Oh, wait, you say you can use deductive reaosning to believe aliens exist even though you have no proof they exist, but you can use deductive reasoning, ok fair enough....
But we cant use deductive reasoining for God, ie, origins of the universe, fine tuning, hostoricity of Christ, objective moral duties, you cant use those, , for God it has to be emprical evidence...
I would hate to see you be a judge in a court...
When did we ever say we BELIEVE aliens exist?!? All we said is that from what we know, it is VERY LIKELY that they exist. Do I believe? No. Do I think it is highly likely? Yes (because it is)...
Quote Originally Posted by Rostos:
And belief in aliens is all empirically based ?
different rules for different reasons...
Oh, wait, you say you can use deductive reaosning to believe aliens exist even though you have no proof they exist, but you can use deductive reasoning, ok fair enough....
But we cant use deductive reasoining for God, ie, origins of the universe, fine tuning, hostoricity of Christ, objective moral duties, you cant use those, , for God it has to be emprical evidence...
I would hate to see you be a judge in a court...
When did we ever say we BELIEVE aliens exist?!? All we said is that from what we know, it is VERY LIKELY that they exist. Do I believe? No. Do I think it is highly likely? Yes (because it is)...
For starters, i wouldnt go to a big foot forum, i dont believe he exists, so i wouldnt bother going to that site, let alone be there months later arguing with them......
Yet you and your friends are still here...Wonder why...
People believing in bigfoot don't negatively impact society.
Quote Originally Posted by Rostos:
For starters, i wouldnt go to a big foot forum, i dont believe he exists, so i wouldnt bother going to that site, let alone be there months later arguing with them......
Yet you and your friends are still here...Wonder why...
People believing in bigfoot don't negatively impact society.
Your (intentional?) misunderstanding of cosmology is only surpassed by your credulity. In your next post you actually suggest that the shroud of turin is not a forgery?! C'mon, get outta here! As for your ad nauseum repetition of something arising from nothing, though other non theists have done a credible job wrangling with your semantics, perhaps a different tack is in order. Simply because we do not precisely understand the conditions at the rise of our universe does not in any way support the existence of a god (or gods for pc) It still boils down to as you say, "something arising from nothing" at its most irreducable state. Your argument that a god not beholden to the laws of physics is much less plausible to the rational mind than the laws of physics breaking down in a singularity. For all your claims of humbleness, you theists assert and assume so much, while we atheists know that we have come so far, yet have still much further to go.
And the typical atheist response just continue, you claim my knowledge of cosmology is not correct, yet you dont give reasons why.....not one....
Quote Originally Posted by SurfApe:
Your (intentional?) misunderstanding of cosmology is only surpassed by your credulity. In your next post you actually suggest that the shroud of turin is not a forgery?! C'mon, get outta here! As for your ad nauseum repetition of something arising from nothing, though other non theists have done a credible job wrangling with your semantics, perhaps a different tack is in order. Simply because we do not precisely understand the conditions at the rise of our universe does not in any way support the existence of a god (or gods for pc) It still boils down to as you say, "something arising from nothing" at its most irreducable state. Your argument that a god not beholden to the laws of physics is much less plausible to the rational mind than the laws of physics breaking down in a singularity. For all your claims of humbleness, you theists assert and assume so much, while we atheists know that we have come so far, yet have still much further to go.
And the typical atheist response just continue, you claim my knowledge of cosmology is not correct, yet you dont give reasons why.....not one....
I dont know about you, but i wouldnt go on a forum where the members believe in big foot and start calling big foot names...
Calling something that you dont believe exists at all names is a sign of craziness......
If people who believed in bigfoot grew exponentially in number and started persecuting gays and women, warring with loch ness monster believers, and acquiring WMDs, you damn well better believe i would...
Quote Originally Posted by Rostos:
I dont know about you, but i wouldnt go on a forum where the members believe in big foot and start calling big foot names...
Calling something that you dont believe exists at all names is a sign of craziness......
If people who believed in bigfoot grew exponentially in number and started persecuting gays and women, warring with loch ness monster believers, and acquiring WMDs, you damn well better believe i would...
For starters, i wouldnt go to a big foot forum, i dont believe he exists, so i wouldnt bother going to that site, let alone be there months later arguing with them......
Yet you and your friends are still here...Wonder why...
what religion would you probably follow/believe if you were raised in a muslim family??
Quote Originally Posted by Rostos:
For starters, i wouldnt go to a big foot forum, i dont believe he exists, so i wouldnt bother going to that site, let alone be there months later arguing with them......
Yet you and your friends are still here...Wonder why...
what religion would you probably follow/believe if you were raised in a muslim family??
And the typical atheist response just continue, you claim my knowledge of cosmology is not correct, yet you dont give reasons why.....not one....
You really should learn to restrain your use of silly emoticons and read more carefully. I very clearly stated in another post why your views on cosmology were a joke at best. Re read for comprehension, as i am loathe to repeat myself for the sake of simpletons.
Quote Originally Posted by Rostos:
And the typical atheist response just continue, you claim my knowledge of cosmology is not correct, yet you dont give reasons why.....not one....
You really should learn to restrain your use of silly emoticons and read more carefully. I very clearly stated in another post why your views on cosmology were a joke at best. Re read for comprehension, as i am loathe to repeat myself for the sake of simpletons.
If people who believed in bigfoot grew exponentially in number and started persecuting gays and women, warring with loch ness monster believers, and acquiring WMDs, you damn well better believe i would...
i've been trying to get that through his thick head...
Quote Originally Posted by SurfApe:
If people who believed in bigfoot grew exponentially in number and started persecuting gays and women, warring with loch ness monster believers, and acquiring WMDs, you damn well better believe i would...
i've been trying to get that through his thick head...
ALL universities around the world have recieved a memo from Washington....From now on, in exams, students when answering questions can answer with "what a load of crap", "thats not true"," your deluded", "thats wrong"...
They dotn have to give to reasons why they made there statement, the reasons above are more than sufficient...
This is called the "covers atheism members" movement, where each question, even mutliple choice questions can be answered with the above.........Pass rates are expected to be 100% for the first time in human history....
ALL universities around the world have recieved a memo from Washington....From now on, in exams, students when answering questions can answer with "what a load of crap", "thats not true"," your deluded", "thats wrong"...
They dotn have to give to reasons why they made there statement, the reasons above are more than sufficient...
This is called the "covers atheism members" movement, where each question, even mutliple choice questions can be answered with the above.........Pass rates are expected to be 100% for the first time in human history....
ALL universities around the world have recieved a memo from Washington....From now on, in exams, students when answering questions can answer with "because god is TRUTH" and because "god says so" and "i don't have to answer this question because i don't care about my grades or livelihood, god will take care of me"
They dotn have to give to reasons why they made there statement, the reasons above are more than sufficient...
This is called the "covers theism members" movement, where each question, even mutliple choice questions can be answered with the above.........Pass rates are expected to be 100% for the first time in human history....
Quote Originally Posted by Rostos:
ALL universities around the world have recieved a memo from Washington....From now on, in exams, students when answering questions can answer with "because god is TRUTH" and because "god says so" and "i don't have to answer this question because i don't care about my grades or livelihood, god will take care of me"
They dotn have to give to reasons why they made there statement, the reasons above are more than sufficient...
This is called the "covers theism members" movement, where each question, even mutliple choice questions can be answered with the above.........Pass rates are expected to be 100% for the first time in human history....
I have read the greater part of this thread, and the discrepancy in intelligence between theists and the myriad forms of non believers is stark and startling. The theists invariably resort to the most simplistic and transparent "arguments" such as the pathetic pascal's wager, and the ever shrinking god of the gaps, followed by appeal to (dubious) authority by quoting their own root legends as proof for the same. Failing that, they resort to a particularly pathetic string of ad hominem attacks, such as the one quoted above, and the myriad others where this ill informed man chooses to draw attention to himself by screaming "COWARDS" from the hilltop, whilst the battle is raging in the valley below. Ihave seen the great doctor penrose and his objections to the standard model of quantum mechanics repeatedly bastardized by the most sane and rational of the theists, and i will now put a stop to that. Penrose, like hawking, greene, and myriad others have their own pet theories to advance in the search for a unified field theory. Penroses' pet is twistor theory, and his attacks on the standard model should be viewed in such light. Seeing as you are obviously ignorant of the physics behind his critiques and instead choose to co-opt them in defense of theism, I would suggest you read his book "The Road to Reality" in order to satiate your man crush on sir penrose. All of that said, the standard model is still experimentally sound, and until an alternate theory becomes testable, it will continue to be the standard of particle physics.
I have seen it all.......
Surfape of Covers > SiR Roger Penrose....
Quote Originally Posted by SurfApe:
I have read the greater part of this thread, and the discrepancy in intelligence between theists and the myriad forms of non believers is stark and startling. The theists invariably resort to the most simplistic and transparent "arguments" such as the pathetic pascal's wager, and the ever shrinking god of the gaps, followed by appeal to (dubious) authority by quoting their own root legends as proof for the same. Failing that, they resort to a particularly pathetic string of ad hominem attacks, such as the one quoted above, and the myriad others where this ill informed man chooses to draw attention to himself by screaming "COWARDS" from the hilltop, whilst the battle is raging in the valley below. Ihave seen the great doctor penrose and his objections to the standard model of quantum mechanics repeatedly bastardized by the most sane and rational of the theists, and i will now put a stop to that. Penrose, like hawking, greene, and myriad others have their own pet theories to advance in the search for a unified field theory. Penroses' pet is twistor theory, and his attacks on the standard model should be viewed in such light. Seeing as you are obviously ignorant of the physics behind his critiques and instead choose to co-opt them in defense of theism, I would suggest you read his book "The Road to Reality" in order to satiate your man crush on sir penrose. All of that said, the standard model is still experimentally sound, and until an alternate theory becomes testable, it will continue to be the standard of particle physics.
No, i, and sir roger, if he were here to defend his good name, object to your bastardisation and complete twisting of his work. He is a far greater intellect than I, but unlike you, I at least understand what he is saying. You keep inventing strawmen though, it serves your intellect well.
Quote Originally Posted by Rostos:
I have seen it all.......
Surfape of Covers > SiR Roger Penrose....
No, i, and sir roger, if he were here to defend his good name, object to your bastardisation and complete twisting of his work. He is a far greater intellect than I, but unlike you, I at least understand what he is saying. You keep inventing strawmen though, it serves your intellect well.
ALL universities around the world have recieved a memo from Washington....From now on, in exams, students when answering questions can answer with "what a load of crap", "thats not true"," your deluded", "thats wrong"...
They dotn have to give to reasons why they made there statement, the reasons above are more than sufficient...
This is called the "covers atheism members" movement, where each question, even mutliple choice questions can be answered with the above.........Pass rates are expected to be 100% for the first time in human history....
Damn, total meltdown in only a dozen posts... guess i really got to the lil guy.
Quote Originally Posted by Rostos:
ALL universities around the world have recieved a memo from Washington....From now on, in exams, students when answering questions can answer with "what a load of crap", "thats not true"," your deluded", "thats wrong"...
They dotn have to give to reasons why they made there statement, the reasons above are more than sufficient...
This is called the "covers atheism members" movement, where each question, even mutliple choice questions can be answered with the above.........Pass rates are expected to be 100% for the first time in human history....
Damn, total meltdown in only a dozen posts... guess i really got to the lil guy.
LOLOLOL, did you know the majority of people who leave faith are in the first year following a tragedy to a loved one or close friend or a steep decline in the prosperity in there lives....
And you say you are" intelligent minded"
Clealry shows....
LOLOLOLOLLLlllllLLl (inssert teenage girl internet jargon) You don't realize that your statement in no way contradicts mine, even if it is true? That a disruptive event in someones life is more prone to cause change than the perpetuation of the status quo?
Surfape wrote
In my experience, the vast majority of true believers are either born, bread, brainwashed, or "come to god" early in their adulthood because of personal weakness/affliction, or tragic circumstances.
FAIL!!, recent university studies have shown you to be wrong.
Yet you are self confessed intelligent..
Quote Originally Posted by SurfApe:
Quote Originally Posted by Rostos:
LOLOLOL, did you know the majority of people who leave faith are in the first year following a tragedy to a loved one or close friend or a steep decline in the prosperity in there lives....
And you say you are" intelligent minded"
Clealry shows....
LOLOLOLOLLLlllllLLl (inssert teenage girl internet jargon) You don't realize that your statement in no way contradicts mine, even if it is true? That a disruptive event in someones life is more prone to cause change than the perpetuation of the status quo?
Surfape wrote
In my experience, the vast majority of true believers are either born, bread, brainwashed, or "come to god" early in their adulthood because of personal weakness/affliction, or tragic circumstances.
FAIL!!, recent university studies have shown you to be wrong.
We have been through this. We can CALCULATE THE PROBABILITY that aliens exist based on NUMBERS. We CANNOT calculate the probability that god exists because we have NO NUMBERS to use.
So, as long as there is a probability it is true?
Quote Originally Posted by KittyKatz286:
We have been through this. We can CALCULATE THE PROBABILITY that aliens exist based on NUMBERS. We CANNOT calculate the probability that god exists because we have NO NUMBERS to use.
When did we ever say we BELIEVE aliens exist?!? All we said is that from what we know, it is VERY LIKELY that they exist. Do I believe? No. Do I think it is highly likely? Yes (because it is)...
Your friend KK said he has empricial evidence ina previous post and he know it...Obama is waiting for KK for his evidence, it will change humanity as we know it...
KK is too busy on covers to give obama his evidence...
Quote Originally Posted by Mikniks:
When did we ever say we BELIEVE aliens exist?!? All we said is that from what we know, it is VERY LIKELY that they exist. Do I believe? No. Do I think it is highly likely? Yes (because it is)...
Your friend KK said he has empricial evidence ina previous post and he know it...Obama is waiting for KK for his evidence, it will change humanity as we know it...
KK is too busy on covers to give obama his evidence...
Because THE LATEST DEVELOPEMENTS in cosmology STRONGLY goes against naturalism, it doesnt count.......
You silly dilletente, i've forgotten more about particle physics and cosmology than you will ever know. Your understanding is elementary in the most generous terms, and even that sparse comprehension is negated by your need to twist science in support of your infantile attempts at debate.
Quote Originally Posted by Rostos:
Surfapes and every others response to cosmology.
Because THE LATEST DEVELOPEMENTS in cosmology STRONGLY goes against naturalism, it doesnt count.......
You silly dilletente, i've forgotten more about particle physics and cosmology than you will ever know. Your understanding is elementary in the most generous terms, and even that sparse comprehension is negated by your need to twist science in support of your infantile attempts at debate.
what religion would you probably follow/believe if you were raised in a muslim family??
No one can answer that, what if you were female? What if your parents never met? I will say there is evidence that a number of muslims are turning to Christianity.....
Quote Originally Posted by SYSTEM:
what religion would you probably follow/believe if you were raised in a muslim family??
No one can answer that, what if you were female? What if your parents never met? I will say there is evidence that a number of muslims are turning to Christianity.....
If people who believed in bigfoot grew exponentially in number and started persecuting gays and women, warring with loch ness monster believers, and acquiring WMDs, you damn well better believe i would...
Maybe if Hitler, stalin and pot believed in God they wouldnt have killed over 100 million people......
Quote Originally Posted by SurfApe:
If people who believed in bigfoot grew exponentially in number and started persecuting gays and women, warring with loch ness monster believers, and acquiring WMDs, you damn well better believe i would...
Maybe if Hitler, stalin and pot believed in God they wouldnt have killed over 100 million people......
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