Mister whatsTiTstoYa I’m not really comprehending why you feel the need to try and constantly pummel me with your little fists ?
Is it just because I have the delectable desire to churn the ideas that are revolving around and inside that beautiful ornament sitting atop my neck ? and say them like everybody else ?
is it not my right as a human to attempt to live , communicate , and to try and strive to understand the world around me ?
well you’re a part of my world buddy , whether you like it or not , because we’re interconnected , and joined , and because we’re living out our existence here in this same timeline ……together
so I’m not saying that we should wrap our loins around each other like a bacon wrapped scallop or anything , or that we should even spoon , but how about we simply be cordial to each other ?
like a guy that takes of his shit encrusted boots before entering someone’s home because it’s the right thing to do , even though it’s still gonna be a problem for anyone in that residence cuz his socks smell like the cough of an old man who had a chicken nugget stuck inside of his dentures for a week .
You cool with that Fonzi ?
you feel me ?
and why attack me chihuahua style when you know that I am a giant lumbering individual with a solid base that comes from the substantial power emanating from my oak tree legs ?
and when I have more machismo than the imaginary love child made during a night of whimsical passion between The Brawny Man and Bigfoot ?
aren’t you supposed to be promoting equality and human rights ?
why bash me ? Is that what you stand for ? Or what your party stands for ? I thought you guys were “ the nice party “ that accepted people ?
if I told you that I dressed up in a furry cat costume everyday , and that I prefer to be called “ Mittens “ , and that I petitioned my office to allow me the use of a litter box stationed in the corner of the hallway , to defecate in , that would be okay ? but me just shooting the dirt in my own style isn’t ?
you need to get your priorities in order bub . I’m not the enemy . I’m the guy that unmasks the enemy , like at the end of those Scooby Doo episodes where it’s the same old man that woulda got away with it if it wasn’t for those darn meddling kids .
dig it ?
BACK PATTING and KISSING threads are like passing HAM SANDWICHES around over and over-wall