And things popping into existence from nothing does?
Your (intentional?) misunderstanding of cosmology is only surpassed by your credulity. In your next post you actually suggest that the shroud of turin is not a forgery?! C'mon, get outta here! As for your ad nauseum repetition of something arising from nothing, though other non theists have done a credible job wrangling with your semantics, perhaps a different tack is in order. Simply because we do not precisely understand the conditions at the rise of our universe does not in any way support the existence of a god (or gods for pc) It still boils down to as you say, "something arising from nothing" at its most irreducable state. Your argument that a god not beholden to the laws of physics is much less plausible to the rational mind than the laws of physics breaking down in a singularity. For all your claims of humbleness, you theists assert and assume so much, while we atheists know that we have come so far, yet have still much further to go.