Quote Originally Posted by StumpTownStu:
Quote Originally Posted by Raiders22: More testing, more cases, and more deaths all in democratic states. Maybe the best plan is for the democratic states to stop testing so much — maybe people will quit dying. This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard uttered on covers and one of the sickest. You are putting up handshake emojis for deaths because they are in "democratic states". Do you think all that are dying in said states are democrats? You think people dying from this is due to testing, and that maybe testing should cease? Got it.
Pay attention to the rest of the thread and what it is in response to. You have to stay caught up in these threads or you will continue to be left behind! 
Obviously, it is not a serious reply. It is a retort to Midnight saying that Republican states are not testing as much as Democratic states — quite true.
I simply pointed out that the outbreaks started there, they have more cases, and have more tests being done. Quite obviously, the states hardest, and earliest, hit will be testing more! He just wanted to bash on Republican states. I am sure they see the other states being hit and are doing what they feel is best!
Then Thirdperson jumped in and said I was implying that coronavirus was picking and choosing democrats. He wanted to point out that the coronavirus was not picky by party affiliation.
So, I was pointing out to him that the testing is NOT preventing the breakouts. Quite obviously, the virus does NOT care what party a person is.
My points were the testing is being done more where more breakouts are — the other states that are not that bad may have decided as much testing is not needed, at least yet. Maybe they have done a better job containing it at earlier stages!
Of course they are NOT dying from the testing! That is my whole point to them — because it does not PREVENT the person from getting it — they either have it or they don’t by then. The TESTING is for treatment and to isolate the person and to inform their contacts.
BUT it is not a foolproof and only answer as these guys want to imply — just so they can turn this into a Democrat vs. Republican thing. That is why I gave them the snide reply. Because if testing is the MOST important thing to do, as they both seem to imply, then why DO those states that are doing the most testing have the most cases and deaths? The answer is there is no correlation at all!
See...that is what happens when you read/see something in a box.
By now you know I am not the type of person to give a sick reply like that. You have to see it in context. Sometimes you have to get the point across by being blunt and showing someone how ridiculous it is at a time like this to nitpick and constantly turn everything into a political bias.