Hey, i have a gambling debt and it needs to be paid off. I dont have anyone money to pay it off, can you pay it off for me? I dont know you and you dont know me, but still, can you pay it off?
Actually, i just got off the phone with the bookie, he said, he will forgive my debt, if you, yes you go to his house, at his house, he will lash you 100 times on your back, then after the lashing, he and his heavies will drag you by the hair ont he ground for a few km's, then he has a very very big and heavy wooden cross that weighs 7-8 times than you do, you will need to carry that cross for a a few km's, everytime you fall, one of his heavies will whip you...
When you get to the end, they will drive 50 cm nails into ankles and hands.......and eventually die.
If you do this, they will forgive my debt, can you do this for me? Actually, the bookmaker said that they will forgive every single persons debt.....
They want you because you have never gambled in your life or done anything wrong...
Cmon, can you do this, after all, according to you, "it is no biggy"
I await your response....
Sadism and insanity are your arguments for divinty? Give me a major intersection in a major city and i'll show you someone making the same claims. Your savior, if he existed at all, was likely a mentally ill but charismatic man who cultivated a subversive following at a politically sensitive time in roman history, and was sadistically tortured by the roman dictatorship, as were tens of thousands of others. His charisma, the weakening of the empire, its oppression, and many other socio/political trends allowed his words to gain a foothold and a loyal following, and it spread through an oppressed society with a very appealing message, the message that would be its legacy and its power- that it matters not what vile oppression you face in this world, you will be rewardeed in another. This credulity and need for hope was later co-opted by power hungry people, and here we are.