Quote Originally Posted by thirdperson:
If the Trump administration had got the pandemic response right the first time,
virus spread would be under control and US economic recovery would be better
Thirdperson couldn't possibly be more correct in that one sentence! Sums it up perfectly.
It follows logically that if the pandemic CAUSING the economic meldown had been effectively stifled, contained, and mitigated right from the get-go - as many smart countries have done - then most of what followed as a direct result - especially DEATHS - is unlikely to have occurred to such a degree as we have witnessed.
The top priority of any good leader of a country is to protect the safety & security
of his citizens. The responsibility for a nation first and foremost falls on our FEDERAL
Government. Yes, the Governors are responsible for their states, and the Mayors
for their cities. But every US state and city would NOT EVEN BE in the position of
having to defend against a massive, out-of-control national, coronavirus pandemic,
if the trump admin had done it's job effectively IN THE FIRST PLACE!
That's the bottom line.
Research from highly regarded team at Ivy League, Columbia University
concluded that had swift action taken place just 2 weeks sooner (on March 1)
then up to 83% of viral spread and deaths would have been averted.
“It’s a big, BIG difference! That small moment in time, catching it in that growth
phase, is incredibly critical in reducing the number of deaths,”
Columbia epidemiologist Jeffrey Shaman told the New York Times.
Source: https://tinyurl.com/y83554v8
Quote Originally Posted by thirdperson:
According to Moody analytics, states with mask mandates have smaller
increases in infection rates and consumers spend more as they reopen.
However no mask states have increasing unemployment.
And increasing infections - with what follows 2-4 weeks later - increasing DEATHS.
So it's a failure at state level to some degree, but all stemming from what the trump admin
FAILED and indeed REFUSED to do from the get-go. This is well documented.
Quote Originally Posted by thirdperson:
Nationwide, new record highs in daily infections for 41 consecutive days -
the worst performance of any developed country, according to yahoo news.
According to Worldometers chart info, there are 129 countries on the planet
with at least 4 million populations. Of those, only 7 have worse deaths per
capita than the USA - while 121 are doing far better! Why is that? How come,
with all our alleged might & technology, and supposed AWESOME leadership,
are we NOT one of the BEST in the world for handling this pandemic? Who the
hell is in charge of protecting our citizens??
Quote Originally Posted by thirdperson:
The recession is dragging on longer than it should have.
Trillions of dollars wasted if US remains dependent on government debt to keep economy afloat.
The self-described "KING of DEBT" doesn't give a damn. Afterall, it's not his money...
Source: https://tinyurl.com/y83554v8