bottom line Stu, telling people they were gay for drinking bud light before when I and others in fact drank it when choices were limited ( ballgames, concerts etc ) isn't an argument. me deciding to not give them another dollar is a choice I'm very much comfortable with. ask the employees of BUD who's ESOP and 401k plan consists of BUD stock to some degree how they feel about a unilateral decision if in fact it was ONE exec. I highly doubt that
This shit is fucking hilarious. You guys are so fired up. This wasn't some huge decision the company was making. It wasn't like there were meetings and they were like, "This is the direction we are going." Companies do these deals with social media "influencers" all the time. It only became a big story because it became a big story. The idea is, "We pay X,Y,Z to post about our product." I can promise you you they never intended America would lose it's collective mind over it. They weren't shoving it down anyone's throat. Their intended target were people who already follow said I influencer. There was no planned national campaign or anything like that. People just like to love to be outraged though. It turns into a national story. The rest is history.