JAGERFURY- I am still waiting for you to show me where on this thread that I made a racist remark to people of color or have made any disrespectful remarks towards women. Don't make accusations if you're not willing to back them up. You atheist always talk this "proof and evidence" crap and then turn around and make unfounded statements yourselves. You my friend are the biggest hypocrite of them all. I'm still waiting for you to prove your statement or maybe since you want to talk about "chops". Maybe you should grow a pair and quit talking trash. How about retracting that statement to preserve a modicum of respect for yourself.
So lets see here.
You, i or anyone arent allowed to make racial comments as it seen as racial discrimination BUT, they are allowed to and have been making religious discrimination remarks the whole way.
Just goes to show how hypocritical , dishonest, disillusioned and pathetic they are.
Quote Originally Posted by smoothd20:
JAGERFURY- I am still waiting for you to show me where on this thread that I made a racist remark to people of color or have made any disrespectful remarks towards women. Don't make accusations if you're not willing to back them up. You atheist always talk this "proof and evidence" crap and then turn around and make unfounded statements yourselves. You my friend are the biggest hypocrite of them all. I'm still waiting for you to prove your statement or maybe since you want to talk about "chops". Maybe you should grow a pair and quit talking trash. How about retracting that statement to preserve a modicum of respect for yourself.
So lets see here.
You, i or anyone arent allowed to make racial comments as it seen as racial discrimination BUT, they are allowed to and have been making religious discrimination remarks the whole way.
Just goes to show how hypocritical , dishonest, disillusioned and pathetic they are.
SURFAPE- You have got to be the most ignorant arrogant SOB on this thread. There is nothing else to prove. If you don't believe in God so be it. But your put downs and dismissive remarks only show how fearful you are about people who actually believe in the TRUTH. If you don't accept it thats your business but don't come on here and put us down because you have become Anti-God. When your pathetic ass is on your death bed you will realize the TRUTH and just how foolish you have become. Good luck to all you pathetic Atheist! This is an argument that will lose unfortunately we wont be there when the TRUTH slaps your pathetic butts in the face!
I take it from your garbled mess of a post that you are unhappy with me, but it is so utterly infantile and incoherent in its stucture that I cannot be certain exactly why. Your use of giant bold font does add a certain aura of gravity and intellectual heft to it though. Excellent choice. Yup, nothing says stable, rational interlocutor like big, bold font, though next time, may I suggest that you use all caps, plus more exclamation points and emoticons. Do the other theists a tremendous favor- wipe the drool from your mouth and refrain from any further posting.
Quote Originally Posted by smoothd20:
SURFAPE- You have got to be the most ignorant arrogant SOB on this thread. There is nothing else to prove. If you don't believe in God so be it. But your put downs and dismissive remarks only show how fearful you are about people who actually believe in the TRUTH. If you don't accept it thats your business but don't come on here and put us down because you have become Anti-God. When your pathetic ass is on your death bed you will realize the TRUTH and just how foolish you have become. Good luck to all you pathetic Atheist! This is an argument that will lose unfortunately we wont be there when the TRUTH slaps your pathetic butts in the face!
I take it from your garbled mess of a post that you are unhappy with me, but it is so utterly infantile and incoherent in its stucture that I cannot be certain exactly why. Your use of giant bold font does add a certain aura of gravity and intellectual heft to it though. Excellent choice. Yup, nothing says stable, rational interlocutor like big, bold font, though next time, may I suggest that you use all caps, plus more exclamation points and emoticons. Do the other theists a tremendous favor- wipe the drool from your mouth and refrain from any further posting.
SURFAPE- You have got to be the most ignorant arrogant SOB on this thread. There is nothing else to prove. If you don't believe in God so be it. But your put downs and dismissive remarks only show how fearful you are about people who actually believe in the TRUTH. If you don't accept it thats your business but don't come on here and put us down because you have become Anti-God. When your pathetic ass is on your death bed you will realize the TRUTH and just how foolish you have become. Good luck to all you pathetic Atheist! This is an argument that will lose unfortunately we wont be there when the TRUTH slaps your pathetic butts in the face!
Yes, I am quite fearful of those who slavishly subscribe to your notion of truth without need for any sort of rational contemplation. Obsequious little drones like yourself are the single greatest impediment to our advancement as a species, at this most critical juncture in our history. In addition to impeding progress when it is most direly needed, you theists may actually be the catalyst of our demise. Silly little monkeys fighting over whose fairy tale is correct armed with virulent weaponized pathogens and nuclear warheads is not a comforting thought.
As to the second colored portion of your insipid rant, I will go wherever I damn well please and argue about whatever I want. Try to stop me. Also, I am not "anti god" because it would be quite ridiculous to be anti something which does not exist. I am "anti" your concept of god, and all of the suffering that concept has foisted on humanity through the centuries.
Quote Originally Posted by smoothd20:
SURFAPE- You have got to be the most ignorant arrogant SOB on this thread. There is nothing else to prove. If you don't believe in God so be it. But your put downs and dismissive remarks only show how fearful you are about people who actually believe in the TRUTH. If you don't accept it thats your business but don't come on here and put us down because you have become Anti-God. When your pathetic ass is on your death bed you will realize the TRUTH and just how foolish you have become. Good luck to all you pathetic Atheist! This is an argument that will lose unfortunately we wont be there when the TRUTH slaps your pathetic butts in the face!
Yes, I am quite fearful of those who slavishly subscribe to your notion of truth without need for any sort of rational contemplation. Obsequious little drones like yourself are the single greatest impediment to our advancement as a species, at this most critical juncture in our history. In addition to impeding progress when it is most direly needed, you theists may actually be the catalyst of our demise. Silly little monkeys fighting over whose fairy tale is correct armed with virulent weaponized pathogens and nuclear warheads is not a comforting thought.
As to the second colored portion of your insipid rant, I will go wherever I damn well please and argue about whatever I want. Try to stop me. Also, I am not "anti god" because it would be quite ridiculous to be anti something which does not exist. I am "anti" your concept of god, and all of the suffering that concept has foisted on humanity through the centuries.
You, i or anyone arent allowed to make racial comments as it seen as racial discrimination BUT, they are allowed to and have been making religious discrimination remarks the whole way.
Just goes to show how hypocritical , dishonest, disillusioned and pathetic they are.
You are upset about being unable to make racial comments?! Seriously? Yeah, you guys would really be on the winning side if only you could use the n word. As to the rest, if you cannot see the difference between race (biologically determined, immutable) and religion (personal choice, transient) then you are really beyond all hope of understanding anything we post.
Quote Originally Posted by Rostos:
So lets see here.
You, i or anyone arent allowed to make racial comments as it seen as racial discrimination BUT, they are allowed to and have been making religious discrimination remarks the whole way.
Just goes to show how hypocritical , dishonest, disillusioned and pathetic they are.
You are upset about being unable to make racial comments?! Seriously? Yeah, you guys would really be on the winning side if only you could use the n word. As to the rest, if you cannot see the difference between race (biologically determined, immutable) and religion (personal choice, transient) then you are really beyond all hope of understanding anything we post.
Yes, I am quite fearful of those who slavishly subscribe to your notion of truth without need for any sort of rational contemplation. Obsequious little drones like yourself are the single greatest impediment to our advancement as a species, at this most critical juncture in our history. In addition to impeding progress when it is most direly needed, you theists may actually be the catalyst of our demise. Silly little monkeys fighting over whose fairy tale is correct armed with virulent weaponized pathogens and nuclear warheads is not a comforting thought.
As to the second colored portion of your insipid rant, I will go wherever I damn well please and argue about whatever I want. Try to stop me. Also, I am not "anti god" because it would be quite ridiculous to be anti something which does not exist. I am "anti" your concept of god, and all of the suffering that concept has foisted on humanity through the centuries.
Do you really believe the trash that you talk about. Do you honestly think that we're to believe that you're not a COWARD in the true sense of the word. If you're so confident that God doesn't exist why do you take the time to come off your high horse and intermingle with such peons as us. I mean after all you have all the answers. If you're so confident that there is no God let us dummies just play our game. You have nothing to worry about because you have it all figured it out. So why waste your time dealing with dummies like us.
Quote Originally Posted by SurfApe:
Yes, I am quite fearful of those who slavishly subscribe to your notion of truth without need for any sort of rational contemplation. Obsequious little drones like yourself are the single greatest impediment to our advancement as a species, at this most critical juncture in our history. In addition to impeding progress when it is most direly needed, you theists may actually be the catalyst of our demise. Silly little monkeys fighting over whose fairy tale is correct armed with virulent weaponized pathogens and nuclear warheads is not a comforting thought.
As to the second colored portion of your insipid rant, I will go wherever I damn well please and argue about whatever I want. Try to stop me. Also, I am not "anti god" because it would be quite ridiculous to be anti something which does not exist. I am "anti" your concept of god, and all of the suffering that concept has foisted on humanity through the centuries.
Do you really believe the trash that you talk about. Do you honestly think that we're to believe that you're not a COWARD in the true sense of the word. If you're so confident that God doesn't exist why do you take the time to come off your high horse and intermingle with such peons as us. I mean after all you have all the answers. If you're so confident that there is no God let us dummies just play our game. You have nothing to worry about because you have it all figured it out. So why waste your time dealing with dummies like us.
And you believe in magic WITHOUT a magician to create the magician (we can do this all day)
You are still confused. You are not paying attention. God is eternal, He has no beginning or no end. He is everlasting.
I know it is hard for you and all atheists to accept this and it's one of the many reasons why you refuse to believe. Until you can accept this, your eyes and mind will be blinded to the truth.
He is the Creator, He is the cause for all existence, He is the only one that is uncaused because as I've said above He is eternal, He always existed.
"Everything which comes into existence is caused to exist by something else."
It is obvious that Nothing can cause itself to come into existence. Anything that causes itself to come into existence has to exist before it exists. This is impossible.
Perhaps something can come into existence from Nothing without any cause whatsoever. Can a thing just pop into existence with absolutely no cause? This also does not seem reasonable.
Things do not come into existence from Nothing without cause. So, we have good reason to think that the premise of "Everything which comes into existence is caused to exist by something else." is true. Everything which comes into existence is caused to exist by something else.
Quote Originally Posted by KittyKatz286:
And you believe in magic WITHOUT a magician to create the magician (we can do this all day)
You are still confused. You are not paying attention. God is eternal, He has no beginning or no end. He is everlasting.
I know it is hard for you and all atheists to accept this and it's one of the many reasons why you refuse to believe. Until you can accept this, your eyes and mind will be blinded to the truth.
He is the Creator, He is the cause for all existence, He is the only one that is uncaused because as I've said above He is eternal, He always existed.
"Everything which comes into existence is caused to exist by something else."
It is obvious that Nothing can cause itself to come into existence. Anything that causes itself to come into existence has to exist before it exists. This is impossible.
Perhaps something can come into existence from Nothing without any cause whatsoever. Can a thing just pop into existence with absolutely no cause? This also does not seem reasonable.
Things do not come into existence from Nothing without cause. So, we have good reason to think that the premise of "Everything which comes into existence is caused to exist by something else." is true. Everything which comes into existence is caused to exist by something else.
Do you really believe the trash that you talk about. Do you honestly think that we're to believe that you're not a COWARD in the true sense of the word. If you're so confident that God doesn't exist why do you take the time to come off your high horse and intermingle with such peons as us. I mean after all you have all the answers. If you're so confident that there is no God let us dummies just play our game. You have nothing to worry about because you have it all figured it out. So why waste your time dealing with dummies like us.
Help me interpret what you said here. How is SurfApe a coward? Seems to me, that his path would be the hardest and most difficult to traverse in life? How can someone be a coward for choosing the most difficult path to follow when given a choice?
Seems to be the complete opposite of cowardly? What am I missing?
Quote Originally Posted by smoothd20:
Do you really believe the trash that you talk about. Do you honestly think that we're to believe that you're not a COWARD in the true sense of the word. If you're so confident that God doesn't exist why do you take the time to come off your high horse and intermingle with such peons as us. I mean after all you have all the answers. If you're so confident that there is no God let us dummies just play our game. You have nothing to worry about because you have it all figured it out. So why waste your time dealing with dummies like us.
Help me interpret what you said here. How is SurfApe a coward? Seems to me, that his path would be the hardest and most difficult to traverse in life? How can someone be a coward for choosing the most difficult path to follow when given a choice?
Seems to be the complete opposite of cowardly? What am I missing?
Do you really believe the trash that you talk about. Do you honestly think that we're to believe that you're not a COWARD in the true sense of the word. If you're so confident that God doesn't exist why do you take the time to come off your high horse and intermingle with such peons as us. I mean after all you have all the answers. If you're so confident that there is no God let us dummies just play our game. You have nothing to worry about because you have it all figured it out. So why waste your time dealing with dummies like us.
I thought I was pretty clear about my motives (which are irrelevant to the validity of my argument BTW) in my response to your abortion of a post. I'll try to dumb it down further for your edification- I am concerned with the beliefs of the religious because those beliefs are held by a great majority of the people on this earth, and as is evidenced by history, have a great capacity to facilitate atrocity. Being a denizen of earth, this is naturally of concern to me. Does that answer your insanely stupid, repetitive, and irrelevant querry? On another note, your baffling, gratuitous, and totally inept usage of the word "COWARD" augers ill for your mental health. This could be symptomatic of some larger underlying disorder. I kindly suggest that you seek professional help.
Quote Originally Posted by smoothd20:
Do you really believe the trash that you talk about. Do you honestly think that we're to believe that you're not a COWARD in the true sense of the word. If you're so confident that God doesn't exist why do you take the time to come off your high horse and intermingle with such peons as us. I mean after all you have all the answers. If you're so confident that there is no God let us dummies just play our game. You have nothing to worry about because you have it all figured it out. So why waste your time dealing with dummies like us.
I thought I was pretty clear about my motives (which are irrelevant to the validity of my argument BTW) in my response to your abortion of a post. I'll try to dumb it down further for your edification- I am concerned with the beliefs of the religious because those beliefs are held by a great majority of the people on this earth, and as is evidenced by history, have a great capacity to facilitate atrocity. Being a denizen of earth, this is naturally of concern to me. Does that answer your insanely stupid, repetitive, and irrelevant querry? On another note, your baffling, gratuitous, and totally inept usage of the word "COWARD" augers ill for your mental health. This could be symptomatic of some larger underlying disorder. I kindly suggest that you seek professional help.
Help me interpret what you said here. How is SurfApe a coward? Seems to me, that his path would be the hardest and most difficult to traverse in life? How can someone be a coward for choosing the most difficult path to follow when given a choice?
Seems to be the complete opposite of cowardly? What am I missing?
He obviously either does not understand the meaning of the word, or is deliberately misusing it in a futile attempt to inflame. I'm not sure which is more pathetic.
Quote Originally Posted by TILTOLOGIC:
Help me interpret what you said here. How is SurfApe a coward? Seems to me, that his path would be the hardest and most difficult to traverse in life? How can someone be a coward for choosing the most difficult path to follow when given a choice?
Seems to be the complete opposite of cowardly? What am I missing?
He obviously either does not understand the meaning of the word, or is deliberately misusing it in a futile attempt to inflame. I'm not sure which is more pathetic.
Do you really believe the trash that you talk about. Do you honestly think that we're to believe that you're not a COWARD in the true sense of the word. If you're so confident that God doesn't exist why do you take the time to come off your high horse and intermingle with such peons as us. I mean after all you have all the answers. If you're so confident that there is no God let us dummies just play our game. You have nothing to worry about because you have it all figured it out. So why waste your time dealing with dummies like us.
Appeal to motive...
Quote Originally Posted by smoothd20:
Do you really believe the trash that you talk about. Do you honestly think that we're to believe that you're not a COWARD in the true sense of the word. If you're so confident that God doesn't exist why do you take the time to come off your high horse and intermingle with such peons as us. I mean after all you have all the answers. If you're so confident that there is no God let us dummies just play our game. You have nothing to worry about because you have it all figured it out. So why waste your time dealing with dummies like us.
Yes, I am quite fearful of those who slavishly subscribe to your notion of truth without need for any sort of rational contemplation. Obsequious little drones like yourself are the single greatest impediment to our advancement as a species, at this most critical juncture in our history. In addition to impeding progress when it is most direly needed, you theists may actually be the catalyst of our demise. Silly little monkeys fighting over whose fairy tale is correct armed with virulent weaponized pathogens and nuclear warheads is not a comforting thought.
As to the second colored portion of your insipid rant, I will go wherever I damn well please and argue about whatever I want. Try to stop me. Also, I am not "anti god" because it would be quite ridiculous to be anti something which does not exist. I am "anti" your concept of god, and all of the suffering that concept has foisted on humanity through the centuries.
Obsequious little drones ........ this is A+ .....You are destorying these fatuous, hubris little minded cult members
Quote Originally Posted by SurfApe:
Yes, I am quite fearful of those who slavishly subscribe to your notion of truth without need for any sort of rational contemplation. Obsequious little drones like yourself are the single greatest impediment to our advancement as a species, at this most critical juncture in our history. In addition to impeding progress when it is most direly needed, you theists may actually be the catalyst of our demise. Silly little monkeys fighting over whose fairy tale is correct armed with virulent weaponized pathogens and nuclear warheads is not a comforting thought.
As to the second colored portion of your insipid rant, I will go wherever I damn well please and argue about whatever I want. Try to stop me. Also, I am not "anti god" because it would be quite ridiculous to be anti something which does not exist. I am "anti" your concept of god, and all of the suffering that concept has foisted on humanity through the centuries.
Obsequious little drones ........ this is A+ .....You are destorying these fatuous, hubris little minded cult members
I have explained it numerous times but because you guys are so caught up in your own greatness you don't want to understand. Let me dumb it down for you one more time. I use the term cowards because you have chosen to believe the lie that is atheism. The lie that there is no creator and that this happened by accident. How does this make you a coward? The ego has total control of your mind and you have made the ego your God. Instead of facing your fears that in fact there is a God and looking deeper than man made religions. You have chosen to take the easy way out and say that there is no God. Then sit back and ridicule the people that believe. It's the same cowardice shown by people who commit suicide. The reason you can't see this is because of your EGOS. Surfape you're so in love with yourself that you feel superior to others. I submit to you that your superiority that you feel is nothing more than a puffed up ego where the reality is that you have been hiding behind this lie that is atheism for most of your life. Of course you guys will dismiss this like you always do because that's what the ego does. Lastly I will say to you atheist yet again that if you're so confident that there is no God why on Earth do you spend your time trying to convince Christians and theists that there isn't. If you KNOW that there is no God let us little children be and go your merry way. The fact that all of you guys post here daily or check this post daily speaks volumes to your own doubts about what you say you believe. I don't spend a minute of my day arguing with Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses and other religious zealots about what they believe. You know why? Because I don't give a dam about their beliefs. I know at the very least they believe in God and so it is. But you atheists kill me with your inconsistencies, your fluid arguments and overall lack of wisdom about the real world, that which is unseen. You try to intimidate people with your repetitive request for "proof" and "evidence" and when they make the vain attempt to do that you reject it anyways. That is why I tell you assclowns that there is no proof and evidence because I already know the deal. So take your superiority complex and go amongst yourselves and discuss your wacky theories about how this whole Universe was created by some accident a billion years ago. But we're the delusional ones. Now that's funny. For those that have wisdom let them understand my words. For those that worship the ego no explanation will ever satisfactory because they aren't interested in truth only the lie that the ego has manifested. Very interesting indeed.
I have explained it numerous times but because you guys are so caught up in your own greatness you don't want to understand. Let me dumb it down for you one more time. I use the term cowards because you have chosen to believe the lie that is atheism. The lie that there is no creator and that this happened by accident. How does this make you a coward? The ego has total control of your mind and you have made the ego your God. Instead of facing your fears that in fact there is a God and looking deeper than man made religions. You have chosen to take the easy way out and say that there is no God. Then sit back and ridicule the people that believe. It's the same cowardice shown by people who commit suicide. The reason you can't see this is because of your EGOS. Surfape you're so in love with yourself that you feel superior to others. I submit to you that your superiority that you feel is nothing more than a puffed up ego where the reality is that you have been hiding behind this lie that is atheism for most of your life. Of course you guys will dismiss this like you always do because that's what the ego does. Lastly I will say to you atheist yet again that if you're so confident that there is no God why on Earth do you spend your time trying to convince Christians and theists that there isn't. If you KNOW that there is no God let us little children be and go your merry way. The fact that all of you guys post here daily or check this post daily speaks volumes to your own doubts about what you say you believe. I don't spend a minute of my day arguing with Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses and other religious zealots about what they believe. You know why? Because I don't give a dam about their beliefs. I know at the very least they believe in God and so it is. But you atheists kill me with your inconsistencies, your fluid arguments and overall lack of wisdom about the real world, that which is unseen. You try to intimidate people with your repetitive request for "proof" and "evidence" and when they make the vain attempt to do that you reject it anyways. That is why I tell you assclowns that there is no proof and evidence because I already know the deal. So take your superiority complex and go amongst yourselves and discuss your wacky theories about how this whole Universe was created by some accident a billion years ago. But we're the delusional ones. Now that's funny. For those that have wisdom let them understand my words. For those that worship the ego no explanation will ever satisfactory because they aren't interested in truth only the lie that the ego has manifested. Very interesting indeed.
Obsequious little drones ........ this is A+ .....You are destorying these fatuous, hubris little minded cult members
A million atheist would never stop me believing in the Holy Father, creator of the Universe, God himself. One day my friend, mark my words you will scream for God to come save your pathetic atheist butt. My oldest son is going being deployed to Afghanistan this month. He is a Marine and believe this. Some of the Marines who profess atheism suddenly become firm believers when they face real combat. Why is that smart ass? What scientific answer can you give us as to why when the chips are down atheist become theist almost instantly. Think about it while you're spewing these lies that you so enthusiastically clap for. What a FOOL!
Quote Originally Posted by CRRECORDS:
Obsequious little drones ........ this is A+ .....You are destorying these fatuous, hubris little minded cult members
A million atheist would never stop me believing in the Holy Father, creator of the Universe, God himself. One day my friend, mark my words you will scream for God to come save your pathetic atheist butt. My oldest son is going being deployed to Afghanistan this month. He is a Marine and believe this. Some of the Marines who profess atheism suddenly become firm believers when they face real combat. Why is that smart ass? What scientific answer can you give us as to why when the chips are down atheist become theist almost instantly. Think about it while you're spewing these lies that you so enthusiastically clap for. What a FOOL!
I ask all you cowardly atheist the same question especially the GREAT ONE SurfApe- Why is it that atheist when faced with a life or death situation start believing in God? Answer that question. If atheism is the saving grace of mankind. Why is it that when the chips are down the atheist have a epiphany and suddenly discover God. Explain that without talking all that scientific crap. Let's break it down to the bare bones. Why do people who have been atheist their whole lives suddenly discover that there is a God. The theists who have become atheist are those that have put too much power in man's religion. That has nothing to do with God, so don't tell me that about crap. I want to know about those atheist that when their butt is in a sling suddenly find themselves praying to a God that doesn't exist. I gotta make a run when I come back I cant wait to see the responses this. We're gonna start separating the Men from the Boys on this thread. We're gonna see who the real atheists are and the anti-God people. It's judgment day for you atheist. Time to stop hiding behind those lies you keep telling people.
I ask all you cowardly atheist the same question especially the GREAT ONE SurfApe- Why is it that atheist when faced with a life or death situation start believing in God? Answer that question. If atheism is the saving grace of mankind. Why is it that when the chips are down the atheist have a epiphany and suddenly discover God. Explain that without talking all that scientific crap. Let's break it down to the bare bones. Why do people who have been atheist their whole lives suddenly discover that there is a God. The theists who have become atheist are those that have put too much power in man's religion. That has nothing to do with God, so don't tell me that about crap. I want to know about those atheist that when their butt is in a sling suddenly find themselves praying to a God that doesn't exist. I gotta make a run when I come back I cant wait to see the responses this. We're gonna start separating the Men from the Boys on this thread. We're gonna see who the real atheists are and the anti-God people. It's judgment day for you atheist. Time to stop hiding behind those lies you keep telling people.
For the simple minded like SurfApe I will break it down for you. Why if there is no God do atheist pray to him when they are in a crisis. There is story after story and testimony of this all over the internet. I also know of personal people that have explained this too me. I'm just curious SurfApe. Have you ever been in a life threatening position?
For the simple minded like SurfApe I will break it down for you. Why if there is no God do atheist pray to him when they are in a crisis. There is story after story and testimony of this all over the internet. I also know of personal people that have explained this too me. I'm just curious SurfApe. Have you ever been in a life threatening position?
I have explained it numerous times but because you guys are so caught up in your own greatness you don't want to understand. Let me dumb it down for you one more time. I use the term cowards because you have chosen to believe the lie that is atheism. The lie that there is no creator and that this happened by accident. How does this make you a coward? The ego has total control of your mind and you have made the ego your God. Instead of facing your fears that in fact there is a God and looking deeper than man made religions. You have chosen to take the easy way out and say that there is no God. Then sit back and ridicule the people that believe. It's the same cowardice shown by people who commit suicide. The reason you can't see this is because of your EGOS. Surfape you're so in love with yourself that you feel superior to others. I submit to you that your superiority that you feel is nothing more than a puffed up ego where the reality is that you have been hiding behind this lie that is atheism for most of your life. Of course you guys will dismiss this like you always do because that's what the ego does. Lastly I will say to you atheist yet again that if you're so confident that there is no God why on Earth do you spend your time trying to convince Christians and theists that there isn't. If you KNOW that there is no God let us little children be and go your merry way. The fact that all of you guys post here daily or check this post daily speaks volumes to your own doubts about what you say you believe. I don't spend a minute of my day arguing with Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses and other religious zealots about what they believe. You know why? Because I don't give a dam about their beliefs. I know at the very least they believe in God and so it is. But you atheists kill me with your inconsistencies, your fluid arguments and overall lack of wisdom about the real world, that which is unseen. You try to intimidate people with your repetitive request for "proof" and "evidence" and when they make the vain attempt to do that you reject it anyways. That is why I tell you assclowns that there is no proof and evidence because I already know the deal. So take your superiority complex and go amongst yourselves and discuss your wacky theories about how this whole Universe was created by some accident a billion years ago. But we're the delusional ones. Now that's funny. For those that have wisdom let them understand my words. For those that worship the ego no explanation will ever satisfactory because they aren't interested in truth only the lie that the ego has manifested. Very interesting indeed.
We point out the flaws in theism and smoothd just uses our arguments that he doesn't fully understand and claims we are committing the same things. This incoherent drivel is such a poor excuse for logic, I wouldn't even know where to begin. Just because you say "you think A because of B" doesn't make it true. You keep appealing to motive, which is a logical fallacy so nice try. And I'm so sorry we want evidence to believe in things. My bad. Next time I'll just accept what I'm told unconditionally. That's a good quality for the advancement of the human race. Go back to the dark ages.
Quote Originally Posted by smoothd20:
I have explained it numerous times but because you guys are so caught up in your own greatness you don't want to understand. Let me dumb it down for you one more time. I use the term cowards because you have chosen to believe the lie that is atheism. The lie that there is no creator and that this happened by accident. How does this make you a coward? The ego has total control of your mind and you have made the ego your God. Instead of facing your fears that in fact there is a God and looking deeper than man made religions. You have chosen to take the easy way out and say that there is no God. Then sit back and ridicule the people that believe. It's the same cowardice shown by people who commit suicide. The reason you can't see this is because of your EGOS. Surfape you're so in love with yourself that you feel superior to others. I submit to you that your superiority that you feel is nothing more than a puffed up ego where the reality is that you have been hiding behind this lie that is atheism for most of your life. Of course you guys will dismiss this like you always do because that's what the ego does. Lastly I will say to you atheist yet again that if you're so confident that there is no God why on Earth do you spend your time trying to convince Christians and theists that there isn't. If you KNOW that there is no God let us little children be and go your merry way. The fact that all of you guys post here daily or check this post daily speaks volumes to your own doubts about what you say you believe. I don't spend a minute of my day arguing with Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses and other religious zealots about what they believe. You know why? Because I don't give a dam about their beliefs. I know at the very least they believe in God and so it is. But you atheists kill me with your inconsistencies, your fluid arguments and overall lack of wisdom about the real world, that which is unseen. You try to intimidate people with your repetitive request for "proof" and "evidence" and when they make the vain attempt to do that you reject it anyways. That is why I tell you assclowns that there is no proof and evidence because I already know the deal. So take your superiority complex and go amongst yourselves and discuss your wacky theories about how this whole Universe was created by some accident a billion years ago. But we're the delusional ones. Now that's funny. For those that have wisdom let them understand my words. For those that worship the ego no explanation will ever satisfactory because they aren't interested in truth only the lie that the ego has manifested. Very interesting indeed.
We point out the flaws in theism and smoothd just uses our arguments that he doesn't fully understand and claims we are committing the same things. This incoherent drivel is such a poor excuse for logic, I wouldn't even know where to begin. Just because you say "you think A because of B" doesn't make it true. You keep appealing to motive, which is a logical fallacy so nice try. And I'm so sorry we want evidence to believe in things. My bad. Next time I'll just accept what I'm told unconditionally. That's a good quality for the advancement of the human race. Go back to the dark ages.
For the simple minded like SurfApe I will break it down for you. Why if there is no God do atheist pray to him when they are in a crisis. There is story after story and testimony of this all over the internet. I also know of personal people that have explained this too me. I'm just curious SurfApe. Have you ever been in a life threatening position?
I can guarantee you there is no situation where I would ever pray to god. Why would I? What good would it do? This might be the single worst argument a theist has ever made. God exists because there are stories of atheists praying to god during times of crisis? What utter bullshit.
Quote Originally Posted by smoothd20:
For the simple minded like SurfApe I will break it down for you. Why if there is no God do atheist pray to him when they are in a crisis. There is story after story and testimony of this all over the internet. I also know of personal people that have explained this too me. I'm just curious SurfApe. Have you ever been in a life threatening position?
I can guarantee you there is no situation where I would ever pray to god. Why would I? What good would it do? This might be the single worst argument a theist has ever made. God exists because there are stories of atheists praying to god during times of crisis? What utter bullshit.
Don't you believe in magic? Aren't things popping into existence from nothing, uncaused by nothing, magic?
That is pretty much the atheist belief if you don't believe that God created everything in existence.
In a nutshell your belief is that nothing is your magician who caused everything to come into existence. I ask you how can that possibly be? It doesn't logically sound reasonable or make sense.
If you say you don't believe in magic from nothing then what is it you believe in? Is it too puzzling for you to answer?
Quote Originally Posted by KittyKatz286:
You believe in magic. You understand that right?
Don't you believe in magic? Aren't things popping into existence from nothing, uncaused by nothing, magic?
That is pretty much the atheist belief if you don't believe that God created everything in existence.
In a nutshell your belief is that nothing is your magician who caused everything to come into existence. I ask you how can that possibly be? It doesn't logically sound reasonable or make sense.
If you say you don't believe in magic from nothing then what is it you believe in? Is it too puzzling for you to answer?
You are upset about being unable to make racial comments?! Seriously? Yeah, you guys would really be on the winning side if only you could use the n word. As to the rest, if you cannot see the difference between race (biologically determined, immutable) and religion (personal choice, transient) then you are really beyond all hope of understanding anything we post.
So, if i came on here and said all the black athletes are simply dumb N#### and black c####.......Every single person here would be on my case and that is fair enough, but people on here can come in and bash my religion and its all good?
If there is no difference between Racial and religious discrimnation , then why are they BOTH sackable offenses? Why are arent they to be tolerated in our society?
You people are pathetic, so blinded by your massive insecurities and ego's that it has thrown all rational thought out the window.
Quote Originally Posted by SurfApe:
You are upset about being unable to make racial comments?! Seriously? Yeah, you guys would really be on the winning side if only you could use the n word. As to the rest, if you cannot see the difference between race (biologically determined, immutable) and religion (personal choice, transient) then you are really beyond all hope of understanding anything we post.
So, if i came on here and said all the black athletes are simply dumb N#### and black c####.......Every single person here would be on my case and that is fair enough, but people on here can come in and bash my religion and its all good?
If there is no difference between Racial and religious discrimnation , then why are they BOTH sackable offenses? Why are arent they to be tolerated in our society?
You people are pathetic, so blinded by your massive insecurities and ego's that it has thrown all rational thought out the window.
Yes, I am quite fearful of those who slavishly subscribe to your notion of truth without need for any sort of rational contemplation. Obsequious little drones like yourself are the single greatest impediment to our advancement as a species, at this most critical juncture in our history. In addition to impeding progress when it is most direly needed, you theists may actually be the catalyst of our demise. Silly little monkeys fighting over whose fairy tale is correct armed with virulent weaponized pathogens and nuclear warheads is not a comforting thought.
As to the second colored portion of your insipid rant, I will go wherever I damn well please and argue about whatever I want. Try to stop me. Also, I am not "anti god" because it would be quite ridiculous to be anti something which does not exist. I am "anti" your concept of god, and all of the suffering that concept has foisted on humanity through the centuries.
and the atheists number 1 ace that they have up their sleeve that always comes out when there is no rational , logical debunking of an argument - resort to ridicule and mocking........
That is what they do best........
Again, from where i come from, if someone doesnt have a response to an argument and they resort to these low level juvenile scum...Oh look at me, i can call people names...
Your life must be so pathetic, whats wrong? all your friends have better lives than you? They all have more money than you?
Self confessed intellect
More like self confessed turd
Quote Originally Posted by SurfApe:
Yes, I am quite fearful of those who slavishly subscribe to your notion of truth without need for any sort of rational contemplation. Obsequious little drones like yourself are the single greatest impediment to our advancement as a species, at this most critical juncture in our history. In addition to impeding progress when it is most direly needed, you theists may actually be the catalyst of our demise. Silly little monkeys fighting over whose fairy tale is correct armed with virulent weaponized pathogens and nuclear warheads is not a comforting thought.
As to the second colored portion of your insipid rant, I will go wherever I damn well please and argue about whatever I want. Try to stop me. Also, I am not "anti god" because it would be quite ridiculous to be anti something which does not exist. I am "anti" your concept of god, and all of the suffering that concept has foisted on humanity through the centuries.
and the atheists number 1 ace that they have up their sleeve that always comes out when there is no rational , logical debunking of an argument - resort to ridicule and mocking........
That is what they do best........
Again, from where i come from, if someone doesnt have a response to an argument and they resort to these low level juvenile scum...Oh look at me, i can call people names...
Your life must be so pathetic, whats wrong? all your friends have better lives than you? They all have more money than you?
So, if i came on here and said all the black athletes are simply dumb N#### and black c####.......Every single person here would be on my case and that is fair enough, but people on here can come in and bash my religion and its all good?
If there is no difference between Racial and religious discrimnation , then why are they BOTH sackable offenses? Why are arent they to be tolerated in our society?
You people are pathetic, so blinded by your massive insecurities and ego's that it has thrown all rational thought out the window.
Because black people are real and religion is bullshit?
Quote Originally Posted by Rostos:
So, if i came on here and said all the black athletes are simply dumb N#### and black c####.......Every single person here would be on my case and that is fair enough, but people on here can come in and bash my religion and its all good?
If there is no difference between Racial and religious discrimnation , then why are they BOTH sackable offenses? Why are arent they to be tolerated in our society?
You people are pathetic, so blinded by your massive insecurities and ego's that it has thrown all rational thought out the window.
Because black people are real and religion is bullshit?
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