First time anyone on Earth has ever heard of this phrase or concept. This is not a thing. Far left is not religious. Did you get mixed up?
Far right are the whack job hypocritical Evangelical Christians forcing their BS on everyone, yet then going all in on Fat Donnie who represents the complete opposite of what they preach in lifestyle, speech, personality, and everything else.
Carry on with the untrue, partisan nonsense though.
Oh my Deezy.... I'm glad you decided to address this topic, let me lend a helping hand sir.... "Religious extremism", as defined; is any behavior, attitude, or belief outside the norm of religious beliefs or practices. This taken at face value can obviously be applied to any religion. The "right" or "left" wing classification falls under the ideology applied within the outlines of the religion. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, etc. As you dive further into the "sects" of religion, see sunni/shiite or any number of the derivatives of Christianity, the potential increase of possibility of extremism only increases the further you go. You may have heard of this group called "Hamas" recently, they've been in the news a bit.
These are "religions" based on political ideology. You don't think you can have "left wing radical Christians" ?? Think again, go look around and you'll see. Of course these are not portrayed in Main Stream Media circles, that is only reserved for the "right wing radical Christians".
Moving beyond the officially named religions....My assertion was based on this quote, "acts of kindness as a means of social interaction and to not judge, but then the religious majorities do the exact opposite because people cannot allow others to exist and to love them as they are. People want to use religion to force their partisan views down the throats of everyone".
The most far extremes of the political spectrum can 100% accurately be described as being "INTOLERANT" of anyone with views that may fall in between the extreme sides of spectrum. They do not wish to discuss or debate. They do not think for themselves, they are told how to think. This is far left and far right idealism that has gone so far to the radical side you might as well pair them with the official religious extremists. ANTIFA style, radical Islamism, radical Christian right, radical "insert" whatever you want on any side of the spectrum.
The point is, they are INTOLERANT of any others beliefs and often rely on violence.....as the quote above says, "they cannot allow others to exist and to love them as they are". It is within their soul, they know nothing else. They are ideologues, blind partisan advocates of their said "religion".
As our fellow forum moderator wrote above, "people cannot allow others to exist and to love them as they are." Instead, they use their blind religious extremism on anyone who disagrees with them. That is exactly what we have here with regards to those radical ideologies, they are essentially another form of religious extremism.
OJ did it.