They are misogynist. They have members who are racist, as many groups do, but they are not a white supremacist organization and are vehemently opposed to white supremacy and racism.[/Quote]
You know nothing about me. You are not the only black man in the forum. If you are kicking it with the proud boys, I truly feel sorry for you. Then again based on some of your comments about women enjoying being sexually assaulted by Trump and other prominent men, it actually does not surprise me. 
I personally could not care less what you do in your private life, but just because you hung with a couple of members from this far-right hate group, does not make you an expert. The point of this conversation is not Google my brother. Are you familiar with scholarly and academic resources? Peer reviewed, Journal articles, Books? Probably not, you do not sound like much of a reader. Google is one basic source to get basic information just to get a general idea about what the group stands for. It's possible to dig a little deeper though. 
You got one thing right. They do have racist members. They do not claim to be a straight up white supremacist group, which I never said they were. I said Trump refused to condemn white supremacist groups, which is true, and that the Proud Boys is a violent, far, right group (also true).
But again try using some common sense. If the group has many racist members, would't that make the group racist? 
Try putting 2+2 together my man.
The group's ideology features prominent elements of white genocide conspiracy theory, they frequently participate in anti-left, racist, violent political events, and a former member was heavily involved in the United the Right Rally in Charlottesville. But hey I am sure none of this makes the group racist. 
I suppose there are members of the group that are not racist, but that does not seem common.
I question your life experiences and common sense since you are a Black man hanging out with members of this group, but hey your life not mine. Have fun and carry on! I am sure when push comes to shove, the Proud Boys would have your back. 
I could easily make up some make believe story too about how I hung with Jason and Michael from Antifa, and they helped me fill up my empty gas tank on the side of the road. They were so kind, and protected me from the Proud Boys chasing me down the street when I was in need. After the whole ordeal, they bought me breakfast in the morning and we are still friends today. No one cares. I cannot verify your story and frankly don't care. I know what the Proud Boys are about, and even if you really do kick it with them, it shows what you are about.