Quote Originally Posted by offensivestr:
You say no evidence? Are you serious? You idiot atheists compare Harry Potter to God. If you believed in Harry Potter and archeologists found Hogwartz that would certainly help your case.
Are you terminally stupid? I was about to get to this, but i'll address it now. Your failure to understand the most basic of analogy augers ill for your overall intellect. The "harry potter" statement in its various forms suggested that in a vacuum, children exposed to this myth would grow up to regard it as true if it were preached by authority thus, or that if society were anihilated and harry potter survived and formed a tight cadre of believers, in a few hundred years it would probably be viewed in the same light as christianity, or any other religion, and have a legion of followers. Of course both of theses suppositions are inherently untestable, just think of them as thought experiments. Einstein was big on those.
Your moron scientists said that the Hittites as well as multiple other groups were myths? Not real. Fake. But guess what, archeologists found their entire culture. You keep asking for proof and it's all around. There are multiple multiple multiple archeological findings that support the Bible and make "scientists" look like fools.
I know you bitches want God to appear to you and shove a rod in your ass but it ain't gonna happen (yet)
"moron" scientists do not dispute that many, if not all of the peoples mentioned in the bible actually existed. What these mouth breathing, knuckledragging eggheads dispute are the fantastical, absurd, and just plain shitfuck stupid claims of the bible, such as virgin births, the entirety of humanity arising from a genepool of two individuals, boats carrying the sum of the earth's 10 million odd species, said earth being 6000 years old, talking snakes and donkeys...et vomitous.
Open your eyes, idiots. Read some stories. Read about people's personal experiences. I've had 4 neurologists and 9 doctors say that what happened to my family has NO scientific answer. To thank God. The ones that were weak believers had their faith strengthened. Open your eyes. Read some stories.
I suppose you have never heard of anectdotal evidence?
Read about a boy that was 4 years old that died and went to heaven. Read about him meeting his sister that his parents never told him about because she died at birth. He knew her name and everything about her. Read about him taking a lie detector test. Funny thing is there are thousands of stories. Thousands and thousands.
Unsubstantiated anecdotal evidence.
Like I've said over and over, atheists are closed off to God and they will not experience his Grace. That is why it's a waste of time to be on here.
Merry Christ mas
I am closed off to ignorance for the sake of ignorance, which is the intellectual currency you and your ilk traffic in.