“There’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump.”
- Kevin McCarthy, circa 2016
Then more recently:
Even as congressional Republicans this week were threatening to cut off Ukraine aid once and for all, former president Donald Trumpfloated the idea that he would encourage Putin to attack NATO countries that didn’t pay enough; Tucker Carlson set about what was effectively a pro-Russian propaganda tour in which he downplayed Putin’s killing of political opponents; and then top Putin opposition leader Alexei Navalny was reported dead in prison.
This all begs the question - why do so many people from this one party want Putin to continue to get stronger? Are they all on his payroll? (Tucker probably is.)
As for those who are not on his payroll, they most certainly are living up the the Cold War moniker of being “useful idiots.”
Valid points, Sidehatch! It would seem likely that a stronger Putin means more election intereference (proven before!!) to help trump get elected. Sad but surely plausible, since he's done it before.