It is quite boring playing partisan pattycake so I usually avoid it and this will be the last thing I say here but the whole thing is quite amusing at best. Here is a news flash for the GOP dust storm folks...China is doing more with regards to spying and seeking information than floating a weather balloon and the US is also doing their own spying and observing and we can stop rolling back the spy strategies 200 years and move on to the big topic at hand which is how horrible is Hunter Biden? That story you guys have for another year plus and at least that has teeth...this boogie monster scheme is quite lame compared to Hunter and you will leave this dead topic quite soon, but hey it sure is fun to find the item to blame Biden for today I guess.
But but but isn't blaming someone you don't like for everything what we do here?
Isn't that what these guys you back do? It's ok they do it all F-in day for you?
You're right, it can be petty, but just following suit.
Quote Originally Posted by wallstreetcappers:
It is quite boring playing partisan pattycake so I usually avoid it and this will be the last thing I say here but the whole thing is quite amusing at best. Here is a news flash for the GOP dust storm folks...China is doing more with regards to spying and seeking information than floating a weather balloon and the US is also doing their own spying and observing and we can stop rolling back the spy strategies 200 years and move on to the big topic at hand which is how horrible is Hunter Biden? That story you guys have for another year plus and at least that has teeth...this boogie monster scheme is quite lame compared to Hunter and you will leave this dead topic quite soon, but hey it sure is fun to find the item to blame Biden for today I guess.
But but but isn't blaming someone you don't like for everything what we do here?
Isn't that what these guys you back do? It's ok they do it all F-in day for you?
You're right, it can be petty, but just following suit.
Quote Originally Posted by wallstreetcappers: It is quite boring playing partisan pattycake so I usually avoid it and this will be the last thing I say here but the whole thing is quite amusing at best. Here is a news flash for the GOP dust storm folks...China is doing more with regards to spying and seeking information than floating a weather balloon and the US is also doing their own spying and observing and we can stop rolling back the spy strategies 200 years and move on to the big topic at hand which is how horrible is Hunter Biden? That story you guys have for another year plus and at least that has teeth...this boogie monster scheme is quite lame compared to Hunter and you will leave this dead topic quite soon, but hey it sure is fun to find the item to blame Biden for today I guess. bing
oh and here's a nice little rub out for you
Kelly Bing goooood like that
Looks like sidebiatch got his rubbed too.
Quote Originally Posted by KellyM_1964:
Quote Originally Posted by wallstreetcappers: It is quite boring playing partisan pattycake so I usually avoid it and this will be the last thing I say here but the whole thing is quite amusing at best. Here is a news flash for the GOP dust storm folks...China is doing more with regards to spying and seeking information than floating a weather balloon and the US is also doing their own spying and observing and we can stop rolling back the spy strategies 200 years and move on to the big topic at hand which is how horrible is Hunter Biden? That story you guys have for another year plus and at least that has teeth...this boogie monster scheme is quite lame compared to Hunter and you will leave this dead topic quite soon, but hey it sure is fun to find the item to blame Biden for today I guess. bing
Quote Originally Posted by DeezyAZ81: Another Chinese spy balloon spotted in Latin America. Must be Biden's fault as well! Lazy GOP narratives. So simple minded. yep the maga fools r blaming joe biden and kamala harris for that one too
wow, you are something special.
I'm surprised you haven't repeated someone who knows someone who blames Trump for this
Good to see you and your sidebiatch today. He was pretty original as usual too.
Quote Originally Posted by KellyM_1964:
Quote Originally Posted by DeezyAZ81: Another Chinese spy balloon spotted in Latin America. Must be Biden's fault as well! Lazy GOP narratives. So simple minded. yep the maga fools r blaming joe biden and kamala harris for that one too
wow, you are something special.
I'm surprised you haven't repeated someone who knows someone who blames Trump for this
Good to see you and your sidebiatch today. He was pretty original as usual too.
"You guys crack me up, like Biden is the one who is monitoring the atmosphere, the only time he would be aware is if the situation got to the point where he needed to be."
President Biden has chosen, for now, not to shoot down the balloon. <The New York Times
" move on to the big topic at hand which is how horrible is Hunter Biden?"
Has everything to do with JOE, not Hunter. How flipping stupid he left a laptop full of sensitive information at a repair shop and forgot about it. Then the FBI has it and does nothing. An entire cascade of lies it was Russian disinformation. Emails being discovered that look like copied classified information. Hunter email to Alcoa asking for 55 grand for Russian oligarch information he has. Now how did he get that?? So no, the deflection that the GOP is after poor, recovering Hunter ain't gonna fly.
"You guys crack me up, like Biden is the one who is monitoring the atmosphere, the only time he would be aware is if the situation got to the point where he needed to be."
President Biden has chosen, for now, not to shoot down the balloon. <The New York Times
" move on to the big topic at hand which is how horrible is Hunter Biden?"
Has everything to do with JOE, not Hunter. How flipping stupid he left a laptop full of sensitive information at a repair shop and forgot about it. Then the FBI has it and does nothing. An entire cascade of lies it was Russian disinformation. Emails being discovered that look like copied classified information. Hunter email to Alcoa asking for 55 grand for Russian oligarch information he has. Now how did he get that?? So no, the deflection that the GOP is after poor, recovering Hunter ain't gonna fly.
This Ballon is lower to the ground than a satellite so it's camera can get better is maneuverable and has capability of changing course...and has been passing over military bases and nuclear silos...but it's just a weather Ballon off course...we are told... just like covid was natural... this is an embarrassment of an administration, full of clowns and idiots and lead by a weak feeble piece of crap...
This Ballon is lower to the ground than a satellite so it's camera can get better is maneuverable and has capability of changing course...and has been passing over military bases and nuclear silos...but it's just a weather Ballon off course...we are told... just like covid was natural... this is an embarrassment of an administration, full of clowns and idiots and lead by a weak feeble piece of crap...
Most likely would have never known if the Pentagon did not make it public. Strange they did. Maybe commercial air saw it and forced their hand, who knows? Read where commercial air in Canada was warned.
What's really facinating is the report of a "Chinese Surveillance Balloon" was reported by the United States Pentagon. Then the Chinese said it's just a weather balloon. After that some poster(s) here took the word of the Chinese OVER the word of the Pentagon by saying; "Not unusual for weather research balloons to be blown off course by wind."
Now there's talk about dropping it in the Atlantic. They stated from the beginning it could cause harm to buildings or people if dropped over land. Yet it was over an unpopulated area of Montana for a long time.
Most likely would have never known if the Pentagon did not make it public. Strange they did. Maybe commercial air saw it and forced their hand, who knows? Read where commercial air in Canada was warned.
What's really facinating is the report of a "Chinese Surveillance Balloon" was reported by the United States Pentagon. Then the Chinese said it's just a weather balloon. After that some poster(s) here took the word of the Chinese OVER the word of the Pentagon by saying; "Not unusual for weather research balloons to be blown off course by wind."
Now there's talk about dropping it in the Atlantic. They stated from the beginning it could cause harm to buildings or people if dropped over land. Yet it was over an unpopulated area of Montana for a long time.
This Ballon is lower to the ground than a satellite so it's camera can get better is maneuverable and has capability of changing course...and has been passing over military bases and nuclear silos...but it's just a weather Ballon off course...we are told... just like covid was natural... this is an embarrassment of an administration, full of clowns and idiots and lead by a weak feeble piece of crap...
Quote Originally Posted by scooby-doos:
This Ballon is lower to the ground than a satellite so it's camera can get better is maneuverable and has capability of changing course...and has been passing over military bases and nuclear silos...but it's just a weather Ballon off course...we are told... just like covid was natural... this is an embarrassment of an administration, full of clowns and idiots and lead by a weak feeble piece of crap...
A reasonable explanation would be our military is capturing the data being sent by the balloon. Basically learning what they are looking for and how they get it. Or maybe trying to get enough transmissions to break an ecryption code. One would hope so.
Very embarrassing on the world stage if nothing is done.
A reasonable explanation would be our military is capturing the data being sent by the balloon. Basically learning what they are looking for and how they get it. Or maybe trying to get enough transmissions to break an ecryption code. One would hope so.
Very embarrassing on the world stage if nothing is done.
Be very careful what you say about China giving the World Covid…..there’s a reason the Hunter Xiden Biolabs (and CIA approved) were located in Ukraine and Xiden keeps giving Zelensky Billions!
Be very careful what you say about China giving the World Covid…..there’s a reason the Hunter Xiden Biolabs (and CIA approved) were located in Ukraine and Xiden keeps giving Zelensky Billions!
Just remember, my Donald J Trump brand tie says “Made in China.” Just like Ivanka’s clothing line. Who did Daewoo give a 8 figure loan to that showed up on DJT’s hidden tax returns that he didn’t want us to know about? All facts biatches
Just remember, my Donald J Trump brand tie says “Made in China.” Just like Ivanka’s clothing line. Who did Daewoo give a 8 figure loan to that showed up on DJT’s hidden tax returns that he didn’t want us to know about? All facts biatches
Biden deserves praise for taking care of the situation and following Pentagon expert advice. Last Wednesday, he immediately ordered the balloon to be shot down as soon as possible. But Pentagon recommended waiting until the right time due to safety concerns about the risk of falling debris. According to Associated press, Chinese balloons have crossed the US 3 times during Trump administration but unknown whether they have been shot down. Also Foundation for defense of democracy reveals several balloons have been sighted in the US in the last 5 years.
Biden deserves praise for taking care of the situation and following Pentagon expert advice. Last Wednesday, he immediately ordered the balloon to be shot down as soon as possible. But Pentagon recommended waiting until the right time due to safety concerns about the risk of falling debris. According to Associated press, Chinese balloons have crossed the US 3 times during Trump administration but unknown whether they have been shot down. Also Foundation for defense of democracy reveals several balloons have been sighted in the US in the last 5 years.
@ColonelKlink Be very careful what you say about China giving the World Covid…..there’s a reason the Hunter Xiden Biolabs (and CIA approved) were located in Ukraine and Xiden keeps giving Zelensky Billions!
I certainly agree there's more to protecting Ukraine than just Ukraine for JoeXi. I thought it was coming out by now but that's why JoeXi scrambles for them like he does. He's the one guilty of what they claimed Trump did in Ukraine, all sensible people know that.
We all knew the wet market claim was a cover-up story. 1st month, the few articles I read Claimed Wuhan and then that story disappeared off the map and people like these clowns here hadn't even heard about Wuhan yet. The way the Wuhan story died tells me there's more to it. Personally, I hope there's a connection between Covid and JoeXi in Ukraine. It would be more fun than Wuhan.
As UNIMAN pointed out too
Awesome how the s on here jumped to China's defense over this balloon. They ebb and flow as directed.
Quote Originally Posted by chilitokid:
@ColonelKlink Be very careful what you say about China giving the World Covid…..there’s a reason the Hunter Xiden Biolabs (and CIA approved) were located in Ukraine and Xiden keeps giving Zelensky Billions!
I certainly agree there's more to protecting Ukraine than just Ukraine for JoeXi. I thought it was coming out by now but that's why JoeXi scrambles for them like he does. He's the one guilty of what they claimed Trump did in Ukraine, all sensible people know that.
We all knew the wet market claim was a cover-up story. 1st month, the few articles I read Claimed Wuhan and then that story disappeared off the map and people like these clowns here hadn't even heard about Wuhan yet. The way the Wuhan story died tells me there's more to it. Personally, I hope there's a connection between Covid and JoeXi in Ukraine. It would be more fun than Wuhan.
As UNIMAN pointed out too
Awesome how the s on here jumped to China's defense over this balloon. They ebb and flow as directed.
Actually you have it reversed, if this happened on his watch he would blame the left wing media for trying to pick on him as he did pretty much every day of his term and every day since. Nobody blames others and deflects like he does, he would say these things happen and the left are trying to attack him with a non-event.
Even though Biden is not the sharpest tool in the shed at least he isnt out attacking, blaming, minimizing and demeaning others and from what little I saw on this stupid ballooney garbage Biden didnt give it much of any attention and did not attack the right wing goofs who tried to make this something when it was absolutely nothing.
Actually you have it reversed, if this happened on his watch he would blame the left wing media for trying to pick on him as he did pretty much every day of his term and every day since. Nobody blames others and deflects like he does, he would say these things happen and the left are trying to attack him with a non-event.
Even though Biden is not the sharpest tool in the shed at least he isnt out attacking, blaming, minimizing and demeaning others and from what little I saw on this stupid ballooney garbage Biden didnt give it much of any attention and did not attack the right wing goofs who tried to make this something when it was absolutely nothing.
@scooby-doos Actually you have it reversed, if this happened on his watch he would blame the left wing media for trying to pick on him as he did pretty much every day of his term and every day since. Nobody blames others and deflects like he does, he would say these things happen and the left are trying to attack him with a non-event. Even though Biden is not the sharpest tool in the shed at least he isnt out attacking, blaming, minimizing and demeaning others and from what little I saw on this stupid ballooney garbage Biden didnt give it much of any attention and did not attack the right wing goofs who tried to make this something when it was absolutely nothing.
You missed the Trump attack from the left?
The non-stop attack for 4 years and now +?
Wow, if reversed you and your buddies in here would have blamed him for much much more and you would be wallowing in this 'non-story'
Just WOW
but mod on buddy, mod on
Quote Originally Posted by wallstreetcappers:
@scooby-doos Actually you have it reversed, if this happened on his watch he would blame the left wing media for trying to pick on him as he did pretty much every day of his term and every day since. Nobody blames others and deflects like he does, he would say these things happen and the left are trying to attack him with a non-event. Even though Biden is not the sharpest tool in the shed at least he isnt out attacking, blaming, minimizing and demeaning others and from what little I saw on this stupid ballooney garbage Biden didnt give it much of any attention and did not attack the right wing goofs who tried to make this something when it was absolutely nothing.
You missed the Trump attack from the left?
The non-stop attack for 4 years and now +?
Wow, if reversed you and your buddies in here would have blamed him for much much more and you would be wallowing in this 'non-story'
Wall... if this happened during orange man 's years...the media would crucify him night and day. The msm , social media , despise the man. They have attacked him since day 1.
Wall... if this happened during orange man 's years...the media would crucify him night and day. The msm , social media , despise the man. They have attacked him since day 1.
@scooby-doos Actually you have it reversed, if this happened on his watch he would blame the left wing media for trying to pick on him as he did pretty much every day of his term and every day since. Nobody blames others and deflects like he does, he would say these things happen and the left are trying to attack him with a non-event. Even though Biden is not the sharpest tool in the shed at least he isnt out attacking, blaming, minimizing and demeaning others and from what little I saw on this stupid ballooney garbage Biden didnt give it much of any attention and did not attack the right wing goofs who tried to make this something when it was absolutely nothing.
Quote Originally Posted by wallstreetcappers:
@scooby-doos Actually you have it reversed, if this happened on his watch he would blame the left wing media for trying to pick on him as he did pretty much every day of his term and every day since. Nobody blames others and deflects like he does, he would say these things happen and the left are trying to attack him with a non-event. Even though Biden is not the sharpest tool in the shed at least he isnt out attacking, blaming, minimizing and demeaning others and from what little I saw on this stupid ballooney garbage Biden didnt give it much of any attention and did not attack the right wing goofs who tried to make this something when it was absolutely nothing.
"Unnamed senior official "... more lies from this administration... if there was a chinese spy balloon hovering over military bases and nuclear silos during the trump term... and can be seen , by naked eye... the media would be all over it.... it never happened...another deflection...another lie..
"Unnamed senior official "... more lies from this administration... if there was a chinese spy balloon hovering over military bases and nuclear silos during the trump term... and can be seen , by naked eye... the media would be all over it.... it never happened...another deflection...another lie..
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