Quote Originally Posted by aerial:
bbitw, do you seek my specific attention for your "youtube" links? didnt comment for I was discussing science, not mainstream commentary geared for entertainment set boundaries. As for your rationalism, one of the links suggest that if a American christian was born in Pakistan they would be islamic instead. Have you been to Pakistan to certify this authentic? One Pakistani christian named Arshed Masih died after radical muslim leaders, backed by police, burned him alive for refusing to convert to islam while his wife was raped by police officers. Pakistan citizens are converting to christianity, even with these persecutions that await such a decision.
You quote in regards to religion; "You cant say one has the absolute or more truth than the other" after you post a link that states that "religion is a bureaucracy between man and god". Which is it then? Where is interpretation when you grade a cults doomsday date prophecy by the original scrolls, not a version or translation where their mathematic calculations are flawed. If you bothered to cross-check the formula, it is clear in its error. Just as in a court of law, accountability has to begin somewhere and your interpretation of the law does not excuse you from the law.
bbitw, your motive to single myself out for not giving your links public comment, seeking to drag myself away from facts of science that provide a middle ground into your opinions and those of a social commentator was? If I was interested in swapping opinions I would have just said: the atheist can't find God for the same reason that a thief can't find a police officer, that I cannot think that a Meteoris watch exists and has no watchmaker and sin has gotten men into more trouble than science can get him out of.
But if you are going to judge God by the actions of man, remember Ghandi's words; "If Christians would really live according to the teachings of Christ, as found in the Bible, all of India would be Christian today".

That you mention a single example in Pakistan doesnt change the fact that he is right..
And that they are backed by the police and allowed to rape her wife during it just shows that Bill is right, its arbitrary ! since they live there they are supposed to believe in it.. if the police backs it up its because its what the majority over there thinks and allows it.. So your claims of Pakistans becoming Christians its not backed up even by your own example..
That I share a lot of common beliefs with Bill Maher doesnt mean I agree with him in everything..
So yeah, it show how ridiculous the church is when you cant all even believe in the same things, and the law has nothing to do with this.. thats why the law is written in ways that interpretation doesnt change anything ! the law is not written in figurative language and based in faith ! so there is not a point in comparison between them..
All of the christians beliefs are based on the interpretation of a person, there is no way around it. plain and simple. the original scriptures cant be translated directly because words where used in different ways in those days.. and words dont even apply in todays language..
and if you think about that last Ghandi quote this is what it says: " If christians werent such hypocrites all of India would be christian."