I usually range between 1 and 5 units. Last WC I had plenty of 3 and 4 unit plays - and I even had a 6 unit play on the Netherlands in the Final (a "this one goes to eleven moment").
I am sure that I will have bigger bets coming. I just haven't felt truly comfortable yet in this WC - the GKing has been erratic and deciding games - and the amount of goals are silly at this point.
So I am watching and learning at this point. I have already made some adjustments. But I am not a chaser. A 2 unit play at the beginning of the tournament when I am even is still a 2 unit play late in the tournament when I am down. There is no magic breakeven number for me to hit by the end of this. If I am down 3 units going in to the final - and I don't like it - I just wont bet it.
Sometimes I don't think this translates well to covers at all. If you are dealing with a bankroll that even if you lost every single game would be more than enough to sustain - you don't worry about these things. Im not saying this to brag - because this could be a 100 dollar bankroll or a 100K bankroll - it is all about your expectations and how you bet. Im not an idiot. I know the avg covers guy with a 100 dollar bankroll bets all of it on my first game hoping to get on a run, and then misses the later games because he is busto.
Anyway - bigger games will be coming I am sure. I like Italy a lot and if that keeps coming towards CR I will be betting more.
And if we get a result against Portugal - the yacht will be leaving its home port of Cheyenne Wyoming and heading to Rio in the fast lane - you are more than welcome to jump aboard. Plenty of supermodels to go around.