Or was it "free will"??? Whose "free will" then?
Fuck your "god" - hope he burns in hell - if it existed.
God's master plan is for you to live with Him in heaven. "For God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16).
Before Adam and Eve sinned (Genesis3), they had a good relationship with God. Therefore, they were not ashamed to come into God's presence. But after they sinned, their relationship with God changed, and they were ashamed to come into God's physical presence.
Sin had separated them and the entire human race-including you-from God. But God did not want sin to keep people from having a relationship with him.
So he provided a way in which people could be cleansed of their sins and live with Him in heaven forever. He gave His only Son, Jesus, as the perfect payment for everyone's sins.