Quote Originally Posted by smdio:
How can you not see that the Towers fell in 9.2 seconds! Show me a single video that proves they fell in more time than that!
I never, not once, never ever ever -ever-, said that the "billiard ball experiment" was related to -anything- that had to do with the WTC. As a matter of fact, that experiment happened years before (from 2006 ). For about 2-3 pages now, I've been holding out proof that the experiment actually did happen, and was performed by Columbia. I wanted you to continue to dig yourself deeper by denying it, but it seems you're "slightly" admitting that it may have been true now.
The experiment was not done to satisfy 9/11 conspirators. It was simply done to demonstrate the laws of physics to freshman students at Columbia. Again, it was done in 2006 and had nothing to do with proving, debunking, or contradicting anything 9/11 related.
I think you attempted in this post to try and tie me to saying that 9/11 was a precursor for the experiment. I never said that and it is not the case.
With all the video of the WTC collapse on 9/11, as well as Tower #7, you think that we would be able to disprove the free fall speed theory, right? I mean, you said it yourself, the laws of physics are clearly defined. There are set formulas to which speed and time can be calculated. By looking at the videos and subsituting numbers into those formulas, we can determine that all 3 buildings fell in free fall speed.
I'm digging? How long did it take Columbia University to rebuild the towers in 2006 so they could drop some billiard balls? It would appear that they obviously tore them down again? Did the tower free fall the second time?
I think there is a new conspiracy. The buildings actually didn't go down in 2001. It was a government/Bilderberg cover up to make us think they went down. They were still there until 2006 when Columbia conducted a billiard ball experiment. It wasn't the planes or controlled demolition. It was the billiard balls weakening the foundation that actually took down the towers. Holy shit!!
I never stated the experiment never happened but it would seem you have admitted it didn't in the context of still saying it did.
I don't care whether the experiment occurred or not (it did happen in 2006, 5 years after the towers went down). It doesn't matter if the experiment occurred or not (it did happen in 2006, 5 years after the towers went down). It is completely and totally irrelevant. It proves nothing. How is it even possible you don't understand that?
My point was that YOU referenced an experiment that was supposedly conducted by Columbia University but only provided a link to a graph that is not on a Columbia University website and that has nothing stating it was part of a Columbia University project.
If you are going to reference a research project conducted by a university and link to it then it should direct to the complete project. If you have a Master of Science YOU should know this is not proper form. Posting anything else should never have even crossed your mind.
Don't try to say "I've been holding out proof that the experiment actually did happen" because the proof should have been posted the very first time you referenced it but why would you since it occurred in 2006. Why would you need to hold out on something that hadn't even being discussed yet?
Yes, by substituting YOUR numbers, the buildings went down at free fall speed. No one has or would deny that.
However, that does not prove the towers did go down at free fall speed. Just because you say your numbers are correct doesn't suddenly make it so.
Maybe the videos you are looking at are the ones from 2006 when the towers apparently really went down.
1) You will NEVER be convinced by anyone that your time is incorrect.2) You will NEVER convince anyone that your time is correct.