It seems everyday I hear talking heads, celebrities, or politicians state that Trump is "dangerous for America." Savage attacks are the norm nearly all hours of the day.....
The three most common attacks on Trump:
1) He's a racist
2) His temperament is not presidential
3) He is a liar
I have no idea what kind of president Trump will idea at all. But, he is not a politician. And, on a grand scale, pretty much everyone in the US hates politicians.
So, where is the disconnect? Why all the hate? Why not just ignore the guy and "whip" him in the general election?
Answer: Because it doesn't look to be that easy.....and politics as usual is in big trouble in the US.
That fact troubles a lot of people that love government the way it is and make their living sucking off of public coffers. It is important to realize that media producers, reporters, and talking heads all eat dinner at the same restaurants as really is one big club where your rank is determined by how much money and power you have. A guy like Trump owns the restaurant....and most of the beltway hates him for it.
That is why the attacks on Trump are so telling of the attacker....Washington types have always wanted to be able to say what they want and do what they want, but have had to chew down shitttsandwichh after shittttsandwichh in order to keep their jobs. Must be exhausting.
So, that is where the attacks are coming from, and why they are so savage. Both the republicans and democrats are complicit and function as one with mainstream media outlets. It is the establishment trying to keep their jobs. Simple as that.
The truth is, Hillary is far more dangerous than Trump. She really does see herself in the mold of Mao, and has no qualms about leading the US on fools errand after fools errand to establish a legacy. She is no good......not for America, not for anyone but Hillary. If you doubt this claim, do some research and take a good look into her past affiliations.
Trump will likely delegate authority and go on vacation....Hillary will likely lead a crusade. Few people are more dangerous than a crusader whom is part of the global elite.......just sayin'.