No one can have an intelligent discussion with that fella, I mean he is so illogical in his generalizations. He IMHO is just another confused non-believer just like kk & system. They all see their lives as being without purpose...or meaningless.
They, view themselves as being created by an accident and not by an all powerful, all knowing, super intelligent, loving, All Mighty God!, the Creator of all existence in the universe.
He invents terrible viruses, animals that are efficient killers (dinosaurs, sharks, crocodiles, venomous snakes and spiders, etc) that kill humans by the millions.....
...and He has difficulty communicating with His creations, so He uses barely literate, unschooled scribes;
...and He has trouble with money, so He needs preachers and televangelists and His church institutions to raise trillions of dollars to keep 6 figure church administrators on the pay scale, because He is "almighty God," but has troubles investing His money;
...and He has no possibility of stopping rapists, murderers, thieves, dictators, lying, corrupt politicians because He gives us "free will" and He wants to watch the evil from afar;
....and He loves His son that He watches Him be brutalized for all of us heathen, because He kind of liked the blood sacrifices of the ancients--He likes donations of fruits, food, artwork and most of all BLOOD;
...and He abdicates all future responsibility and past responsibility for murdering, pillaging, corruption by His church (built up around the Jesus Myth) because He is ok with watching us all suffer. He has a lot to do and doesn't give a fuck about us.
Report card to date: D-
Let's all find a new creator.
And yes (to answer A PREVIOUS QUESTION) something can come from nothing, because there is INFINITE POSSIBILITY. AND YOU and you and you are the consciousness of the creation from infinite possibility.