"Cosmology is a joke", Penrose, Vilenkin, Hawking, Eisntein are ALL jokes, yet surf ape is the self confessed intellect.....
You are a repugnant charlatan who intentionally misquotes other people for the sake of facilitating your own feeble arguments. I thought your god frowned upon lying. I clearly stated that YOUR understanding of cosmology is a joke, but I suppose i am in good company since you repeatedly misquote/ misrepresent roger penrose as well. Here is what i ACTUALLY said you lying reprobate:
Your (intentional?) misunderstanding of cosmology is only surpassed by your credulity. In your next post you actually suggest that the shroud of turin is not a forgery?! C'mon, get outta here! As for your ad nauseum repetition of something arising from nothing, though other non theists have done a credible job wrangling with your semantics, perhaps a different tack is in order. Simply because we do not precisely understand the conditions at the rise of our universe does not in any way support the existence of a god (or gods for pc) It still boils down to as you say, "something arising from nothing" at its most irreducable state. Your argument that a god not beholden to the laws of physics is much less plausible to the rational mind than the laws of physics breaking down in a singularity. For all your claims of humbleness, you theists assert and assume so much, while we atheists know that we have come so far, yet have still much further to go.
I would suggest that you proceed with a bit more intellectual honesty, lest your god cast you into a fiery pit.
Quote Originally Posted by Rostos:
See you self confessed intellect......
"Cosmology is a joke", Penrose, Vilenkin, Hawking, Eisntein are ALL jokes, yet surf ape is the self confessed intellect.....
You are a repugnant charlatan who intentionally misquotes other people for the sake of facilitating your own feeble arguments. I thought your god frowned upon lying. I clearly stated that YOUR understanding of cosmology is a joke, but I suppose i am in good company since you repeatedly misquote/ misrepresent roger penrose as well. Here is what i ACTUALLY said you lying reprobate:
Your (intentional?) misunderstanding of cosmology is only surpassed by your credulity. In your next post you actually suggest that the shroud of turin is not a forgery?! C'mon, get outta here! As for your ad nauseum repetition of something arising from nothing, though other non theists have done a credible job wrangling with your semantics, perhaps a different tack is in order. Simply because we do not precisely understand the conditions at the rise of our universe does not in any way support the existence of a god (or gods for pc) It still boils down to as you say, "something arising from nothing" at its most irreducable state. Your argument that a god not beholden to the laws of physics is much less plausible to the rational mind than the laws of physics breaking down in a singularity. For all your claims of humbleness, you theists assert and assume so much, while we atheists know that we have come so far, yet have still much further to go.
I would suggest that you proceed with a bit more intellectual honesty, lest your god cast you into a fiery pit.
sorry, wrong one. This is what I ACTUALLY said about cosmology, which you distorted and perverted in such an obvious manner that even the simplest amongst your theist brethren would see through your transparent lies.
have read the greater part of this thread, and the discrepancy in intelligence between theists and the myriad forms of non believers is stark and startling. The theists invariably resort to the most simplistic and transparent "arguments" such as the pathetic pascal's wager, and the ever shrinking god of the gaps, followed by appeal to (dubious) authority by quoting their own root legends as proof for the same. Failing that, they resort to a particularly pathetic string of ad hominem attacks, such as the one quoted above, and the myriad others where this ill informed man chooses to draw attention to himself by screaming "COWARDS" from the hilltop, whilst the battle is raging in the valley below. Ihave seen the great doctor penrose and his objections to the standard model of quantum mechanics repeatedly bastardized by the most sane and rational of the theists, and i will now put a stop to that. Penrose, like hawking, greene, and myriad others have their own pet theories to advance in the search for a unified field theory. Penroses' pet is twistor theory, and his attacks on the standard model should be viewed in such light. Seeing as you are obviously ignorant of the physics behind his critiques and instead choose to co-opt them in defense of theism, I would suggest you read his book "The Road to Reality" in order to satiate your man crush on sir penrose. All of that said, the standard model is still experimentally sound, and until an alternate theory becomes testable, it will continue to be the standard of particle physics.
sorry, wrong one. This is what I ACTUALLY said about cosmology, which you distorted and perverted in such an obvious manner that even the simplest amongst your theist brethren would see through your transparent lies.
have read the greater part of this thread, and the discrepancy in intelligence between theists and the myriad forms of non believers is stark and startling. The theists invariably resort to the most simplistic and transparent "arguments" such as the pathetic pascal's wager, and the ever shrinking god of the gaps, followed by appeal to (dubious) authority by quoting their own root legends as proof for the same. Failing that, they resort to a particularly pathetic string of ad hominem attacks, such as the one quoted above, and the myriad others where this ill informed man chooses to draw attention to himself by screaming "COWARDS" from the hilltop, whilst the battle is raging in the valley below. Ihave seen the great doctor penrose and his objections to the standard model of quantum mechanics repeatedly bastardized by the most sane and rational of the theists, and i will now put a stop to that. Penrose, like hawking, greene, and myriad others have their own pet theories to advance in the search for a unified field theory. Penroses' pet is twistor theory, and his attacks on the standard model should be viewed in such light. Seeing as you are obviously ignorant of the physics behind his critiques and instead choose to co-opt them in defense of theism, I would suggest you read his book "The Road to Reality" in order to satiate your man crush on sir penrose. All of that said, the standard model is still experimentally sound, and until an alternate theory becomes testable, it will continue to be the standard of particle physics.
Smith Wigglesworth 1859-1947...Smith would pray and the blind would see, and the deaf were healed, people came out of wheelchairs, and cancers were destroyed.
One remarkable story is when He prayed for a woman in a hospital.
While he and a friend were praying she died. He took her out of the bed stood her against the wall and said "in the name of Jesus I rebuke this death". Her whole body began to tremble.
The he said "in the name of Jesus walk", and she walked. Everywhere he would go he would teach and then show the power of God. He began to receive requests from all over the world. He taught in Europe, Asia, New Zealand and many other areas. When the crowds became very large he began a "wholesale healing". He would have everyone who needed healing lay hands on themselves and then he would pray. Hundreds would be healed at one time.
Over Smith's ministry it was confirmed that 14 people were raised from the dead.
Thousands were saved and healed and he impacted whole continents for Christ. Smith died on March 12, 1947 at the funeral of his dear friend Wilf Richardson. His ministry was based on four principles:" First, read the Word of God. Second, consume the Word of God until it consumes you. Third believe the Word of God. Fourth, act on the Word."
John G. Lake 1870-1935...Over a five year period in South Africa Lake saw 1,000,000 converts, planted hundreds of churches, and raised up over 1000 local ministers.
In 1913 Lake returned to the United States, with his seven children.
Once he returned to the United States, he began a traveling ministry.
One of the places he was asked to speak was Spokane, Washington.
He was asked to start a healings room, and he agreed.
Over an approximately five year period, over 100,000 healings were reported. Spokane was declared "the healthiest city in the United States".
Do you believe everything you read on the internet, or just the insanely stupid stuff? 14 people raised from the dead, arguing that the earth is 6000 years old, that people can live in whales... Its no small wonder that you possess the cognitive capacity to breathe on your own, much less operate a computer. Come on man, you can't actually believe the shit you write, no one could possibly be that ignorant. PS, using fundamentalist christian "sources" in your oft plagerized puppyshit does not add any veracity to your shitbat stupid claims. Show me an article from a respected, peer vetted journal that claims a 6000 year old earth. Show me peer reviewed claims in a reputable medical journal about the raising of the dead and regeneration of limbs in humans. I'm sure the AJM is littered with such stories Then we'll talk.
Quote Originally Posted by matt4000:
Prayer Works...
Smith Wigglesworth 1859-1947...Smith would pray and the blind would see, and the deaf were healed, people came out of wheelchairs, and cancers were destroyed.
One remarkable story is when He prayed for a woman in a hospital.
While he and a friend were praying she died. He took her out of the bed stood her against the wall and said "in the name of Jesus I rebuke this death". Her whole body began to tremble.
The he said "in the name of Jesus walk", and she walked. Everywhere he would go he would teach and then show the power of God. He began to receive requests from all over the world. He taught in Europe, Asia, New Zealand and many other areas. When the crowds became very large he began a "wholesale healing". He would have everyone who needed healing lay hands on themselves and then he would pray. Hundreds would be healed at one time.
Over Smith's ministry it was confirmed that 14 people were raised from the dead.
Thousands were saved and healed and he impacted whole continents for Christ. Smith died on March 12, 1947 at the funeral of his dear friend Wilf Richardson. His ministry was based on four principles:" First, read the Word of God. Second, consume the Word of God until it consumes you. Third believe the Word of God. Fourth, act on the Word."
John G. Lake 1870-1935...Over a five year period in South Africa Lake saw 1,000,000 converts, planted hundreds of churches, and raised up over 1000 local ministers.
In 1913 Lake returned to the United States, with his seven children.
Once he returned to the United States, he began a traveling ministry.
One of the places he was asked to speak was Spokane, Washington.
He was asked to start a healings room, and he agreed.
Over an approximately five year period, over 100,000 healings were reported. Spokane was declared "the healthiest city in the United States".
Do you believe everything you read on the internet, or just the insanely stupid stuff? 14 people raised from the dead, arguing that the earth is 6000 years old, that people can live in whales... Its no small wonder that you possess the cognitive capacity to breathe on your own, much less operate a computer. Come on man, you can't actually believe the shit you write, no one could possibly be that ignorant. PS, using fundamentalist christian "sources" in your oft plagerized puppyshit does not add any veracity to your shitbat stupid claims. Show me an article from a respected, peer vetted journal that claims a 6000 year old earth. Show me peer reviewed claims in a reputable medical journal about the raising of the dead and regeneration of limbs in humans. I'm sure the AJM is littered with such stories Then we'll talk.
Here's a question for you believers- how come no new world animals are mentioned in the bible? Not a single damn species not indigenous to the known world at that time, except for the made up ones! Does god hate the americas? Why no mention of the myriad peoples living outside of that small geographic area? I guess being all knowing, you must forget a lot of shit...
Here's a question for you believers- how come no new world animals are mentioned in the bible? Not a single damn species not indigenous to the known world at that time, except for the made up ones! Does god hate the americas? Why no mention of the myriad peoples living outside of that small geographic area? I guess being all knowing, you must forget a lot of shit...
THANK YOU!!! Amen to that. I just checked your thread. I will read more when I have time. But these atheists are not interested in the TRUTH and when hit with the "evidence" and "proof" they seek. They dismiss it because it threatens their little world. Matt4000 has attempted to do this on this thread with impressive facts. NAME ONE They wont touch it. They dismiss it because they say, which he has acknowledged comes from another website. But then they turn around and plagiarize without acknowledging the source and thats ok. Show an example of this, or look up the definition of plagiarized. Posting a known definition is not plagiarizing. Copy/pasting pages of crap and passing it off as your own words is. This is part of the mental illness that we're dealing with. Mental illness? What rubbish. So in closing keep up the good work that you do but if you think these atheist will bother to seriously read anything that we have to say regarding hard facts about God or Jesus you will be waiting for a long time. Apparently, you are unfamiliar with the definition of fact.
Quote Originally Posted by smoothd20:
THANK YOU!!! Amen to that. I just checked your thread. I will read more when I have time. But these atheists are not interested in the TRUTH and when hit with the "evidence" and "proof" they seek. They dismiss it because it threatens their little world. Matt4000 has attempted to do this on this thread with impressive facts. NAME ONE They wont touch it. They dismiss it because they say, which he has acknowledged comes from another website. But then they turn around and plagiarize without acknowledging the source and thats ok. Show an example of this, or look up the definition of plagiarized. Posting a known definition is not plagiarizing. Copy/pasting pages of crap and passing it off as your own words is. This is part of the mental illness that we're dealing with. Mental illness? What rubbish. So in closing keep up the good work that you do but if you think these atheist will bother to seriously read anything that we have to say regarding hard facts about God or Jesus you will be waiting for a long time. Apparently, you are unfamiliar with the definition of fact.
Well that's flat out a lie considering your entire beliefs are based on faith (as SJD said - his faith tells him the bible is the word of god) and what we think is based on fact.
Smoothd - still haven't shown one way in which we are cowards. I'd say keep trying, but you haven't even tried once. We are "cowards and refuse to deal with the truth." What does that even mean? We don't avoid questions. We simply don't have the answers to all the questions. But you can continue believing in magic because you are AFRAID to accept the fact that as human beings we don't know anything. Hmm...seems like there is a TON OF EVIDENCE as to why you are a COWARD, but literally ZERO EVIDENCE as to why we are cowards...interesting.
And so again, I say, go read my thread... I discuss faith and how it is intertwined into Christianity... your ignorance will not save you... it takes more faith for an atheist or a evolutionist to believe the world came from nothing than from a Christian who believes there is a God who created everything
Quote Originally Posted by KittyKatz286:
Well that's flat out a lie considering your entire beliefs are based on faith (as SJD said - his faith tells him the bible is the word of god) and what we think is based on fact.
Smoothd - still haven't shown one way in which we are cowards. I'd say keep trying, but you haven't even tried once. We are "cowards and refuse to deal with the truth." What does that even mean? We don't avoid questions. We simply don't have the answers to all the questions. But you can continue believing in magic because you are AFRAID to accept the fact that as human beings we don't know anything. Hmm...seems like there is a TON OF EVIDENCE as to why you are a COWARD, but literally ZERO EVIDENCE as to why we are cowards...interesting.
And so again, I say, go read my thread... I discuss faith and how it is intertwined into Christianity... your ignorance will not save you... it takes more faith for an atheist or a evolutionist to believe the world came from nothing than from a Christian who believes there is a God who created everything
And so again, I say, go read my thread... I discuss faith and how it is intertwined into Christianity... your ignorance will not save you... it takes more faith for an atheist or a evolutionist to believe the world came from nothing than from a Christian who believes there is a God who created everything
No it doesn't and I can prove it very easily without reading your thread.
Theist: God started everything (we have no basis for a god existing) God transcends the laws of physics (nothing transcends the laws of physics...except apparently god)
Atheist: No magic. Everything happened naturally within the laws of physics. How it exactly started we do not yet know, but we have ideas. We know the big bang occurred. We aren't sure what caused it.
I know you probably address this in your thread with some bullshit unsubstantiated claim, but we have no faith. There is no "faith" in anything supernatural. Everything is natural and explainable by the laws of physics.
So you wanna sit there and tell me it takes more faith to believe in the laws of physics that govern this world than in something that created the laws of physics, but is allowed to break them? Cmon man.
Quote Originally Posted by EX4life:
And so again, I say, go read my thread... I discuss faith and how it is intertwined into Christianity... your ignorance will not save you... it takes more faith for an atheist or a evolutionist to believe the world came from nothing than from a Christian who believes there is a God who created everything
No it doesn't and I can prove it very easily without reading your thread.
Theist: God started everything (we have no basis for a god existing) God transcends the laws of physics (nothing transcends the laws of physics...except apparently god)
Atheist: No magic. Everything happened naturally within the laws of physics. How it exactly started we do not yet know, but we have ideas. We know the big bang occurred. We aren't sure what caused it.
I know you probably address this in your thread with some bullshit unsubstantiated claim, but we have no faith. There is no "faith" in anything supernatural. Everything is natural and explainable by the laws of physics.
So you wanna sit there and tell me it takes more faith to believe in the laws of physics that govern this world than in something that created the laws of physics, but is allowed to break them? Cmon man.
You obviously do not understand the meanings of the words faith and ignorance. Probably two of many things you don't understand, judging by your unlettered posts.
Quote Originally Posted by EX4life:
Your ignorance is appalling
You obviously do not understand the meanings of the words faith and ignorance. Probably two of many things you don't understand, judging by your unlettered posts.
LOL if I ask you where such and such came from, you would answer "x"... if i asked you where that came from, you would answer "y"... if i asked you that, you would answer "z"... i could keep going on and on and on and on, until your finally like uhhhh, idk where that came from... FAITH bro... for me, i have given evidence for the existence of God, and have a concrete answer for everything... versus you, who can keep going back and back and back, until you can go back no further.
And SYSTEM, I know what ignorance is by reading your comments... I am really a nice guy, i swear, but this is getting out of hand lol
LOL if I ask you where such and such came from, you would answer "x"... if i asked you where that came from, you would answer "y"... if i asked you that, you would answer "z"... i could keep going on and on and on and on, until your finally like uhhhh, idk where that came from... FAITH bro... for me, i have given evidence for the existence of God, and have a concrete answer for everything... versus you, who can keep going back and back and back, until you can go back no further.
And SYSTEM, I know what ignorance is by reading your comments... I am really a nice guy, i swear, but this is getting out of hand lol
You obviously do not understand the meanings of the words faith and ignorance. Probably two of many things you don't understand, judging by your unlettered posts.
Theists love to conflate "faith" and "probability" and consider the two to be identical. They fail to distinguish between something that is based purely on feeling (faith) and something that is based on numbers (probability).
Example I gave that they ignored
Odds that 1 planet in the universe would develop in such a way that life would develop given an infinite number of big bangs: (as with any number higher than 0) in an infinite number of trials, it becomes as close to 1 as possible
Odds that god exists: can't put a number on it because no matter how many universes there may be or have been or how many big bangs, there is no way to calculate it
Quote Originally Posted by SurfApe:
You obviously do not understand the meanings of the words faith and ignorance. Probably two of many things you don't understand, judging by your unlettered posts.
Theists love to conflate "faith" and "probability" and consider the two to be identical. They fail to distinguish between something that is based purely on feeling (faith) and something that is based on numbers (probability).
Example I gave that they ignored
Odds that 1 planet in the universe would develop in such a way that life would develop given an infinite number of big bangs: (as with any number higher than 0) in an infinite number of trials, it becomes as close to 1 as possible
Odds that god exists: can't put a number on it because no matter how many universes there may be or have been or how many big bangs, there is no way to calculate it
And so again, I say, go read my thread... I discuss faith and how it is intertwined into Christianity... your ignorance will not save you... it takes more faith for an atheist or a evolutionist to believe the world came from nothing than from a Christian who believes there is a God who created everything
A man who doesn't believe in evolution calling someone else ignorant is an act of unmitigated gall.
Quote Originally Posted by EX4life:
And so again, I say, go read my thread... I discuss faith and how it is intertwined into Christianity... your ignorance will not save you... it takes more faith for an atheist or a evolutionist to believe the world came from nothing than from a Christian who believes there is a God who created everything
A man who doesn't believe in evolution calling someone else ignorant is an act of unmitigated gall.
You obviously do not understand the meanings of the words faith and ignorance. Probably two of many things you don't understand, judging by your unlettered posts.
If you honestly think that, then you are a sad, sad little man
Quote Originally Posted by SurfApe:
You obviously do not understand the meanings of the words faith and ignorance. Probably two of many things you don't understand, judging by your unlettered posts.
If you honestly think that, then you are a sad, sad little man
LOL if I ask you where such and such came from, you would answer "x"... if i asked you where that came from, you would answer "y"... if i asked you that, you would answer "z"... i could keep going on and on and on and on, until your finally like uhhhh, idk where that came from... FAITH bro... for me, i have given evidence for the existence of God, and have a concrete answer for everything... versus you, who can keep going back and back and back, until you can go back no further.
And SYSTEM, I know what ignorance is by reading your comments... I am really a nice guy, i swear, but this is getting out of hand lol
I could say the same thing to you
Quote Originally Posted by EX4life:
LOL if I ask you where such and such came from, you would answer "x"... if i asked you where that came from, you would answer "y"... if i asked you that, you would answer "z"... i could keep going on and on and on and on, until your finally like uhhhh, idk where that came from... FAITH bro... for me, i have given evidence for the existence of God, and have a concrete answer for everything... versus you, who can keep going back and back and back, until you can go back no further.
And SYSTEM, I know what ignorance is by reading your comments... I am really a nice guy, i swear, but this is getting out of hand lol
LOL if I ask you where such and such came from, you would answer "x"... if i asked you where that came from, you would answer "y"... if i asked you that, you would answer "z"... i could keep going on and on and on and on, until your finally like uhhhh, idk where that came from... FAITH bro... for me, i have given evidence for the existence of God, and have a concrete answer for everything... versus you, who can keep going back and back and back, until you can go back no further.
And SYSTEM, I know what ignorance is by reading your comments... I am really a nice guy, i swear, but this is getting out of hand lol
So you think god is better because it is a definitive answer? So you'd rather guess than admit you don't know? This sounds awfully familiar...oh yeah...back in the early human era, people thought rain was god crying and thunder was god screaming and lightning was god unleashing his wrath on humanity...then we explained it...interesting how god was used as an answer for the previously unexplained...until it was explainable...and that continues to this day (as you have so aptly shown!)
Quote Originally Posted by EX4life:
LOL if I ask you where such and such came from, you would answer "x"... if i asked you where that came from, you would answer "y"... if i asked you that, you would answer "z"... i could keep going on and on and on and on, until your finally like uhhhh, idk where that came from... FAITH bro... for me, i have given evidence for the existence of God, and have a concrete answer for everything... versus you, who can keep going back and back and back, until you can go back no further.
And SYSTEM, I know what ignorance is by reading your comments... I am really a nice guy, i swear, but this is getting out of hand lol
So you think god is better because it is a definitive answer? So you'd rather guess than admit you don't know? This sounds awfully familiar...oh yeah...back in the early human era, people thought rain was god crying and thunder was god screaming and lightning was god unleashing his wrath on humanity...then we explained it...interesting how god was used as an answer for the previously unexplained...until it was explainable...and that continues to this day (as you have so aptly shown!)
Theists love to conflate "faith" and "probability" and consider the two to be identical. They fail to distinguish between something that is based purely on feeling (faith) and something that is based on numbers (probability).
Example I gave that they ignored
Odds that 1 planet in the universe would develop in such a way that life would develop given an infinite number of big bangs: (as with any number higher than 0) in an infinite number of trials, it becomes as close to 1 as possible
Odds that god exists: can't put a number on it because no matter how many universes there may be or have been or how many big bangs, there is no way to calculate it
Why do you keep saying blah blah blah, stuff they have ignored... when you have yet to GO INTO MY THREAD AND DISPROVE JUST ONE THING.... JUST ONE THING... you cant do it... because, and yes fully aware this is a fallacy, but i dont care because sooner or later you will know this, but I am and right, and you are wrong, and thats just the way it is bro... you will one day answer to the Big Man upstairs, and this thread will be glowing at you, and God will ask why you didnt believe when the answer was right before your eyes
Quote Originally Posted by KittyKatz286:
Theists love to conflate "faith" and "probability" and consider the two to be identical. They fail to distinguish between something that is based purely on feeling (faith) and something that is based on numbers (probability).
Example I gave that they ignored
Odds that 1 planet in the universe would develop in such a way that life would develop given an infinite number of big bangs: (as with any number higher than 0) in an infinite number of trials, it becomes as close to 1 as possible
Odds that god exists: can't put a number on it because no matter how many universes there may be or have been or how many big bangs, there is no way to calculate it
Why do you keep saying blah blah blah, stuff they have ignored... when you have yet to GO INTO MY THREAD AND DISPROVE JUST ONE THING.... JUST ONE THING... you cant do it... because, and yes fully aware this is a fallacy, but i dont care because sooner or later you will know this, but I am and right, and you are wrong, and thats just the way it is bro... you will one day answer to the Big Man upstairs, and this thread will be glowing at you, and God will ask why you didnt believe when the answer was right before your eyes
LOL if I ask you where such and such came from, you would answer "x"... if i asked you where that came from, you would answer "y"... if i asked you that, you would answer "z"... i could keep going on and on and on and on, until your finally like uhhhh, idk where that came from... FAITH bro... So not having all the answers is equivalent to faith? Interesting. Dead fucking wrong in every way, but interesting none the less. for me, i have given evidence for the existence of God, and have a concrete answer for everything... versus you, who can keep going back and back and back, until you can go back no further.
Having a concrete answer is no virtue if your answer is wrong.
And SYSTEM, I know what ignorance is by reading your comments... I am really a nice guy, i swear, but this is getting out of hand lol Yes, the intellectual rout of you and your ilk is indeed getting out of hand. Time to pull the starters.
Quote Originally Posted by EX4life:
LOL if I ask you where such and such came from, you would answer "x"... if i asked you where that came from, you would answer "y"... if i asked you that, you would answer "z"... i could keep going on and on and on and on, until your finally like uhhhh, idk where that came from... FAITH bro... So not having all the answers is equivalent to faith? Interesting. Dead fucking wrong in every way, but interesting none the less. for me, i have given evidence for the existence of God, and have a concrete answer for everything... versus you, who can keep going back and back and back, until you can go back no further.
Having a concrete answer is no virtue if your answer is wrong.
And SYSTEM, I know what ignorance is by reading your comments... I am really a nice guy, i swear, but this is getting out of hand lol Yes, the intellectual rout of you and your ilk is indeed getting out of hand. Time to pull the starters.
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