Darkhorse12 is right. For decades, common for many presidents and immigration authorities to have wide discretion over immigration policy because of limited resources and impracticality of deporting everyone. US constitution and congress allow the executive branch broad authority in the administration and enforcement of immigration laws. So temporary deferral in deportation of illegal immigrants is constitutional according to letter signed by 105 law professors. Every legal challenge to DACA has failed because DACA is constitutional according to American civil liberty union.
Presidents (executive of laws) might not enforce a law, but that reflects on their lack of commitment to uphold a law (Constitution).
"Allow for broad authority" What are you saying? He has authority. You mean flexible authority? The Pres is the branch of govt that can define a threat to the US and can define immigration policy because of that authority.
The leftists ran to airports like IDIOTS to block travellers and yell/hold anti-Trump placards--and the SUPREME COURT upheld the executivs branch authority FROM THE CONSTITUTION and liberal Supreme Court judges AGREED.
"according to the ACLU?"" A leftist, social justice professional sueing org. HAHHA, you are so funny b/c you don't realize what an idiot you are.
The SUPREME COURT is going to uphold the UNCONSTITUTIONALTY of DACA and the CANCELLATION of DACA. It is on their calendar. Until then, I don't give a turd abt 105 law professors and the ACLU. Dumb/