Nature old buddy old pal old buddy old pal …..
I’m glad to see that you are still breathing and moving inside at least one of the dimensions in this universe brother …..
or are you in them all at the same time ? Like that movie , Everything , Everywhere , All at Once ?
I wouldn’t put it passed you big papi cuz no doubt you got the skillz to traverse any dangerous locale because you have the heart of a champion and that mythological superhero spunk that makes you so god damn admirable
me and you buddy , two brothers only separated by my lack of that one chromosome . Fuck it . I don’t even need it . It’s like blowing a tire on the highway . You can ride on the rim with them 4th of July sparks just shooting out like some macabre Texas BBQ picnic that went awry when all the partygoers pulled out their gats and started blazing up the scenery cuz they were fighting over which side items to make .
Can’t go wrong with corn on the cob though bro . And that’s as real as hell is hot , and so hot in fact that the Devil himself is even sweating out his whole asshole , and that motherfucker runs the joint ya dig ?
Yo , what you told me earlier in this thread daddy , yes , it was true . All of it . You’re either a soothsayer or clairvoyant , and by the latter part I don’t mean that you’re just some middle aged housewife in Nebraska who has 6 cats and loves sewing who’s name is Claire Voyant , but you got that right ? Yup . I know you did you time traveling bastard . Giddy up !
the party about to start up again and we got a lot to celebrate mister muttonchops ! Cuz the biggest dog of them all is back in town , my boy nature . God bless brother …..