Quote Originally Posted by sundance: 1. The demonization of HCQ, ivermectin, vitamins D and C to include zinc. 3. The survivability rate was 99.97%. Did we need to wear masks and allow the powers that be inject us with a messenger RNA vaccine that killed all of the test animals? 7. The PCR testing was set up to detect the human cold. 8. The huge number of false positives was used to scaremonger the population. What happened? Citizens ran out to get the shot that is not a 'vaccine.' 9. We were never told the truth in order for the powers to be to inject vaccine across the planet. 10. What is in the vaccine? Spike proteins and prions to name just 2 each ingredients. The spike proteins destroy our/your red blood cells. 11. What is next? biden will shut down the country and blame the unvaccinated. Morning consult poll reveals US ranks 14th in vaccine hesitancy (except for Russia) among 15 major countries. Anti-vaxers endanger public health by spreading false information. Coronavirus isn't the flu. Without mitigation, there would be far more than 600,000 plus deaths in the US. Covid vaccines fit definition because they help to produce immune response in body to protect against disease. Vaccines didn't kill lab animals which were euthanized so that scientists can examine their organs. With millions of doses administered, vaccines have proven to be safe with rare minor side effects. No evidence of harm from temporary spike proteins produced by human body. No lockdowns are expected in 2021 because of vaccines in the US. Worldwide, many countries don't use HCO and nutritional supplements to treat covid illness. However masks are used in all countries to reduce virus spread. Covid testing is valuable for contact tracing, isolation of infected people and informing public health officials. Sadly, most virus spread comes from unvaccinated population. More vaccination is still the best way out of pandemic.