is everyone of us has broken at least a few of these commandments which is a 100% certainty. So wtih that said, every single one of us should suffer eternal damnation in hell...I repeat every single one of us.
But because of the Lord's grace, He gives us salvation from our sins. In this way our sins are wiped clean off the slate and you become righteous again in His sight.
How you may ask does this forgiveness comes about?...through repentance, asking for forgiveness, and accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord Savior. Asking Jesus to come into your life to lead you into a righteous path. This is what they mean by "being born again".
This is how you begin the process of sinning no more. You can't keep on sinning and expect to be saved. You have to eventually stop your sinning ways and be saved.
It is very difficult to do this, that is why many will not be saved. Even Christians who go to church every sunday and worship the Lord, many of them will not be saved. (Matthew 7:21-23 explains this) also (Matthew 7:13-14 which is the Narrow Gate explains it as well)
Quote Originally Posted by KittyKatz286:
The 10 commandments should all be followed with "...unless you ask for forgiveness" lol
The 10 commandments should all be followed with "...unless you ask for forgiveness" lol
Yes, everyone should follow the Ten Commandments but the thing is everyone of us has broken at least a few of these commandments which is a 100% certainty. So wtih that said, every single one of us should suffer eternal damnation in hell...I repeat every single one of us.
But because of the Lord's grace, He gives us salvation from our sins. In this way our sins are wiped clean off the slate and you become righteous again in His sight.
How you may ask does this forgiveness comes about?...through repentance, asking for forgiveness, and accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord Savior. Asking Jesus to come into your life to lead you into a righteous path. This is what they mean by "being born again".
This is how you begin the process of sinning no more. You can't keep on sinning and expect to be saved. You have to eventually stop your sinning ways and be saved.
It is very difficult to do this, that is why many will not be saved. Even Christians who go to church every sunday and worship the Lord, many of them will not be saved. (Matthew 7:21-23 explains this) also (Matthew 7:13-14 which is the Narrow Gate explains it as well)
Even Christians who go to church every sunday and worship the Lord, many of them will not be saved. (Matthew 7:21-23 explains this) also (Matthew 7:13-14 which is the Narrow Gate explains it as well)
Using the bible to validate what the bible says is true, again.
See, this is very basic so you will probably miss it so i will use the small words. If I have a book which states water boils at temperature "x", and you then say prove it, I don't believe water boils at temperature "x" I would have to go about through the procedure in real life to demonstrate what I state in the book is true.
You make outrageous claims stating you know all about the true nature of reality, and then state the book you got them from is all the proof you need.
This is not proof. This is just noting the source of your ludicrous ideas.
This is not proof.
I'd rather be playing D&D.
Quote Originally Posted by SirJohnDrake:
Even Christians who go to church every sunday and worship the Lord, many of them will not be saved. (Matthew 7:21-23 explains this) also (Matthew 7:13-14 which is the Narrow Gate explains it as well)
Using the bible to validate what the bible says is true, again.
See, this is very basic so you will probably miss it so i will use the small words. If I have a book which states water boils at temperature "x", and you then say prove it, I don't believe water boils at temperature "x" I would have to go about through the procedure in real life to demonstrate what I state in the book is true.
You make outrageous claims stating you know all about the true nature of reality, and then state the book you got them from is all the proof you need.
This is not proof. This is just noting the source of your ludicrous ideas.
How did the writer of Genesis some 2000 years ago know that the universe had a beginning? Something that scientists with all the technology they have are only now able to confirm.
This is too rich not to bring back from the front. So Rostos is saying people didn't get around to contemplating the origins of the universe until the scientific method.
The writer 2,0000 years ago speculated on the origins of the universe, just like every other human being does since the dawn of time.
You see dumb shit, people have been asking questions on the origins of the universe for as long as people have been writing things down. The only difference between now, and then is we now have instruments in which to measure variations in temperature, velocity, mass, etc. It is the use of technology which has been able to determine whether or not the bat shit ideas people come up with are valid or not.
It is the scientific method, and technology which have been the only means in which people have been able to determine whether something is true or not. That is why most ideas people come up with on the true nature of the universe are wrong. They have no means of testing these ideas to find out if they are right.
Galilleo's telescope is a clear cut example. Many explinations for the reason behind the orbits of celestial bodies were available. Only the use of technology decided the issue. Decided it in such a convincing fashion that it change the way the entire planet looked at the universe.
This also proves ordinary people, their ideas, and efforts can change the beliefs of an entire species. It doesn't take magic.
I'd rather be playing D&D.
Quote Originally Posted by Rostos:
How did the writer of Genesis some 2000 years ago know that the universe had a beginning? Something that scientists with all the technology they have are only now able to confirm.
This is too rich not to bring back from the front. So Rostos is saying people didn't get around to contemplating the origins of the universe until the scientific method.
The writer 2,0000 years ago speculated on the origins of the universe, just like every other human being does since the dawn of time.
You see dumb shit, people have been asking questions on the origins of the universe for as long as people have been writing things down. The only difference between now, and then is we now have instruments in which to measure variations in temperature, velocity, mass, etc. It is the use of technology which has been able to determine whether or not the bat shit ideas people come up with are valid or not.
It is the scientific method, and technology which have been the only means in which people have been able to determine whether something is true or not. That is why most ideas people come up with on the true nature of the universe are wrong. They have no means of testing these ideas to find out if they are right.
Galilleo's telescope is a clear cut example. Many explinations for the reason behind the orbits of celestial bodies were available. Only the use of technology decided the issue. Decided it in such a convincing fashion that it change the way the entire planet looked at the universe.
This also proves ordinary people, their ideas, and efforts can change the beliefs of an entire species. It doesn't take magic.
My faith tells me the Holy Bible is true, while your faith tells you it is not let's leave at that...shall we?
I mean how are we going to prove or disprove get the picture?...
Human beings have shown again, and again the universe is understandable. And I would be happy to leave your preposterous ideas as such. You, and your fellow brothers are the ones coming on here insisting it is true, and there is ample proof.
At least you are man enough to step up and finally say this is a belief, and not established fact.
I'd rather be playing D&D.
Quote Originally Posted by SirJohnDrake:
My faith tells me the Holy Bible is true, while your faith tells you it is not let's leave at that...shall we?
I mean how are we going to prove or disprove get the picture?...
Human beings have shown again, and again the universe is understandable. And I would be happy to leave your preposterous ideas as such. You, and your fellow brothers are the ones coming on here insisting it is true, and there is ample proof.
At least you are man enough to step up and finally say this is a belief, and not established fact.
At least you are man enough to step up and finally say this is a belief, and not established fact.
I guess you haven't been keeping up with the entire thread. If you did you would have known that not a single one of us believers ever came on here to say it is fact what we believe in.
So if you had known this you would have known all along we have been preaching what our faith tells us and you wouldn't have made that statement above.
See what happens when you don't keep yourself in touch? You get the wrong impression or message.
Our beliefs come from several sources and not just by the Holy Bible alone. If one does his research one will find there are enough evidences to validate the claim that God indeed does exist.
The Christian faith, as most people know, got it roots started by the life, the ministry, the miracles and the resurrection of our Lord Savior Jesus Christ, He, alone bears the greatest reason why today there are over 2 billion practicing Christians worldwide which is just a tad over one-third of the entire world's population.
So my friend what is holding you back?
Quote Originally Posted by jagerfury:
At least you are man enough to step up and finally say this is a belief, and not established fact.
I guess you haven't been keeping up with the entire thread. If you did you would have known that not a single one of us believers ever came on here to say it is fact what we believe in.
So if you had known this you would have known all along we have been preaching what our faith tells us and you wouldn't have made that statement above.
See what happens when you don't keep yourself in touch? You get the wrong impression or message.
Our beliefs come from several sources and not just by the Holy Bible alone. If one does his research one will find there are enough evidences to validate the claim that God indeed does exist.
The Christian faith, as most people know, got it roots started by the life, the ministry, the miracles and the resurrection of our Lord Savior Jesus Christ, He, alone bears the greatest reason why today there are over 2 billion practicing Christians worldwide which is just a tad over one-third of the entire world's population.
...has no place in a discussion on the evidence, or lack thereof for the existence of god.
Glad we've reached an agreement. I think we can close the thread now, victory has been achieved!
Why are you and so many others so eager to end this thread?
It ends when it ends and not by people like you wanting it to end.
There is still a lot more to say as far as I am concerned. There are many posts that I haven't responded to as yet and so there is more work to be done.
So again, when it ends it ends.
Quote Originally Posted by jagerfury:
...has no place in a discussion on the evidence, or lack thereof for the existence of god.
Glad we've reached an agreement. I think we can close the thread now, victory has been achieved!
Why are you and so many others so eager to end this thread?
It ends when it ends and not by people like you wanting it to end.
There is still a lot more to say as far as I am concerned. There are many posts that I haven't responded to as yet and so there is more work to be done.
This is too rich not to bring back from the front. So Rostos is saying people didn't get around to contemplating the origins of the universe until the scientific method.
The writer 2,0000 years ago speculated on the origins of the universe, just like every other human being does since the dawn of time.
You see dumb shit, people have been asking questions on the origins of the universe for as long as people have been writing things down. The only difference between now, and then is we now have instruments in which to measure variations in temperature, velocity, mass, etc. It is the use of technology which has been able to determine whether or not the bat shit ideas people come up with are valid or not.
It is the scientific method, and technology which have been the only means in which people have been able to determine whether something is true or not. That is why most ideas people come up with on the true nature of the universe are wrong. They have no means of testing these ideas to find out if they are right.
Galilleo's telescope is a clear cut example. Many explinations for the reason behind the orbits of celestial bodies were available. Only the use of technology decided the issue. Decided it in such a convincing fashion that it change the way the entire planet looked at the universe.
This also proves ordinary people, their ideas, and efforts can change the beliefs of an entire species. It doesn't take magic.
If you had half a brain and did your research, you would have known until Hubbles discovery and Einsteins law of relativity, the GENERAL CONSENSUS and atheists nuber 1 argument was that the UNIVERSE WAS ETERNAL.......Do u know that what that means?
That is why it is seen amongst philosophy and scientific circles that when these discoveries were made , including second law of thermodynamics, it was seen as the theists "getting to the top of the mountain and seeing God there".
Learn your facts FIRST before you continue to make yourself look like a fool.......
Quote Originally Posted by jagerfury:
This is too rich not to bring back from the front. So Rostos is saying people didn't get around to contemplating the origins of the universe until the scientific method.
The writer 2,0000 years ago speculated on the origins of the universe, just like every other human being does since the dawn of time.
You see dumb shit, people have been asking questions on the origins of the universe for as long as people have been writing things down. The only difference between now, and then is we now have instruments in which to measure variations in temperature, velocity, mass, etc. It is the use of technology which has been able to determine whether or not the bat shit ideas people come up with are valid or not.
It is the scientific method, and technology which have been the only means in which people have been able to determine whether something is true or not. That is why most ideas people come up with on the true nature of the universe are wrong. They have no means of testing these ideas to find out if they are right.
Galilleo's telescope is a clear cut example. Many explinations for the reason behind the orbits of celestial bodies were available. Only the use of technology decided the issue. Decided it in such a convincing fashion that it change the way the entire planet looked at the universe.
This also proves ordinary people, their ideas, and efforts can change the beliefs of an entire species. It doesn't take magic.
If you had half a brain and did your research, you would have known until Hubbles discovery and Einsteins law of relativity, the GENERAL CONSENSUS and atheists nuber 1 argument was that the UNIVERSE WAS ETERNAL.......Do u know that what that means?
That is why it is seen amongst philosophy and scientific circles that when these discoveries were made , including second law of thermodynamics, it was seen as the theists "getting to the top of the mountain and seeing God there".
Learn your facts FIRST before you continue to make yourself look like a fool.......
I guess you haven't been keeping up with the entire thread. If you did you would have known that not a single one of us believers ever came on here to say it is fact what we believe in.
So if you had known this you would have known all along we have been preaching what our faith tells us and you wouldn't have made that statement above.
See what happens when you don't keep yourself in touch? You get the wrong impression or message.
Our beliefs come from several sources and not just by the Holy Bible alone. If one does his research one will find there are enough evidences to validate the claim that God indeed does exist.
The Christian faith, as most people know, got it roots started by the life, the ministry, the miracles and the resurrection of our Lord Savior Jesus Christ, He, alone bears the greatest reason why today there are over 2 billion practicing Christians worldwide which is just a tad over one-third of the entire world's population.
So my friend what is holding you back?
So much dodging and ducking, so much dodging and ducking......Jagefury' last response in regards to the origins of the universe just shows how much he is out of depth here, he is mentioning things that have zero impact on what we are arguing.....he is lost......I dont think he even knows what he is talking about.....
Quote Originally Posted by SirJohnDrake:
I guess you haven't been keeping up with the entire thread. If you did you would have known that not a single one of us believers ever came on here to say it is fact what we believe in.
So if you had known this you would have known all along we have been preaching what our faith tells us and you wouldn't have made that statement above.
See what happens when you don't keep yourself in touch? You get the wrong impression or message.
Our beliefs come from several sources and not just by the Holy Bible alone. If one does his research one will find there are enough evidences to validate the claim that God indeed does exist.
The Christian faith, as most people know, got it roots started by the life, the ministry, the miracles and the resurrection of our Lord Savior Jesus Christ, He, alone bears the greatest reason why today there are over 2 billion practicing Christians worldwide which is just a tad over one-third of the entire world's population.
So my friend what is holding you back?
So much dodging and ducking, so much dodging and ducking......Jagefury' last response in regards to the origins of the universe just shows how much he is out of depth here, he is mentioning things that have zero impact on what we are arguing.....he is lost......I dont think he even knows what he is talking about.....
So much dodging and ducking, so much dodging and ducking......Jagefury' last response in regards to the origins of the universe just shows how much he is out of depth here, he is mentioning things that have zero impact on what we are arguing.....he is lost......I dont think he even knows what he is talking about.....
Yes, I know, he along with others are just a confused bunch but hey at least they got guys like you and I and a few others to help them see the and to help lead them into the right path.
Quote Originally Posted by Rostos:
So much dodging and ducking, so much dodging and ducking......Jagefury' last response in regards to the origins of the universe just shows how much he is out of depth here, he is mentioning things that have zero impact on what we are arguing.....he is lost......I dont think he even knows what he is talking about.....
Yes, I know, he along with others are just a confused bunch but hey at least they got guys like you and I and a few others to help them see the and to help lead them into the right path.
Why is your god a jealous god? I would think a supreme being that created the earth and the universe wouldn't hold such human traits like jealousy, but yours does? Please explain.
Why is your god a jealous god? I would think a supreme being that created the earth and the universe wouldn't hold such human traits like jealousy, but yours does? Please explain.
Why is your god a jealous god? I would think a supreme being that created the earth and the universe wouldn't hold such human traits like jealousy, but yours does? Please explain.
Because man made god in his image lol
Quote Originally Posted by Drizle:
Why is your god a jealous god? I would think a supreme being that created the earth and the universe wouldn't hold such human traits like jealousy, but yours does? Please explain.
In a way you are right. They only want to debate non-believers. Which is fine. They have no interest in talking with people who believe in something different from them. It doesn't work for those types. I would assume that you don't believe in a higher power from what I've seen in your posts. The difference is I could have a normal discussion with you and not try to tell you I am right in my thoughts. Because in the end my thoughts are the same as anyone else's. All bullshit, cause no one knows.
Quote Originally Posted by Mikniks:
Because man made god in his image lol
In a way you are right. They only want to debate non-believers. Which is fine. They have no interest in talking with people who believe in something different from them. It doesn't work for those types. I would assume that you don't believe in a higher power from what I've seen in your posts. The difference is I could have a normal discussion with you and not try to tell you I am right in my thoughts. Because in the end my thoughts are the same as anyone else's. All bullshit, cause no one knows.
In a way you are right. They only want to debate non-believers. Which is fine. They have no interest in talking with people who believe in something different from them. It doesn't work for those types. I would assume that you don't believe in a higher power from what I've seen in your posts. The difference is I could have a normal discussion with you and not try to tell you I am right in my thoughts. Because in the end my thoughts are the same as anyone else's. All bullshit, cause no one knows.
That is what upsets me. You can believe whatever you want, but you can't tell me you KNOW you're right. You can't KNOW something if it is based on faith, but for some reason people continue to tell me so...
I'm sure you and I could have a civilized conversation. You seem like you have a good head on your shoulders. And you are correct in your assumption. I don't believe in a god, but I won't rule it out 100%. I'm open to all possibilities, because at this point no one can know...
Quote Originally Posted by Drizle:
In a way you are right. They only want to debate non-believers. Which is fine. They have no interest in talking with people who believe in something different from them. It doesn't work for those types. I would assume that you don't believe in a higher power from what I've seen in your posts. The difference is I could have a normal discussion with you and not try to tell you I am right in my thoughts. Because in the end my thoughts are the same as anyone else's. All bullshit, cause no one knows.
That is what upsets me. You can believe whatever you want, but you can't tell me you KNOW you're right. You can't KNOW something if it is based on faith, but for some reason people continue to tell me so...
I'm sure you and I could have a civilized conversation. You seem like you have a good head on your shoulders. And you are correct in your assumption. I don't believe in a god, but I won't rule it out 100%. I'm open to all possibilities, because at this point no one can know...
That is what upsets me. You can believe whatever you want, but you can't tell me you KNOW you're right. You can't KNOW something if it is based on faith, but for some reason people continue to tell me so...
I'm sure you and I could have a civilized conversation. You seem like you have a good head on your shoulders. And you are correct in your assumption. I don't believe in a god, but I won't rule it out 100%. I'm open to all possibilities, because at this point no one can know...
I hear you sir. Nothing to get upset about. With the higher power thing, do what you feel is right for you. It's your choice. No one knows. For myself, I just am trying to make sense of it all.
Quote Originally Posted by Mikniks:
That is what upsets me. You can believe whatever you want, but you can't tell me you KNOW you're right. You can't KNOW something if it is based on faith, but for some reason people continue to tell me so...
I'm sure you and I could have a civilized conversation. You seem like you have a good head on your shoulders. And you are correct in your assumption. I don't believe in a god, but I won't rule it out 100%. I'm open to all possibilities, because at this point no one can know...
I hear you sir. Nothing to get upset about. With the higher power thing, do what you feel is right for you. It's your choice. No one knows. For myself, I just am trying to make sense of it all.
I hear you sir. Nothing to get upset about. With the higher power thing, do what you feel is right for you. It's your choice. No one knows. For myself, I just am trying to make sense of it all.
I'm also trying to make sense of everything. It's so amazing that the human brain can't even fathom the vastness of the universe (at least mine can't anyway)... When I was younger I would stay up at night just trying to wrap my brain around it. Our existence is so meaningless in the grand scheme of things. It's truly remarkable. I'm just going to enjoy my life, and if there is a god and he can't understand why I didn't believe, then I'd rather be in hell because I don't want to be around someone like that. At least Satan is probably more understanding! Lol
Quote Originally Posted by Drizle:
I hear you sir. Nothing to get upset about. With the higher power thing, do what you feel is right for you. It's your choice. No one knows. For myself, I just am trying to make sense of it all.
I'm also trying to make sense of everything. It's so amazing that the human brain can't even fathom the vastness of the universe (at least mine can't anyway)... When I was younger I would stay up at night just trying to wrap my brain around it. Our existence is so meaningless in the grand scheme of things. It's truly remarkable. I'm just going to enjoy my life, and if there is a god and he can't understand why I didn't believe, then I'd rather be in hell because I don't want to be around someone like that. At least Satan is probably more understanding! Lol
That is what upsets me. You can believe whatever you want, but you can't tell me you KNOW you're right. You can't KNOW something if it is based on faith, but for some reason people continue to tell me so...
I'm sure you and I could have a civilized conversation. You seem like you have a good head on your shoulders. And you are correct in your assumption. I don't believe in a god, but I won't rule it out 100%. I'm open to all possibilities, because at this point no one can know...
It's all bullshit sir. We try to make ourselves feel better for the shit we have done in our lives. Its part of the fun of it.
Quote Originally Posted by Mikniks:
That is what upsets me. You can believe whatever you want, but you can't tell me you KNOW you're right. You can't KNOW something if it is based on faith, but for some reason people continue to tell me so...
I'm sure you and I could have a civilized conversation. You seem like you have a good head on your shoulders. And you are correct in your assumption. I don't believe in a god, but I won't rule it out 100%. I'm open to all possibilities, because at this point no one can know...
It's all bullshit sir. We try to make ourselves feel better for the shit we have done in our lives. Its part of the fun of it.
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