Few guys go up a mountain and write a book and you guys believe every word of it. If 5 guys went up a mountain today with no proof of anything and wrote a book of invisable men, would you believe it?
How did the writer of Genesis some 2000 years ago know that the universe had a beginning? Something that scientists with all the technology they have are only now able to confirm.
Quote Originally Posted by Rostos:
Quote Originally Posted by 165yds:
Few guys go up a mountain and write a book and you guys believe every word of it. If 5 guys went up a mountain today with no proof of anything and wrote a book of invisable men, would you believe it?
How did the writer of Genesis some 2000 years ago know that the universe had a beginning? Something that scientists with all the technology they have are only now able to confirm.
I am sure Dr Francis Collins OWNER of theworld genome project which is doing wonderful things for cures of diseases would agree with you.......
He wasnt raised a Christian and ONLY became one when he became a DR / Scientist.
He started out as an atheist but then eventually turned into a believer after his brilliant mind began to see the
He had to admit that the science he loved so much was powerless to answer questions such as "What is the meaning of life?" "Why am I here?" "Why does mathematics work, anyway?" "If the universe had a beginning, who created it?" "Why are the physical constants in the universe so finely tuned to allow the possibility of complex life forms?" "Why do humans have a moral sense?" "What happens after we die?"
He went on to say that he had always assumed that faith was based on purely emotional and irrational arguments, and was astounded to discover, initially in the writings of the Oxford scholar C.S. Lewis and subsequently from many other sources, that one could build a very strong case for the plausibility of the existence of God on purely rational grounds.
He said that his earlier atheist's assertion that "I know there is no God" emerged as the least defensible.
As the British writer G.K. Chesterton famously remarked, "Atheism is the most daring of all dogmas, for it is the assertion of a universal negative."
Quote Originally Posted by Rostos:
I am sure Dr Francis Collins OWNER of theworld genome project which is doing wonderful things for cures of diseases would agree with you.......
He wasnt raised a Christian and ONLY became one when he became a DR / Scientist.
He started out as an atheist but then eventually turned into a believer after his brilliant mind began to see the
He had to admit that the science he loved so much was powerless to answer questions such as "What is the meaning of life?" "Why am I here?" "Why does mathematics work, anyway?" "If the universe had a beginning, who created it?" "Why are the physical constants in the universe so finely tuned to allow the possibility of complex life forms?" "Why do humans have a moral sense?" "What happens after we die?"
He went on to say that he had always assumed that faith was based on purely emotional and irrational arguments, and was astounded to discover, initially in the writings of the Oxford scholar C.S. Lewis and subsequently from many other sources, that one could build a very strong case for the plausibility of the existence of God on purely rational grounds.
He said that his earlier atheist's assertion that "I know there is no God" emerged as the least defensible.
As the British writer G.K. Chesterton famously remarked, "Atheism is the most daring of all dogmas, for it is the assertion of a universal negative."
I am sure Dr Francis Collins OWNER of theworld genome project which is doing wonderful things for cures of diseases would agree with you.......
He wasnt raised a Christian and ONLY became one when he became a DR / Scientist.
That's a pretty lame response to the statement MrWin posted. You can say you disagree with it, but posting about how some dude became a Christian AFTER he became a Christian doesn't prove the statement wrong. All it proves is that a Dr. became a Christian.
[Quote: Originally Posted by Rostos]
I am sure Dr Francis Collins OWNER of theworld genome project which is doing wonderful things for cures of diseases would agree with you.......
He wasnt raised a Christian and ONLY became one when he became a DR / Scientist.
That's a pretty lame response to the statement MrWin posted. You can say you disagree with it, but posting about how some dude became a Christian AFTER he became a Christian doesn't prove the statement wrong. All it proves is that a Dr. became a Christian.
Sarcasm, contradictions, put downs, vulgar language are what most non believers are about because they are too confused and don't have anything valid to say concerning Almighty God!
I mean they don't have any evidence whatsover that God doesn't exist and so they resort to making unvalid statements, like sarcasm, contradictions, ...etc.
And I can't prove for sure that life doesn't exist on other planets or in other solar systems. That fact doesn't prove that life does exist on other planets or solar systems.
Why do you even get in arguments over this? Just say, "I believe God exists" and move on with your life.
You can continue to cite passages from the Bible. It doesn't prove anything other than the fact that it was written. And just because something was written, it doesn't mean what is contained in it is accurate or true. That's just simple fact.
Quote Originally Posted by SirJohnDrake:
Sarcasm, contradictions, put downs, vulgar language are what most non believers are about because they are too confused and don't have anything valid to say concerning Almighty God!
I mean they don't have any evidence whatsover that God doesn't exist and so they resort to making unvalid statements, like sarcasm, contradictions, ...etc.
And I can't prove for sure that life doesn't exist on other planets or in other solar systems. That fact doesn't prove that life does exist on other planets or solar systems.
Why do you even get in arguments over this? Just say, "I believe God exists" and move on with your life.
You can continue to cite passages from the Bible. It doesn't prove anything other than the fact that it was written. And just because something was written, it doesn't mean what is contained in it is accurate or true. That's just simple fact.
I am sure Dr Francis Collins OWNER of theworld genome project which is doing wonderful things for cures of diseases would agree with you.......
He wasnt raised a Christian and ONLY became one when he became a DR / Scientist.
That's a pretty lame response to the statement MrWin posted. You can say you disagree with it, but posting about how some dude became a Christian AFTER he became a Christian doesn't prove the statement wrong. All it proves is that a Dr. became a Christian.
I meant became a Christian AFTER he became a Doctor.
Quote Originally Posted by HutchEmAll:
Quote Originally Posted by Rostos:
I am sure Dr Francis Collins OWNER of theworld genome project which is doing wonderful things for cures of diseases would agree with you.......
He wasnt raised a Christian and ONLY became one when he became a DR / Scientist.
That's a pretty lame response to the statement MrWin posted. You can say you disagree with it, but posting about how some dude became a Christian AFTER he became a Christian doesn't prove the statement wrong. All it proves is that a Dr. became a Christian.
I meant became a Christian AFTER he became a Doctor.
And I can't prove for sure that life doesn't exist on other planets or in other solar systems. That fact doesn't prove that life does exist on other planets or solar systems.
Why do you even get in arguments over this? Just say, "I believe God exists" and move on with your life.
You can continue to cite passages from the Bible. It doesn't prove anything other than the fact that it was written. And just because something was written, it doesn't mean what is contained in it is accurate or true. That's just simple fact.
1. And I can't prove for sure that life doesn't exist on other planets or in other solar systems. That fact doesn't prove that life does exist on other planets or solar systems.
Reply: So with what you said above, I can assume that you believe that life exist on other planets or in other solar systems. But why would you believe that when currently there are no evidences that there exist a possibility?
To just say because there are billions upon billions of stars and planets out there is not evidence at all but rather just speculation. We could be the only ones in the entire universe that have life.
Currently scientists cannot tell us there is indeed other life forms out there in the cosmos...they are trying to find out though without any success so far.
2. Why do you even get in arguments over this? Just say, "I believe God exists" and move on with your life.
Reply: I don't get into arguments, all I'm trying to do here is spread The Good News and try to convince non-believers to believe in order for them to be saved.
Now isn't that a noble thing for me to do? Besides our Lord Jesus Christ Our Savior commanded His disciples to spread The Good News (The Gospel) throughout the world and what better place to try to spread it here at covers where the majority of the members are non-believers.
If you go through this entire thread you will see that more non-believers have been posting than believers.
3. You can continue to cite passages from the Bible. It doesn't prove anything other than the fact that it was written. And just because something was written, it doesn't mean what is contained in it is accurate or true. That's just simple fact.
Reply: Well yes indeed I will continue to cite passages from the Bible. It is the basis of our Christian belief. What other method should I use to convince non-believers such as yourself?
After all it is the Word of God and so our faith tells us it is accurate and true. The bible is one of our evidences that God exist and that's just simple fact.
I will admit that when it comes to believing in God it is not a matter of proof that we believers have but it is a matter of faith.
Quote Originally Posted by HutchEmAll:
And I can't prove for sure that life doesn't exist on other planets or in other solar systems. That fact doesn't prove that life does exist on other planets or solar systems.
Why do you even get in arguments over this? Just say, "I believe God exists" and move on with your life.
You can continue to cite passages from the Bible. It doesn't prove anything other than the fact that it was written. And just because something was written, it doesn't mean what is contained in it is accurate or true. That's just simple fact.
1. And I can't prove for sure that life doesn't exist on other planets or in other solar systems. That fact doesn't prove that life does exist on other planets or solar systems.
Reply: So with what you said above, I can assume that you believe that life exist on other planets or in other solar systems. But why would you believe that when currently there are no evidences that there exist a possibility?
To just say because there are billions upon billions of stars and planets out there is not evidence at all but rather just speculation. We could be the only ones in the entire universe that have life.
Currently scientists cannot tell us there is indeed other life forms out there in the cosmos...they are trying to find out though without any success so far.
2. Why do you even get in arguments over this? Just say, "I believe God exists" and move on with your life.
Reply: I don't get into arguments, all I'm trying to do here is spread The Good News and try to convince non-believers to believe in order for them to be saved.
Now isn't that a noble thing for me to do? Besides our Lord Jesus Christ Our Savior commanded His disciples to spread The Good News (The Gospel) throughout the world and what better place to try to spread it here at covers where the majority of the members are non-believers.
If you go through this entire thread you will see that more non-believers have been posting than believers.
3. You can continue to cite passages from the Bible. It doesn't prove anything other than the fact that it was written. And just because something was written, it doesn't mean what is contained in it is accurate or true. That's just simple fact.
Reply: Well yes indeed I will continue to cite passages from the Bible. It is the basis of our Christian belief. What other method should I use to convince non-believers such as yourself?
After all it is the Word of God and so our faith tells us it is accurate and true. The bible is one of our evidences that God exist and that's just simple fact.
I will admit that when it comes to believing in God it is not a matter of proof that we believers have but it is a matter of faith.
And just like I posted originally, a non-logical person trying to create a logical debate. A person who discounts evidence trying to start an evidenciary debate.
Thanks, but no thanks.
Read this again:
Ok, what can we say to such a person? All we can do is appeal to scientific values. And if he doesn’t share those values, the conversation is over. If someone doesn’t value evidence, what evidence are you going to provide to prove that they should value it? If someone doesn’t value logic, what logical argument could you provide to show the importance of logic?"
Answer the question, WHAT PROOF AND EVIDENCE does a blind man have that the sky is blue and the grass is green?
Quote Originally Posted by vanzack:
And just like I posted originally, a non-logical person trying to create a logical debate. A person who discounts evidence trying to start an evidenciary debate.
Thanks, but no thanks.
Read this again:
Ok, what can we say to such a person? All we can do is appeal to scientific values. And if he doesn’t share those values, the conversation is over. If someone doesn’t value evidence, what evidence are you going to provide to prove that they should value it? If someone doesn’t value logic, what logical argument could you provide to show the importance of logic?"
Answer the question, WHAT PROOF AND EVIDENCE does a blind man have that the sky is blue and the grass is green?
The need to insult is so prevalant with atheists, i wonder why..
What it must be like to live in fear every day of the boogey man. How insecure must you be to base your whole life on something that has no basis - simply out of the fear of made up
Live in fear for what? Another misconception from an atheist, that Christians have a fear of death.lololol.
consequences. What must it take to ignore all evidence and facts in favor of superstitions and rituals.
I tell you what is superstitious, that the world created existed from nothing, now thats fantasy living bud....Oh the irony..
It is really silly.
Like the world creating itself from nothing? then the rate of expansion was just so perfect that if it was a bit faster or a bit slower then there would be no world? Then one day some lightning hit some pond creating a living cell (living coming from non living)?, then luckily this cell replicated and reproduced itself,, then luckily these cells turned into fish, then luckily these fish for some reason tried to get on land? Then luckily these fish created itself some lungs? Then luckily these fish turned into ape like ancestor? Then luckily some of the ape like ancestors decided to go for a long walk somewhere and eventually become humans?
Oh silly me, you are right, it isnt silly or ludicorous to believe that the above happened.
In the words of ace.....Kool story bro
Quote Originally Posted by vanzack:
Rostos - you are such a silly person.
The need to insult is so prevalant with atheists, i wonder why..
What it must be like to live in fear every day of the boogey man. How insecure must you be to base your whole life on something that has no basis - simply out of the fear of made up
Live in fear for what? Another misconception from an atheist, that Christians have a fear of death.lololol.
consequences. What must it take to ignore all evidence and facts in favor of superstitions and rituals.
I tell you what is superstitious, that the world created existed from nothing, now thats fantasy living bud....Oh the irony..
It is really silly.
Like the world creating itself from nothing? then the rate of expansion was just so perfect that if it was a bit faster or a bit slower then there would be no world? Then one day some lightning hit some pond creating a living cell (living coming from non living)?, then luckily this cell replicated and reproduced itself,, then luckily these cells turned into fish, then luckily these fish for some reason tried to get on land? Then luckily these fish created itself some lungs? Then luckily these fish turned into ape like ancestor? Then luckily some of the ape like ancestors decided to go for a long walk somewhere and eventually become humans?
Oh silly me, you are right, it isnt silly or ludicorous to believe that the above happened.
We tried stating the simple fact that God exists but were pounded with attacks like. "Prove it" " Show me the evidence" and other atheist non-sense. It seems to me that like I have said that if atheist are so convinced that there is no God why the need to constantly attack theist?
We tried stating the simple fact that God exists but were pounded with attacks like. "Prove it" " Show me the evidence" and other atheist non-sense. It seems to me that like I have said that if atheist are so convinced that there is no God why the need to constantly attack theist?
As far as life on other planets go. I guess I can put myself in the crowd of knowing that there is life on other planets after personally witnessing a UFO. I have recounted the story here before you will have to look it up. I could care less whether anybody believes me or not. I know what I saw and other people across that city saw the same thing. Just because I can't prove it to you doesn't mean we didn't see what we saw and no it wasn't a shooting star or an asteroid. The Bible talks about UFO's as well but many people especially Christians are afraid to confront the issue. I'm not and yes there is definitely beyond any shadow of a doubt life on other planets and other dimensions. That's just Truth regardless of whether it is accepted or not.
As far as life on other planets go. I guess I can put myself in the crowd of knowing that there is life on other planets after personally witnessing a UFO. I have recounted the story here before you will have to look it up. I could care less whether anybody believes me or not. I know what I saw and other people across that city saw the same thing. Just because I can't prove it to you doesn't mean we didn't see what we saw and no it wasn't a shooting star or an asteroid. The Bible talks about UFO's as well but many people especially Christians are afraid to confront the issue. I'm not and yes there is definitely beyond any shadow of a doubt life on other planets and other dimensions. That's just Truth regardless of whether it is accepted or not.
The constant need and requests for proof and evidence by atheist is just an insecurity that they have built up to justify the lie. I understand that and accept your belief that you believe that there is no God. But your belief has no bearing on the Truth. Of course you will say who am I to declare what is Truth and what it isn't. My response as always the Truth is. It needs no clarification, justification or anything to prove that is the Truth. We all inherently know the Truth when we hear it but some of us choose to ignore this and wrap ourselves up in a endless game of "show me the evidence" knowing fool well that know matter what evidence is presented it will be rejected categorically as bullshit followed by more requests for evidence. And so the game goes on and on because the Atheist aren't interested in Truth they are just interested in supporting their own delusion with constant negatives. Jesus Christ could come down himself with a host of Angels and the Atheist would find a way to debunk him. That's just the way it is. My problem with Atheist is the constant need to insult, denigrate and in some cases lie to make a point with theist. That's what we have seen on Twitter, Facebook and other social media. Time and again atheist throwing out insults. Does that mean we don't have Christians, Muslims and person doing the same thing. No because they do. But it seems to be a calling card with most atheists and it's why get ready for this. I have come to the conclusion that atheism should be considered a hate group. I'm sure this wont go over well but I have discussed this point with numerous people including a few atheists who actually agree with that statement. If you don't like the statement I present this thread as evidence of the hate that permeates modern atheism. 184 pages of insults being thrown at theists for no other reason but the fact that they believe in God. Not all atheists act this way but a huge percentage and it seems like it's growing every year.
The constant need and requests for proof and evidence by atheist is just an insecurity that they have built up to justify the lie. I understand that and accept your belief that you believe that there is no God. But your belief has no bearing on the Truth. Of course you will say who am I to declare what is Truth and what it isn't. My response as always the Truth is. It needs no clarification, justification or anything to prove that is the Truth. We all inherently know the Truth when we hear it but some of us choose to ignore this and wrap ourselves up in a endless game of "show me the evidence" knowing fool well that know matter what evidence is presented it will be rejected categorically as bullshit followed by more requests for evidence. And so the game goes on and on because the Atheist aren't interested in Truth they are just interested in supporting their own delusion with constant negatives. Jesus Christ could come down himself with a host of Angels and the Atheist would find a way to debunk him. That's just the way it is. My problem with Atheist is the constant need to insult, denigrate and in some cases lie to make a point with theist. That's what we have seen on Twitter, Facebook and other social media. Time and again atheist throwing out insults. Does that mean we don't have Christians, Muslims and person doing the same thing. No because they do. But it seems to be a calling card with most atheists and it's why get ready for this. I have come to the conclusion that atheism should be considered a hate group. I'm sure this wont go over well but I have discussed this point with numerous people including a few atheists who actually agree with that statement. If you don't like the statement I present this thread as evidence of the hate that permeates modern atheism. 184 pages of insults being thrown at theists for no other reason but the fact that they believe in God. Not all atheists act this way but a huge percentage and it seems like it's growing every year.
Why do people continue to give the Catholic Church money knowing that the money is used to pay legal bills resulting from their centuries long policy of sexually abusing of children? They are not stopping the abuse, they just settle each lawsuit as it arises.
Why do people continue to give the Catholic Church money knowing that the money is used to pay legal bills resulting from their centuries long policy of sexually abusing of children? They are not stopping the abuse, they just settle each lawsuit as it arises.
Please don't equate God with the Catholic Church. Yes you're correct the Catholic Church has been covering up these crimes for centuries but believe me that's only the tip of the iceberg. At the risk of insulting any Catholics I will leave it there for now. But let's not confuse any religion with God.
Quote Originally Posted by HockeyTeeth:
What does God have against altar boys?
Please don't equate God with the Catholic Church. Yes you're correct the Catholic Church has been covering up these crimes for centuries but believe me that's only the tip of the iceberg. At the risk of insulting any Catholics I will leave it there for now. But let's not confuse any religion with God.
We tried stating the simple fact that God exists but were pounded with attacks like. "Prove it" " Show me the evidence" and other atheist non-sense. It seems to me that like I have said that if atheist are so convinced that there is no God why the need to constantly attack theist?
It is very simple.
You and your kind infringe on the quality of life of all of humanity. You hold back medical science, you inflict massive suffering on the world in the form of bigotry, holding back contraception, and medical advances. You impose your ridiculous values on everyone.
Thats why we attack. Because you have attacked us or thousands of years. Get used to it. The tide has turned. Very soon, you will be the minority and then you will realize what it is like.
Support your local animal shelter. I am on twitter.
Quote Originally Posted by smoothd20:
We tried stating the simple fact that God exists but were pounded with attacks like. "Prove it" " Show me the evidence" and other atheist non-sense. It seems to me that like I have said that if atheist are so convinced that there is no God why the need to constantly attack theist?
It is very simple.
You and your kind infringe on the quality of life of all of humanity. You hold back medical science, you inflict massive suffering on the world in the form of bigotry, holding back contraception, and medical advances. You impose your ridiculous values on everyone.
Thats why we attack. Because you have attacked us or thousands of years. Get used to it. The tide has turned. Very soon, you will be the minority and then you will realize what it is like.
The constant need and requests for proof and evidence by atheist is just an insecurity that they have built up to justify the lie. I understand that and accept your belief that you believe that there is no God. But your belief has no bearing on the Truth. Of course you will say who am I to declare what is Truth and what it isn't. My response as always the Truth is. It needs no clarification, justification or anything to prove that is the Truth. We all inherently know the Truth when we hear it but some of us choose to ignore this and wrap ourselves up in a endless game of "show me the evidence" knowing fool well that know matter what evidence is presented it will be rejected categorically as bullshit followed by more requests for evidence. And so the game goes on and on because the Atheist aren't interested in Truth they are just interested in supporting their own delusion with constant negatives. Jesus Christ could come down himself with a host of Angels and the Atheist would find a way to debunk him. That's just the way it is. My problem with Atheist is the constant need to insult, denigrate and in some cases lie to make a point with theist. That's what we have seen on Twitter, Facebook and other social media. Time and again atheist throwing out insults. Does that mean we don't have Christians, Muslims and person doing the same thing. No because they do. But it seems to be a calling card with most atheists and it's why get ready for this. I have come to the conclusion that atheism should be considered a hate group. I'm sure this wont go over well but I have discussed this point with numerous people including a few atheists who actually agree with that statement. If you don't like the statement I present this thread as evidence of the hate that permeates modern atheism. 184 pages of insults being thrown at theists for no other reason but the fact that they believe in God. Not all atheists act this way but a huge percentage and it seems like it's growing every year.
You are nutty.
Ok, what can we say to such a person? All we can do is appeal to scientific values. And if he doesn’t share those values, the conversation is over. If someone doesn’t value evidence, what evidence are you going to provide to prove that they should value it? If someone doesn’t value logic, what logical argument could you provide to show the importance of logic?"
Support your local animal shelter. I am on twitter.
Quote Originally Posted by smoothd20:
The constant need and requests for proof and evidence by atheist is just an insecurity that they have built up to justify the lie. I understand that and accept your belief that you believe that there is no God. But your belief has no bearing on the Truth. Of course you will say who am I to declare what is Truth and what it isn't. My response as always the Truth is. It needs no clarification, justification or anything to prove that is the Truth. We all inherently know the Truth when we hear it but some of us choose to ignore this and wrap ourselves up in a endless game of "show me the evidence" knowing fool well that know matter what evidence is presented it will be rejected categorically as bullshit followed by more requests for evidence. And so the game goes on and on because the Atheist aren't interested in Truth they are just interested in supporting their own delusion with constant negatives. Jesus Christ could come down himself with a host of Angels and the Atheist would find a way to debunk him. That's just the way it is. My problem with Atheist is the constant need to insult, denigrate and in some cases lie to make a point with theist. That's what we have seen on Twitter, Facebook and other social media. Time and again atheist throwing out insults. Does that mean we don't have Christians, Muslims and person doing the same thing. No because they do. But it seems to be a calling card with most atheists and it's why get ready for this. I have come to the conclusion that atheism should be considered a hate group. I'm sure this wont go over well but I have discussed this point with numerous people including a few atheists who actually agree with that statement. If you don't like the statement I present this thread as evidence of the hate that permeates modern atheism. 184 pages of insults being thrown at theists for no other reason but the fact that they believe in God. Not all atheists act this way but a huge percentage and it seems like it's growing every year.
You are nutty.
Ok, what can we say to such a person? All we can do is appeal to scientific values. And if he doesn’t share those values, the conversation is over. If someone doesn’t value evidence, what evidence are you going to provide to prove that they should value it? If someone doesn’t value logic, what logical argument could you provide to show the importance of logic?"
The point is, just because something cannot be proven, doesnt mean its not true....
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence....
Its so funny how that even though you say that - you laugh at other people who just bieieve in something else. I believe in unicorns and dragons. You cant prove they dont exist.
So absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
But yet evidence tells you unicorns and dragons dont exist.
And here I am yet again debating logic with a person void of logic. What could I possibly present to you to suddenly understand logic? You have proven yourself over and over to be totally void of logic.
Support your local animal shelter. I am on twitter.
Quote Originally Posted by Rostos:
The point is, just because something cannot be proven, doesnt mean its not true....
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence....
Its so funny how that even though you say that - you laugh at other people who just bieieve in something else. I believe in unicorns and dragons. You cant prove they dont exist.
So absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
But yet evidence tells you unicorns and dragons dont exist.
And here I am yet again debating logic with a person void of logic. What could I possibly present to you to suddenly understand logic? You have proven yourself over and over to be totally void of logic.
You and your kind infringe on the quality of life of all of humanity. You hold back medical science, you inflict massive suffering on the world in the form of bigotry, holding back contraception, and medical advances. You impose your ridiculous values on everyone.
Thats why we attack. Because you have attacked us or thousands of years. Get used to it. The tide has turned. Very soon, you will be the minority and then you will realize what it is like.
You call me a nut? Who holds back medical science? You're putting all Christians in the same boat. Now you boast about attacking Christians because of things that were done hundreds of years ago and you wonder why I say atheism has evolved into a hate group. Yeah that's some advancement you have made. What's the next step feeding Christians to the Lions. Are we gonna have a "final solution" for the Christians now like Hitler did in Nazi Germany. But we're the nuts.
Quote Originally Posted by vanzack:
It is very simple.
You and your kind infringe on the quality of life of all of humanity. You hold back medical science, you inflict massive suffering on the world in the form of bigotry, holding back contraception, and medical advances. You impose your ridiculous values on everyone.
Thats why we attack. Because you have attacked us or thousands of years. Get used to it. The tide has turned. Very soon, you will be the minority and then you will realize what it is like.
You call me a nut? Who holds back medical science? You're putting all Christians in the same boat. Now you boast about attacking Christians because of things that were done hundreds of years ago and you wonder why I say atheism has evolved into a hate group. Yeah that's some advancement you have made. What's the next step feeding Christians to the Lions. Are we gonna have a "final solution" for the Christians now like Hitler did in Nazi Germany. But we're the nuts.
One more thing Vanzack. Just to show your ignorance on the world around you, only the Catholic Church is against contraception officially. So before you go running off with your hate speech please get your facts straight and stop spreading falsehoods.
One more thing Vanzack. Just to show your ignorance on the world around you, only the Catholic Church is against contraception officially. So before you go running off with your hate speech please get your facts straight and stop spreading falsehoods.
You call me a nut? Who holds back medical science? You're putting all Christians in the same boat. Now you boast about attacking Christians because of things that were done hundreds of years ago and you wonder why I say atheism has evolved into a hate group. Yeah that's some advancement you have made. What's the next step feeding Christians to the Lions. Are we gonna have a "final solution" for the Christians now like Hitler did in Nazi Germany. But we're the nuts.
No, not history. Now. Current.
Support your local animal shelter. I am on twitter.
Quote Originally Posted by smoothd20:
You call me a nut? Who holds back medical science? You're putting all Christians in the same boat. Now you boast about attacking Christians because of things that were done hundreds of years ago and you wonder why I say atheism has evolved into a hate group. Yeah that's some advancement you have made. What's the next step feeding Christians to the Lions. Are we gonna have a "final solution" for the Christians now like Hitler did in Nazi Germany. But we're the nuts.
One more thing Vanzack. Just to show your ignorance on the world around you, only the Catholic Church is against contraception officially. So before you go running off with your hate speech please get your facts straight and stop spreading falsehoods.
But your brand of craziness is against homosexuality? How about stem cell research? How about maintaining inequity and suffering in the world because of your excuse "it is gods will?"
Support your local animal shelter. I am on twitter.
Quote Originally Posted by smoothd20:
One more thing Vanzack. Just to show your ignorance on the world around you, only the Catholic Church is against contraception officially. So before you go running off with your hate speech please get your facts straight and stop spreading falsehoods.
But your brand of craziness is against homosexuality? How about stem cell research? How about maintaining inequity and suffering in the world because of your excuse "it is gods will?"
I am sure Dr Francis Collins OWNER of theworld genome project which is doing wonderful things for cures of diseases would agree with you.......
He wasnt raised a Christian and ONLY became one when he became a DR / Scientist.
the genius mind has a fine line, Dr. Collins went to church as a child for the music, the seeds were planted. Dr. Collins greatest emotion is the fear of death, this is what the desert goat herders discovered thousands of years ago, the power to control with fear. Dr. Collins is aware of his misogynistic, racist, sexist bibical god but because of his fear he chooses to go to the pew and listen to joel osteen's sugar coated stories. It is a pacifier for Dr. Collins fear of death.
Quote Originally Posted by Rostos:
I am sure Dr Francis Collins OWNER of theworld genome project which is doing wonderful things for cures of diseases would agree with you.......
He wasnt raised a Christian and ONLY became one when he became a DR / Scientist.
the genius mind has a fine line, Dr. Collins went to church as a child for the music, the seeds were planted. Dr. Collins greatest emotion is the fear of death, this is what the desert goat herders discovered thousands of years ago, the power to control with fear. Dr. Collins is aware of his misogynistic, racist, sexist bibical god but because of his fear he chooses to go to the pew and listen to joel osteen's sugar coated stories. It is a pacifier for Dr. Collins fear of death.
the genius mind has a fine line, Dr. Collins went to church as a child for the music, the seeds were planted. Dr. Collins greatest emotion is the fear of death, this is what the desert goat herders discovered thousands of years ago, the power to control with fear. Dr. Collins is aware of his misogynistic, racist, sexist bibical god but because of his fear he chooses to go to the pew and listen to joel osteen's sugar coated stories. It is a pacifier for Dr. Collins fear of death.
For us practicing Christians, death holds no fear for us. The Bible tells us to focus on the afterlife and not the world we live in now.
This world is all temporary, heaven is not.
For a Christian our rewards are eternal and we can choose where we are going by first accepting Jesus Christ as Our Lord Savior, secondly acknowledging and repenting our sins before God and lastly having a close relationship with the Lord.
The only reason to fear death is if you haven't followed those 3 steps I mentioned.
With all that I have said, I would be more inclined to believe that Dr. Collins has no fear of his death. After all he is a Christian.
Quote Originally Posted by CRRECORDS:
the genius mind has a fine line, Dr. Collins went to church as a child for the music, the seeds were planted. Dr. Collins greatest emotion is the fear of death, this is what the desert goat herders discovered thousands of years ago, the power to control with fear. Dr. Collins is aware of his misogynistic, racist, sexist bibical god but because of his fear he chooses to go to the pew and listen to joel osteen's sugar coated stories. It is a pacifier for Dr. Collins fear of death.
For us practicing Christians, death holds no fear for us. The Bible tells us to focus on the afterlife and not the world we live in now.
This world is all temporary, heaven is not.
For a Christian our rewards are eternal and we can choose where we are going by first accepting Jesus Christ as Our Lord Savior, secondly acknowledging and repenting our sins before God and lastly having a close relationship with the Lord.
The only reason to fear death is if you haven't followed those 3 steps I mentioned.
With all that I have said, I would be more inclined to believe that Dr. Collins has no fear of his death. After all he is a Christian.
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