On this holy and happy Easter Sunday , I’m gonna ask the Democrats and the Republicans that loiter inside of this forum like a bunch of idiot teenagers that are just standing around outside of a 7-11 ……
who are talking mad shit to each other relentlessly , because they have nothing better to do with their young directionless lives ….
to put their differences aside for a moment , for the greater good , so that they can work together , and formulate a plan , to possibly save themselves from having the cops being called , because the sign by the customer parking clearly states “ No Loitering “ ….
and their actions , and their commiserating , although somewhat harmless as long as it doesn’t involve bullying , are an obvious , and concrete violation of the rules ….
and the severe penalty for their jovial exuberance outweighs the collective sum of the poundage of all of the fatties that they’ve ever been even lucky enough to kiss …..
Plus wallstreet told you guys to cool it …..
So I’m gonna ask you to follow the examples set forth by The Easter Bunny , and that ultimate good guy with the fabulous beard Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ …..
on how to conduct yourselves , and how to handle things when the circumstances get dicey , and when they dictate to your mere mortal flesh that you punch somebody in the mouth cuz he doesn’t believe in the things that you believe ……
Cuz if that furry fuck machine with his diabolical games of hiding painted eggs ….
and the Man that walked on water who Christmas is named after because there is a Mass in his honor can share a holiday ….
then you bag of bones inside a human hot pocket can also traverse this existence in a manner that eludes destruction , and instead blossoms wholesomeness , because good God damn , you motherfuckers are gonna be dead before you know it ……
And fuck 3 days son . You ain’t Him . You ain’t rising . You’re going direct to purgatory , or to limbo , and it don’t matter how flexible you are there , cuz it’s a misnomer pal .
The bar is set high there , so you think by reading that it’s gonna be easy . Fuck you . Guess again . Cuz for every asshole maneuver that you pulled here in this life , that’s like a thousand years of just having to hear a Kenny G solo on a loop over there bro till you figure it out . You gotta pay the price . It’s like parole . But inside of a jail that offers full cable and escargot in the cafeteria .
Good luck with not disintegrating your spirit energy into a negatively charged mist that’s scooped up by El Diablo like an easy pop fly to the Second Baseman papi . Be strong . Bide your time . Make the right choices .
And then you too will get to the Promised Land and to Salvation . And then you’ll fully realize all the gaffes and mistakes that you made while you wandered this planet pretending you knew anything at all .
So Blessed Easter to All in the Politics Forum…..
and may you all resolve the differences that not only lay there like a roadblock to truth , that sits there in the middle of your respective “ Parties “ ( LoL , who’s partying ? ) …
but also may you resolve the heartache , pain and despair in your souls , so that you too may enter into God’s Kingdom ……. Where all your 7-11 Slurpees will be Free , and Loitering is encouraged ……
BACK PATTING and KISSING threads are like passing HAM SANDWICHES around over and over-wall