This questions goes out to HutchEmAll
I have spent nearly this entire thread answering every single one of your questions. I think we both agree, I have answered them all. Have I given you the answers that you're looking for? No, I have not. You don't like my answers, and I don't like yours. That's fine with me, I'll simply agree to disagree, which is our right in this country.
I do have 1 question for you though, since I've hardly asked you any so far in this thread.
In this video, there are over 2 dozen witnesses that saw a Boeing 757 aircraft heading towards the Pentagon on 9/11/2001. The problem with the previous sentence is that the plane they saw was not taking an approach that was consistent with the damage to the building itself, as well as the damage and debris field observed by the downed light poles.
My question is: Do you believe the plane which was seen by Ed Paik, Terry Morin, Robert Turcious, Chad Brooks (Pentagon Employee), William Laggasse (Pentagon Employee), William Middleton, Darrell Stafford, Darious Prather, Donald Carter, Sean Boger, and Roosevelt Roberts was indeed Flight 77?
Your answer must be yes or no. Why must it be yes or no? Because the FAA says there were no other flights in the vicinity of the Pentagon at the time of the alleged crash.
If your answer is yes, then how could a plane taking a Northern Approach (North of Citgo gas station, North of Columbia Pike, and directly over the Navy Annex building) could have possibly caused the highly specific damage to the Pentagon and debris field (i.e. downed light poles)?
If you're answer is no, then what other plane could they have possibly seen, considering the FAA reports no others planes were in the area?
I know you'll attempt to evade the question as much as possible. Keep in mind I've answered every one of your questions thus far. I would appreciate you watch the video, and also answer mine.