That clubdirt character is one scary dude indeed!!...oh and also a liar too!!, I mean no true born again Christian would commit any heinous crimes against another human being but this lying character said,
i didn't mean to scare you born agains. i'm just relating my experience. i've spoken to, and dealt with, many of the worst criminals in our society. i can't tell you how many of them claim to be born agains and have found god and whatever other nonsense they wabnt to use as justification for lenient treatment. fortunately, i know all this born again crap is nonsense and i still drop the hammer on these bullshit artists. thankfully for our society, i'm one of the people who decides what happnes to these hardened criminals who claim to have found god as opposed to some brainwashed religious nutjob who might let them go free after committing some horrible crime and claiming some religious mumbo jumbo, like say, mike huckabee or drake.
on the other hand, i've met many people who are not criminals in my lfietime and only one of them is a born again christian. unlike all of the others, he is not a murderer, rapist, armed robber, etc., as far as i know. he is kind of weird, but that's about it. so, the ratio of born again criminals to born again non-criminals who i have met is somewhere around 200-1 in my rough estimation.
That clubdirt character is one scary dude indeed!!...oh and also a liar too!!, I mean no true born again Christian would commit any heinous crimes against another human being but this lying character said,
i didn't mean to scare you born agains. i'm just relating my experience. i've spoken to, and dealt with, many of the worst criminals in our society. i can't tell you how many of them claim to be born agains and have found god and whatever other nonsense they wabnt to use as justification for lenient treatment. fortunately, i know all this born again crap is nonsense and i still drop the hammer on these bullshit artists. thankfully for our society, i'm one of the people who decides what happnes to these hardened criminals who claim to have found god as opposed to some brainwashed religious nutjob who might let them go free after committing some horrible crime and claiming some religious mumbo jumbo, like say, mike huckabee or drake.
on the other hand, i've met many people who are not criminals in my lfietime and only one of them is a born again christian. unlike all of the others, he is not a murderer, rapist, armed robber, etc., as far as i know. he is kind of weird, but that's about it. so, the ratio of born again criminals to born again non-criminals who i have met is somewhere around 200-1 in my rough estimation.
yes, but mroeso my point is that this ridiculous idea that you can do all sorts of shit and then find god and all is well attracts the worst of the worst in our society (while good people who have no use for your religion or your god get an eternity of torture). what i know is the jails and prisons arefull of born agains and people who have foubnd god because that concepts preys on those people who really have no other options than to try to take the easy way out, say they've found god and then expect leniency. fortunately, there is separation of church and state when it comes to punishing criminals and this nonsense does not work. but the idea is that this kind of chirstianity appeals to the weak, the vulnerable and most of all, the desperate, who also happen to be some of the worst people in our society.
yes, but mroeso my point is that this ridiculous idea that you can do all sorts of shit and then find god and all is well attracts the worst of the worst in our society (while good people who have no use for your religion or your god get an eternity of torture). what i know is the jails and prisons arefull of born agains and people who have foubnd god because that concepts preys on those people who really have no other options than to try to take the easy way out, say they've found god and then expect leniency. fortunately, there is separation of church and state when it comes to punishing criminals and this nonsense does not work. but the idea is that this kind of chirstianity appeals to the weak, the vulnerable and most of all, the desperate, who also happen to be some of the worst people in our society.
The main point is this: you can live your entire life as a good, moral person, without god or religion. Anyone can. If you were born into a different society, a different region, you could conceivably go through your entire life with no concept of god or religion at all. Then along comes a book that people claim was written by god. But all the evidence for this is purely speculative (at best) and is ultimately untestable. Whereas with evolution and believing only in the natural and the real, everything is defined by rules and observable evidence, and is testable where a definitive answer is ultimately possible.
I asked my born again friend about this.....what happens to the person who is born into a God less society.....who never leaves the village....and thus never learns about God?
He told me that God takes this into account when judging the living and the dead. Now that's pretty convenient.
So you have to have faith in God to be saved. But if you have no concept of God, you will also be saved. But if you question whether God exists because you don't have any evidence.....or because some of the things in the world just don't make sense to you if God did exist, then you are not saved.
As far as knowing in your heart that God exists, didn't all the people who have (incorrectly) predict the end of the world know that in their heart as well.
Well what do these people do? Rather then saying, "maybe I was wrong," they say, "I must have interpreted the information wrong."
It's called cognitive dissonance. When a person who has a strong belief in God sees something that may fly in the face of that belief, they explain away what happened to reduce dissonance rather than consider that maybe God doesn't exist (because they could never do this).
When I was growing up, I was exposed to church/God/Sunday school.....everything. I sat in church and in those classes and I just had so many questions that didn't have answers to my satisfaction. When I tried to ignore those questions, it caused me physical discomfort and stress because what I saw and my thoughts didn't work with what I was supposed to think. So I had to either learn to ignore the questions I had (I was impossible and just made me feel worse) or to question whether God existed.
God's LAW is WRITTEN accross all our hearts.
Our Concsience bears witness to this.
God judges EVERYONE FAIRLY. He is the ONLY judge. Not you, not me, NO ONE but him.
For example, the other night i went out for a meal with a friend. The resteraunt we went to was in a suburb on the otherside of town from where i live, never been there before. We ate in the outdoors area of the resteraunt. After we ate, we inexplicably got up and walked off without paying. I will tell you with all my heart, we just completely forgot about the bill and paying. After we got back to the car which was a 10 minute walk, we realised that we never paid.
At the time, i didnt think about God punishing me if i didnt go back etc etc. We were 10 minutes away from the resteraunt, no one realised, no one knew and it was most likely we werent going to go back to eat there, so i wasnt worried for one bit that i would get "caught" or someone would put a witch hunt on us for not paying. So i could EASILY have gotten away with a nice free meal.
However, there was something inside me crying with guilt, my Conscience (inner voice) was telling me that what i did (even though it was unintentional) that it was wrong.
We went back and paid and they were very grateful and telling us how honest we are etc etc tc.
Now, that is your God Conscience telling you what is right ot wrong. Everyone has a Conscience, EVERYONE. It is wether you listen to it or not.
Where did we get this conscience from? Our parents? Ok fine. So where did our ORIGINAL parents get this from?
Evolution CANNOT explain this behaviour.
If i followed evolutoion and didnt listen to my conscience, then easily i would have walked away, nice free meal, and spend the money elsewhere. In evolutionary terms, it is all about survival of the fittest and doing things which will help your survivability. Clearly going by this i shoul dhave walked away and i would be much much better off under the evolutionary theme. But didnt.
Everyone has a Conscience, it bears witness to the written law of God that he wrote on our hearts.
Now, why we need Christ is because we are not self righteous ( we are NOT perfect). Many many times we havent listened to that inner voice and ultimately we sin. Christ is our redeemer. The fact that EVERYONE is a sinner is proof for the need for Christ.
If you have never heard of Christ or the Gospel, God will judge rightly. Someone born and brought up in a town where they never heard of Christ will get judged the same as a 6 year old boy who died and also never heard of Christ.
These people are no better or no worse than someone who follows the gospel but knowingly sins all the time deliberately and says i will repent just later.
The main point is this: you can live your entire life as a good, moral person, without god or religion. Anyone can. If you were born into a different society, a different region, you could conceivably go through your entire life with no concept of god or religion at all. Then along comes a book that people claim was written by god. But all the evidence for this is purely speculative (at best) and is ultimately untestable. Whereas with evolution and believing only in the natural and the real, everything is defined by rules and observable evidence, and is testable where a definitive answer is ultimately possible.
I asked my born again friend about this.....what happens to the person who is born into a God less society.....who never leaves the village....and thus never learns about God?
He told me that God takes this into account when judging the living and the dead. Now that's pretty convenient.
So you have to have faith in God to be saved. But if you have no concept of God, you will also be saved. But if you question whether God exists because you don't have any evidence.....or because some of the things in the world just don't make sense to you if God did exist, then you are not saved.
As far as knowing in your heart that God exists, didn't all the people who have (incorrectly) predict the end of the world know that in their heart as well.
Well what do these people do? Rather then saying, "maybe I was wrong," they say, "I must have interpreted the information wrong."
It's called cognitive dissonance. When a person who has a strong belief in God sees something that may fly in the face of that belief, they explain away what happened to reduce dissonance rather than consider that maybe God doesn't exist (because they could never do this).
When I was growing up, I was exposed to church/God/Sunday school.....everything. I sat in church and in those classes and I just had so many questions that didn't have answers to my satisfaction. When I tried to ignore those questions, it caused me physical discomfort and stress because what I saw and my thoughts didn't work with what I was supposed to think. So I had to either learn to ignore the questions I had (I was impossible and just made me feel worse) or to question whether God existed.
God's LAW is WRITTEN accross all our hearts.
Our Concsience bears witness to this.
God judges EVERYONE FAIRLY. He is the ONLY judge. Not you, not me, NO ONE but him.
For example, the other night i went out for a meal with a friend. The resteraunt we went to was in a suburb on the otherside of town from where i live, never been there before. We ate in the outdoors area of the resteraunt. After we ate, we inexplicably got up and walked off without paying. I will tell you with all my heart, we just completely forgot about the bill and paying. After we got back to the car which was a 10 minute walk, we realised that we never paid.
At the time, i didnt think about God punishing me if i didnt go back etc etc. We were 10 minutes away from the resteraunt, no one realised, no one knew and it was most likely we werent going to go back to eat there, so i wasnt worried for one bit that i would get "caught" or someone would put a witch hunt on us for not paying. So i could EASILY have gotten away with a nice free meal.
However, there was something inside me crying with guilt, my Conscience (inner voice) was telling me that what i did (even though it was unintentional) that it was wrong.
We went back and paid and they were very grateful and telling us how honest we are etc etc tc.
Now, that is your God Conscience telling you what is right ot wrong. Everyone has a Conscience, EVERYONE. It is wether you listen to it or not.
Where did we get this conscience from? Our parents? Ok fine. So where did our ORIGINAL parents get this from?
Evolution CANNOT explain this behaviour.
If i followed evolutoion and didnt listen to my conscience, then easily i would have walked away, nice free meal, and spend the money elsewhere. In evolutionary terms, it is all about survival of the fittest and doing things which will help your survivability. Clearly going by this i shoul dhave walked away and i would be much much better off under the evolutionary theme. But didnt.
Everyone has a Conscience, it bears witness to the written law of God that he wrote on our hearts.
Now, why we need Christ is because we are not self righteous ( we are NOT perfect). Many many times we havent listened to that inner voice and ultimately we sin. Christ is our redeemer. The fact that EVERYONE is a sinner is proof for the need for Christ.
If you have never heard of Christ or the Gospel, God will judge rightly. Someone born and brought up in a town where they never heard of Christ will get judged the same as a 6 year old boy who died and also never heard of Christ.
These people are no better or no worse than someone who follows the gospel but knowingly sins all the time deliberately and says i will repent just later.
It kills me when I hear people say that God has a plan for everyone. If that's the case, he is one cruel and evil man. How many kids die of starvation every day. How many are raped and beaten to death?
An 11 year old girl about 20 minutes from where I live (Copley, Ohio) died from a gun shot wound today. Some friggin' looney wigged out and killed 8 people in a fit of rage.
God doesn't have a plan for anyone, if there is a God. Events happen, and we have no control of them. I was just lucky I wasn't in Copley today. Those eight people weren't so lucky.
It kills me when I hear people say that God has a plan for everyone. If that's the case, he is one cruel and evil man. How many kids die of starvation every day. How many are raped and beaten to death?
An 11 year old girl about 20 minutes from where I live (Copley, Ohio) died from a gun shot wound today. Some friggin' looney wigged out and killed 8 people in a fit of rage.
God doesn't have a plan for anyone, if there is a God. Events happen, and we have no control of them. I was just lucky I wasn't in Copley today. Those eight people weren't so lucky.
Answer this, why is it that people who have near death experience "experience" a light, heavan etc etc etc or see extreme darkness, hell etc etc.
If these are dreams then why arent there instances of people dreaming they are driving a ferrari, sailing on a nice yacht, or playing baseball etc etc.?
My question is, why are these NEAR DEATH experiences ALWAYS got to do something with the afterlife as opposed to just having an ordinary dream that one might have when they are asleep?
Why do the MAJORITY of people who have these NDE's ultimately change there life and turn into better people?
I am looking for a case which i saw where a woman who was getting operated on by doctors died and was clinically dead for about 10 minutes, she saw light, etc etc. What completely baffled everyone if you dont believe is that she told the doctors who were operating on her what the doctors were saying during the time she was clinically dead.
The docs even said there wasnt even a better more controlled enviornment to test this and they have no explanation.
I am just searching for this right now but i have seen it.
Answer this, why is it that people who have near death experience "experience" a light, heavan etc etc etc or see extreme darkness, hell etc etc.
If these are dreams then why arent there instances of people dreaming they are driving a ferrari, sailing on a nice yacht, or playing baseball etc etc.?
My question is, why are these NEAR DEATH experiences ALWAYS got to do something with the afterlife as opposed to just having an ordinary dream that one might have when they are asleep?
Why do the MAJORITY of people who have these NDE's ultimately change there life and turn into better people?
I am looking for a case which i saw where a woman who was getting operated on by doctors died and was clinically dead for about 10 minutes, she saw light, etc etc. What completely baffled everyone if you dont believe is that she told the doctors who were operating on her what the doctors were saying during the time she was clinically dead.
The docs even said there wasnt even a better more controlled enviornment to test this and they have no explanation.
I am just searching for this right now but i have seen it.
Ahh, System refering to his bible "the atheist experience show"
They said, "these people who have these experiences, experience what they were brought up to believe or what they believe in.
I dont expect you to go through all the videos, you just really only need to see the first one where he says he WAS an atheist at the time he died, now he is a full Christian.
If he dies, and there is nothing there, surely you dont change to Christianity, It will only strenghten your position, not change it.
Ahh, System refering to his bible "the atheist experience show"
They said, "these people who have these experiences, experience what they were brought up to believe or what they believe in.
I dont expect you to go through all the videos, you just really only need to see the first one where he says he WAS an atheist at the time he died, now he is a full Christian.
If he dies, and there is nothing there, surely you dont change to Christianity, It will only strenghten your position, not change it.
It kills me when I hear people say that God has a plan for everyone. If that's the case, he is one cruel and evil man. How many kids die of starvation every day. Is it Gods faulf or is there parents who bring them into a world of poverty? Why dont the parents get themselves financially secured then bring a child into the world. or do you want God to just produce bread and water for these people while the parents just sit back and do nothing. If that tis the case, why does anyone have to work, why not just sit on our backsides and let God be our servants and out everything on our laos. We are not his pets. How many are raped and beaten to death? So what should we expect here, just as someone is about to rape someone or beat them up, they get struck by lightining all of a sudden or a cage gets put over them? I have an idea, how about the next time you are about to put a losing bet on, the internet fails everytime? Surely God doesnt want people to lose there bets.You obviously have an issue with free will.
An 11 year old girl about 20 minutes from where I live (Copley, Ohio) died from a gun shot wound today. Some friggin' looney wigged out and killed 8 people in a fit of rage. FREE WILL
God doesn't have a plan for anyone, if there is a God. Events happen, and we have no control of them. I was just lucky I wasn't in Copley today. Those eight people weren't so lucky. That is the price of free will.
It kills me when I hear people say that God has a plan for everyone. If that's the case, he is one cruel and evil man. How many kids die of starvation every day. Is it Gods faulf or is there parents who bring them into a world of poverty? Why dont the parents get themselves financially secured then bring a child into the world. or do you want God to just produce bread and water for these people while the parents just sit back and do nothing. If that tis the case, why does anyone have to work, why not just sit on our backsides and let God be our servants and out everything on our laos. We are not his pets. How many are raped and beaten to death? So what should we expect here, just as someone is about to rape someone or beat them up, they get struck by lightining all of a sudden or a cage gets put over them? I have an idea, how about the next time you are about to put a losing bet on, the internet fails everytime? Surely God doesnt want people to lose there bets.You obviously have an issue with free will.
An 11 year old girl about 20 minutes from where I live (Copley, Ohio) died from a gun shot wound today. Some friggin' looney wigged out and killed 8 people in a fit of rage. FREE WILL
God doesn't have a plan for anyone, if there is a God. Events happen, and we have no control of them. I was just lucky I wasn't in Copley today. Those eight people weren't so lucky. That is the price of free will.
Where did i say that you wouldnt have done the same thing? Where did i say that Atheists are better people than believers? WHERE? Why are you putting words in my mouth?
All what you just said is that you provided further proof to my argument. Gods law is in written in EVERYONEs hearts. Your Concsience bears witness to this. Yes, you have one as well. Wether you believe in God or not, you have one.
Where did i say that you wouldnt have done the same thing? Where did i say that Atheists are better people than believers? WHERE? Why are you putting words in my mouth?
All what you just said is that you provided further proof to my argument. Gods law is in written in EVERYONEs hearts. Your Concsience bears witness to this. Yes, you have one as well. Wether you believe in God or not, you have one.
Ok, now we are getting somewhere.
You say you are a good person.
Jesus says that even if you look at a woman and look at her lustfully, you have commited adultery. I assume you are a male and i assume that you have looked at woman lustfully in your life. Are you a good person in the eyes of God? You might not think that looking at woman in that way is not bad (subjective) but in the eyes of God it is.
If someone never heard of Jesus or the Gospel and they looked at the woman lustfully then God will judge rightly based on your knowledge. I will say this though, your conscience tells you that if you are looking at a woman lustfully is wrong or not....
That is why sometimes when you are wih friends who are non believers even they say when they see a hot girl "i am having some bad thoughts about what i want to do to her"
See, it is written in everyones heart.
You know about Jesus, you have been informed. There is no excueses for you......
Ok, now we are getting somewhere.
You say you are a good person.
Jesus says that even if you look at a woman and look at her lustfully, you have commited adultery. I assume you are a male and i assume that you have looked at woman lustfully in your life. Are you a good person in the eyes of God? You might not think that looking at woman in that way is not bad (subjective) but in the eyes of God it is.
If someone never heard of Jesus or the Gospel and they looked at the woman lustfully then God will judge rightly based on your knowledge. I will say this though, your conscience tells you that if you are looking at a woman lustfully is wrong or not....
That is why sometimes when you are wih friends who are non believers even they say when they see a hot girl "i am having some bad thoughts about what i want to do to her"
See, it is written in everyones heart.
You know about Jesus, you have been informed. There is no excueses for you......
God's LAW is WRITTEN accross all our hearts.
Our Concsience bears witness to this.
God judges EVERYONE FAIRLY. He is the ONLY judge. Not you, not me, NO ONE but him.
For example, the other night i went out for a meal with a friend. The resteraunt we went to was in a suburb on the otherside of town from where i live, never been there before. We ate in the outdoors area of the resteraunt. After we ate, we inexplicably got up and walked off without paying. I will tell you with all my heart, we just completely forgot about the bill and paying. After we got back to the car which was a 10 minute walk, we realised that we never paid.
At the time, i didnt think about God punishing me if i didnt go back etc etc. We were 10 minutes away from the resteraunt, no one realised, no one knew and it was most likely we werent going to go back to eat there, so i wasnt worried for one bit that i would get "caught" or someone would put a witch hunt on us for not paying. So i could EASILY have gotten away with a nice free meal.
However, there was something inside me crying with guilt, my Conscience (inner voice) was telling me that what i did (even though it was unintentional) that it was wrong.
We went back and paid and they were very grateful and telling us how honest we are etc etc tc.
Now, that is your God Conscience telling you what is right ot wrong. Everyone has a Conscience, EVERYONE. It is wether you listen to it or not.
Where did we get this conscience from? Our parents? Ok fine. So where did our ORIGINAL parents get this from?
Evolution CANNOT explain this behaviour.
If i followed evolutoion and didnt listen to my conscience, then easily i would have walked away, nice free meal, and spend the money elsewhere. In evolutionary terms, it is all about survival of the fittest and doing things which will help your survivability. Clearly going by this i shoul dhave walked away and i would be much much better off under the evolutionary theme. But didnt.
Everyone has a Conscience, it bears witness to the written law of God that he wrote on our hearts.
Now, why we need Christ is because we are not self righteous ( we are NOT perfect). Many many times we havent listened to that inner voice and ultimately we sin. Christ is our redeemer. The fact that EVERYONE is a sinner is proof for the need for Christ.
If you have never heard of Christ or the Gospel, God will judge rightly. Someone born and brought up in a town where they never heard of Christ will get judged the same as a 6 year old boy who died and also never heard of Christ.
These people are no better or no worse than someone who follows the gospel but knowingly sins all the time deliberately and says i will repent just later.
God's LAW is WRITTEN accross all our hearts.
Our Concsience bears witness to this.
God judges EVERYONE FAIRLY. He is the ONLY judge. Not you, not me, NO ONE but him.
For example, the other night i went out for a meal with a friend. The resteraunt we went to was in a suburb on the otherside of town from where i live, never been there before. We ate in the outdoors area of the resteraunt. After we ate, we inexplicably got up and walked off without paying. I will tell you with all my heart, we just completely forgot about the bill and paying. After we got back to the car which was a 10 minute walk, we realised that we never paid.
At the time, i didnt think about God punishing me if i didnt go back etc etc. We were 10 minutes away from the resteraunt, no one realised, no one knew and it was most likely we werent going to go back to eat there, so i wasnt worried for one bit that i would get "caught" or someone would put a witch hunt on us for not paying. So i could EASILY have gotten away with a nice free meal.
However, there was something inside me crying with guilt, my Conscience (inner voice) was telling me that what i did (even though it was unintentional) that it was wrong.
We went back and paid and they were very grateful and telling us how honest we are etc etc tc.
Now, that is your God Conscience telling you what is right ot wrong. Everyone has a Conscience, EVERYONE. It is wether you listen to it or not.
Where did we get this conscience from? Our parents? Ok fine. So where did our ORIGINAL parents get this from?
Evolution CANNOT explain this behaviour.
If i followed evolutoion and didnt listen to my conscience, then easily i would have walked away, nice free meal, and spend the money elsewhere. In evolutionary terms, it is all about survival of the fittest and doing things which will help your survivability. Clearly going by this i shoul dhave walked away and i would be much much better off under the evolutionary theme. But didnt.
Everyone has a Conscience, it bears witness to the written law of God that he wrote on our hearts.
Now, why we need Christ is because we are not self righteous ( we are NOT perfect). Many many times we havent listened to that inner voice and ultimately we sin. Christ is our redeemer. The fact that EVERYONE is a sinner is proof for the need for Christ.
If you have never heard of Christ or the Gospel, God will judge rightly. Someone born and brought up in a town where they never heard of Christ will get judged the same as a 6 year old boy who died and also never heard of Christ.
These people are no better or no worse than someone who follows the gospel but knowingly sins all the time deliberately and says i will repent just later.
Who did then? Social Evolution? Who put it in our original parents? Was it a beneficial mutation? Where is that mutation?
Who did then? Social Evolution? Who put it in our original parents? Was it a beneficial mutation? Where is that mutation?
The Conscience is always pointing you to do Good. Remember, science is morally neutral. In Science, there is no such thing as right or wrong. When i say right or wrong, i am not pointing out "right chess move" but right with morals. You shouldnt equivocate these.
Under evolution or science there was no reason for me to go back to the resteraunt,. In fact, science encourages me to just drive away
The Conscience is always pointing you to do Good. Remember, science is morally neutral. In Science, there is no such thing as right or wrong. When i say right or wrong, i am not pointing out "right chess move" but right with morals. You shouldnt equivocate these.
Under evolution or science there was no reason for me to go back to the resteraunt,. In fact, science encourages me to just drive away
So what it is then?
So what it is then?
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