I'm not saying that ANYONE is right or wrong... I'm saying that conversations about the LAW can get very long and complicated (read boring waste of time) when the parties involved start bringing philosophical MORALITY (read RIGHT & WRONG) into the discussion. Apples and Oranges.
I wasn't implying case closed at all... just maybe a case not worth getting involved with.
For me the title (OP) was misleading because she wasn't arrested for filming a traffic stop... She was arrested for not following police instructions and charged with obstructing governmental administration. There's nothing about "filming" in there... The cop never asks her to stop filming (at one point, I think he says, "You can keep filming from inside")... It doesn't seem like he had a problem with "filming".
I'm curious as to what you think my initial argument was and what you think I'm trying to shift it to? And I'm certainly not going to LOSE an argument with you because OUR conversation has degenerated (from your side) into you making FALSE statements about my intentions and character. You make it too easy for me to "win" when all I have to do is state the truth about myself.
This discussion was about citizens filming police officers. Now you are trying to shift it to some philosophical debate about laws and morality.
What people like you don’t understand is that being a cop is pretty much the only job where you are regularly in a position to completely destroy someone’s life for any reason you want. If you lie about what happened it’s your word against there’s and if they have no proof you will almost always win.
It’s because of people like this lady and others who don’t blindly submit to authority that cops aren’t allowed to do whatever they want with impunity anymore. They are finally being held responsible for their actions and they don’t like it one bit.