The following is why the covid numbers are/were a sham in order to put graphene oxide and ethyline oxide inside your body not to mention the other poisons that make up the mRNA shot. From an American hero fighting for your freedom. Her name is Erin Maria Olzewski. She answered the call and went to help in New York during the supposed covid crisis. You will also find out how patients were treated differently in New York vs Florida. Please watch the video inside the link at the bottom of the post.
She contrasted the treatments that they had provided in Florida to what was happening in New York. “[In Florida] we treated our patients with hydroxychloroquine, zinc … sent them home and they were fine.” In New York, “they were banning alternative treatments like hydroxychloroquine. The only thing they could do was to put people on ventilators.”
At the time, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) provided what some called “perverse incentives” instituted by government COVID-19 relief funding, which awarded significantly more compensation to hospitals should patients be classified as COVID-19 positive ($13,000) or if they are put on a ventilator ($39,000).
She further alleged that with the $39,000 incentive, the hospital would then put admitted patients “on a ventilator that they knew would kill them.” In addition, “in some cases” there was an incentive of “$10,000 [for] every death.” With families kicked out and not being able to monitor, it was “the perfect storm, and people took advantage of it.”
As most states sought to justify their lockdowns on statistics coming out of New York, Olzewski criticized the injustice of “taking away peoples’ freedoms based on New York numbers … which now we know we’re lies.” Much of these high fatality rates, she said, came from “[Gov. Andrew] Cuomo putting these [COVID-19] patients into nursing homes” spreading the infection through members of the most vulnerable population.
As most states sought to justify their lockdowns on statistics coming out of New York, Olzewski criticized the injustice of “taking away peoples’ freedoms based on New York numbers … which now we know we’re lies.” Much of these high fatality rates, she said, came from “[Gov. Andrew] Cuomo putting these [COVID-19] patients into nursing homes” spreading the infection through members of the most vulnerable population.
With regards to advice, she emphasized the need to focus on one’s health using natural methods. “No one is focusing on preventative health and what you can do. Quercetin is a natural alternative to hydroxychloroquine, you can get over-the-counter, take it with zinc, vitamin C, get outside, [and get] good exercise. Get healthy, [and] drink water,” she said.
COVID nurse explains becoming a whistleblower: ‘I recorded them murdering patients’ – Clickwooz (