Quote Originally Posted by KittyKatz286:
Here's the difference: if a muslim doesn't wanna eat pork (another retarded rule), then that harms NO ONE. If your god wants to persecute homosexuals, that HARMS HOMOSEXUALS. How is that fair?
Lets look at this in detail to point out how irrational your arguments are
1. You dont believe God exists, therefore, when homosexuals die, to you they will not be judged. Therefore, to you, no impact on homoseuxals. There is no need for you to feel sorry for them in this regard.
2. The impact on homosexuality in our world. Yes, there are religious people who put signs and slogans saying they are going to burn in hell, but to you, that shouldnt be a worry to you because you dont believe that. For the homosexual themselves, if they are Christian, then they are being pointed out how they are breaking one of Gods laws, but that is not different to Christians standing on the side of the road and putting up signs saying you will burn in hell for adulterers...It is no different, why is there such a defense for homosexuals here and not for adulterers? They both break Gods laws......
3. I have heard and seen non believers bash homosexuals simply because of there homophobia, they just dont like gays.
So in conclusion, the impact of Gods law on homosexuality for the atheist, is next to nothing, so why does it bother you? I mean, a few people put up a few posters, so what, this is no different to any other protester.......
If you believe God exists, then it becomes a totally different issue, you may want to tell them that the bible says it is a sin, but it doesnt mean you are a better person than them, and you certainly dont have the right to judge or condemn them....
The deal you and your atheistic friends have made this out to be, considering you dont believe is staggering.