if we want to be consistent in the logic of atheists, then as that Syracuse coach is accused of child molestation, lets be consistent with the atheists and say not only ALL coaches are molesters, but the Syracuse programme teaches child rape....
if we want to be consistent in the logic of atheists, then as that Syracuse coach is accused of child molestation, lets be consistent with the atheists and say not only ALL coaches are molesters, but the Syracuse programme teaches child rape....
if we want to be consistent in the logic of atheists, then as that Syracuse coach is accused of child molestation, lets be consistent with the atheists and say not only ALL coaches are molesters, but the Syracuse programme teaches child rape....
God ALLOWS evil into the world.
This is the biggest emotional argument atheists have. It doesnt disprove an all powerful and loving God.
God ALLOWS evil into the world.
This is the biggest emotional argument atheists have. It doesnt disprove an all powerful and loving God.
No, man performs evil.......man is asshole
No, man performs evil.......man is asshole
No, man performs evil.......man is asshole
No, man performs evil.......man is asshole
1. When there has been a nice magnificent sunny peaceful day, how many times have you thanked God for that day? Yeah, i thought so, NONE. yet, when he creates a disaster its his fault and you blame him? I would hate to be your friend.
2. You as a non believer, therefore moral relativist, are in no position to say what anyone does as bad, evil or not good. You see in your atheistic world, morals are subjective, there is no absolute right or wrong, so why are you saying what God did was wrong? I thought there is no ABSOLUTE right or wrong.
3. Lets bi pass point 2 for the sake of the argument, man commits all kinds of atrocities AGAINST Gods law. Couldnt natural disasters be a form of judgement by God against sin? if not, why not?
4. Few people who believe in God? The MAJORITY of the world believe in a supreme being. Atheists are MINORITY.
5. What does it matter if am scared of death or not, we are ALL GOING TO DIE ONE DAY wether we like it, scared of it or indifferent to it. My emotions on the matter have no say in the final result.
Your arguments are typical emotional arguments. Atheists LIKE ALL HUMANS rebel against God, then when God hands down his punishment, people wonder why......The difference is, i recognise i am sinner and ask God NOT to lead me into temptations and ask for forgiveness of sins through Christ. That is the diffrence. I, like you and everyone am a sinner, it is a matter of accepting this and asking for forgiveness.
1. When there has been a nice magnificent sunny peaceful day, how many times have you thanked God for that day? Yeah, i thought so, NONE. yet, when he creates a disaster its his fault and you blame him? I would hate to be your friend.
2. You as a non believer, therefore moral relativist, are in no position to say what anyone does as bad, evil or not good. You see in your atheistic world, morals are subjective, there is no absolute right or wrong, so why are you saying what God did was wrong? I thought there is no ABSOLUTE right or wrong.
3. Lets bi pass point 2 for the sake of the argument, man commits all kinds of atrocities AGAINST Gods law. Couldnt natural disasters be a form of judgement by God against sin? if not, why not?
4. Few people who believe in God? The MAJORITY of the world believe in a supreme being. Atheists are MINORITY.
5. What does it matter if am scared of death or not, we are ALL GOING TO DIE ONE DAY wether we like it, scared of it or indifferent to it. My emotions on the matter have no say in the final result.
Your arguments are typical emotional arguments. Atheists LIKE ALL HUMANS rebel against God, then when God hands down his punishment, people wonder why......The difference is, i recognise i am sinner and ask God NOT to lead me into temptations and ask for forgiveness of sins through Christ. That is the diffrence. I, like you and everyone am a sinner, it is a matter of accepting this and asking for forgiveness.
I'm aware of 54 parables by our Lord Savior Jesus Christ, but none are about what you mention above. So I can't respond to or answer your question.
I'm aware of 54 parables by our Lord Savior Jesus Christ, but none are about what you mention above. So I can't respond to or answer your question.
So how many books should be in the Holy Bible? Currently there are 66 books which IMHO is adequate. What are the titles of these missing books? Who were the authors that were inspired by God to write these books?
So in your mind, you are sure the king of England edited the Holy Bible to suit his needs? You don't know that, so why do you say you're sure he did? What were his needs he needed to suit?
Look regardless of your opinions which I might add are not facts, the Holy Bible has always had one unchanging message. And what is that message? Through the Bible, God makes it clear that he loves us and has a plan to save us from the destructive power of sin.
So how many books should be in the Holy Bible? Currently there are 66 books which IMHO is adequate. What are the titles of these missing books? Who were the authors that were inspired by God to write these books?
So in your mind, you are sure the king of England edited the Holy Bible to suit his needs? You don't know that, so why do you say you're sure he did? What were his needs he needed to suit?
Look regardless of your opinions which I might add are not facts, the Holy Bible has always had one unchanging message. And what is that message? Through the Bible, God makes it clear that he loves us and has a plan to save us from the destructive power of sin.
No, you are wrong. Mary was a virgin. Again I will show the passage in the bible that explains this. Later on after the birth of our Lord Savior Jesus Christ she and her husband Joseph had other children.
Below is the passage in the bible about "The Birth of Jesus the Messiah"
This is how Jesus the Messiah was born. His mother, Mary, was engaged to be married to Joseph. But before the marriage took place, while she was still a virgin, she became pregnant through the power of the Holy Spirit. Joseph, her fiance, was a good man and did not want to disgrace her publicly, so he decided to break the engagement quietly. As he considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream. "Joseph, son of David," the angel said, "do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife. For the child within her was conceived by the Holy Spirit. And she will have a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins." All of this occurred to fulfill the Lord's message through his prophet: "Look, The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means God is with us." When Joseph woke up, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded and took Mary as his wife. But he did not have sexual relations with her until her son was born. And Joseph named him Jesus. ---Matthew 1:18-24
No, you are wrong. Mary was a virgin. Again I will show the passage in the bible that explains this. Later on after the birth of our Lord Savior Jesus Christ she and her husband Joseph had other children.
Below is the passage in the bible about "The Birth of Jesus the Messiah"
This is how Jesus the Messiah was born. His mother, Mary, was engaged to be married to Joseph. But before the marriage took place, while she was still a virgin, she became pregnant through the power of the Holy Spirit. Joseph, her fiance, was a good man and did not want to disgrace her publicly, so he decided to break the engagement quietly. As he considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream. "Joseph, son of David," the angel said, "do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife. For the child within her was conceived by the Holy Spirit. And she will have a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins." All of this occurred to fulfill the Lord's message through his prophet: "Look, The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means God is with us." When Joseph woke up, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded and took Mary as his wife. But he did not have sexual relations with her until her son was born. And Joseph named him Jesus. ---Matthew 1:18-24
That's just your opinion and not a fact that you believe only few people truly believe in God.
Based on current stats, one-third of the world or approx. little over 2 billion people are Christians. I haven't researched how many Muslims and other religions who believe in a God there are but the mere fact that one-third alone are Christians, one can speculate that there must to be a large pct. who truly believe in God.
IMO I would say it is still higher than people who don't believe in God at all.
Your statement, "if one is afraid of death, then they don't really believe in God and heaven", is not necessarily true for the believer but for the non-believer, one would suspect that it is definitely true.
Let's be honest here, I believe the majority of people have some kind of fear, anxiety of their unavoidable deaths someday regardless if they believe in God or don't believe in God.
For the believer, the fear could be that they are not really sure if they are going to heaven, of course they would want to go to heaven but still they have this uncertainty and of course there has to be some believers who have no fear at all because in their minds they are definitely going to God's Kingdom of Heaven.
For the non-believer, the fear is that they just hope there is no hell because knowing they have all their lives rejected Jesus Christ as their Lord Savior, they will definitely go to hell for all eternity if God does exist.
That's just your opinion and not a fact that you believe only few people truly believe in God.
Based on current stats, one-third of the world or approx. little over 2 billion people are Christians. I haven't researched how many Muslims and other religions who believe in a God there are but the mere fact that one-third alone are Christians, one can speculate that there must to be a large pct. who truly believe in God.
IMO I would say it is still higher than people who don't believe in God at all.
Your statement, "if one is afraid of death, then they don't really believe in God and heaven", is not necessarily true for the believer but for the non-believer, one would suspect that it is definitely true.
Let's be honest here, I believe the majority of people have some kind of fear, anxiety of their unavoidable deaths someday regardless if they believe in God or don't believe in God.
For the believer, the fear could be that they are not really sure if they are going to heaven, of course they would want to go to heaven but still they have this uncertainty and of course there has to be some believers who have no fear at all because in their minds they are definitely going to God's Kingdom of Heaven.
For the non-believer, the fear is that they just hope there is no hell because knowing they have all their lives rejected Jesus Christ as their Lord Savior, they will definitely go to hell for all eternity if God does exist.
After this explanation below I hope it brings some understanding to you as to why an all loving God punishes but I have doubts that non-believers like you can ever be reasonable enough to accept any explanation but who knows.
If God is all-loving, why would He send people to hell? What is hell? Is it a place of eternal torment? Why create creatures knowing they will end up in an eternity of damnation? Is God helpless to save them all?
Often times, skeptics try to present an idea so that fairness and compassion necessitate that the Christian God cannot be real. For example, they sometimes say that a truly loving God would not create people He knew would go to eternal punishment. Of course this is only an opinion, but it is sometime raised nonetheless. As one skeptic put it, "If God truly loves us (this sacrificial love you talk about) then he would simply say 'I do not want the child to be born'. He is in control and has that ability, doesn't he? No one would not wish any of their children, whom they love, to go through a life of agonizing pain." The main problem with such an approach is that it is overly simplistic and based on emotionalism, not scripture. So, let's look at what the Word of God says.
First of all, when God made Adam, He made him good. Adam had the freedom to choose to obey or disobey God. Adam is the one who rebelled. God did not make him rebel and God is not responsible for Adam's rebellion. It would be like a parent having a child knowing that the child would eventually disobey the parent.
Does this mean that the parent is responsible for the child's rebellion when it occurs because the parent knew it would happen? Of course not. Furthermore, if the parent has more children, does he/she not know that some children may very well turn out good and others bad? Should the parents then not have children because some of them might turn out bad? The skeptic, if he is consistent, would urge parents not to have any children at all lest some of them turn out bad.
The skeptic might say, "But God knows for a fact who will be bad and good. Why allow the people going to hell to be born in the first place?" But, if this is the case and if God arranged it that no "bad" people were born, then we would all go to hell. You see, Jesus is the only way to be forgiven of our sins. His sacrifice on the cross was necessary in order to make it possible for us to be saved because everyone, "good" and "bad" has sinned. If there were no "bad" people born, then there wouldn't be any "bad" people around who would have sent Jesus to the cross. If that never happened, then we wouldn't be saved from our sins because Jesus would never have been unjustly condemned and His sacrifice would never have happened.
Second, if someone says that it is wrong for God to allow someone to be born and who will go to hell, then would he rather have God remove our freedom to rebel against Him so that no one can be blamed for sin? If the critic says he only wants those people born who go to heaven, then how are they truly free and how would that fulfill the ultimate plan of God to sacrifice His Son for the redemption of mankind?
Third, God could have reasons for sending people to hell that we cannot understand.
Fourth, God is just and always does what is right. Therefore, sending people to hell is the right thing to do, especially when we understand that God is eternally holy and those who sin against God incur an infinite offense because the infinite God is the one who is offended.
Finally, the Bible simply tells us that people will go to hell. They go there because they are not covered by the sacrifice of Christ. Whether they are created or not does not affect the fact that sinners must be punished; otherwise, the holiness and righteousness of God mean nothing.
After this explanation below I hope it brings some understanding to you as to why an all loving God punishes but I have doubts that non-believers like you can ever be reasonable enough to accept any explanation but who knows.
If God is all-loving, why would He send people to hell? What is hell? Is it a place of eternal torment? Why create creatures knowing they will end up in an eternity of damnation? Is God helpless to save them all?
Often times, skeptics try to present an idea so that fairness and compassion necessitate that the Christian God cannot be real. For example, they sometimes say that a truly loving God would not create people He knew would go to eternal punishment. Of course this is only an opinion, but it is sometime raised nonetheless. As one skeptic put it, "If God truly loves us (this sacrificial love you talk about) then he would simply say 'I do not want the child to be born'. He is in control and has that ability, doesn't he? No one would not wish any of their children, whom they love, to go through a life of agonizing pain." The main problem with such an approach is that it is overly simplistic and based on emotionalism, not scripture. So, let's look at what the Word of God says.
First of all, when God made Adam, He made him good. Adam had the freedom to choose to obey or disobey God. Adam is the one who rebelled. God did not make him rebel and God is not responsible for Adam's rebellion. It would be like a parent having a child knowing that the child would eventually disobey the parent.
Does this mean that the parent is responsible for the child's rebellion when it occurs because the parent knew it would happen? Of course not. Furthermore, if the parent has more children, does he/she not know that some children may very well turn out good and others bad? Should the parents then not have children because some of them might turn out bad? The skeptic, if he is consistent, would urge parents not to have any children at all lest some of them turn out bad.
The skeptic might say, "But God knows for a fact who will be bad and good. Why allow the people going to hell to be born in the first place?" But, if this is the case and if God arranged it that no "bad" people were born, then we would all go to hell. You see, Jesus is the only way to be forgiven of our sins. His sacrifice on the cross was necessary in order to make it possible for us to be saved because everyone, "good" and "bad" has sinned. If there were no "bad" people born, then there wouldn't be any "bad" people around who would have sent Jesus to the cross. If that never happened, then we wouldn't be saved from our sins because Jesus would never have been unjustly condemned and His sacrifice would never have happened.
Second, if someone says that it is wrong for God to allow someone to be born and who will go to hell, then would he rather have God remove our freedom to rebel against Him so that no one can be blamed for sin? If the critic says he only wants those people born who go to heaven, then how are they truly free and how would that fulfill the ultimate plan of God to sacrifice His Son for the redemption of mankind?
Third, God could have reasons for sending people to hell that we cannot understand.
Fourth, God is just and always does what is right. Therefore, sending people to hell is the right thing to do, especially when we understand that God is eternally holy and those who sin against God incur an infinite offense because the infinite God is the one who is offended.
Finally, the Bible simply tells us that people will go to hell. They go there because they are not covered by the sacrifice of Christ. Whether they are created or not does not affect the fact that sinners must be punished; otherwise, the holiness and righteousness of God mean nothing.
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