For us practicing Christians, death holds no fear for us. The Bible tells us to focus on the afterlife and not the world we live in now.
This world is all temporary, heaven is not.
For a Christian our rewards are eternal and we can choose where we are going by first accepting Jesus Christ as Our Lord Savior, secondly acknowledging and repenting our sins before God and lastly having a close relationship with the Lord.
The only reason to fear death is if you haven't followed those 3 steps I mentioned.
With all that I have said, I would be more inclined to believe that Dr. Collins has no fear of his death. After all he is a Christian.
So go kill yourself.
Its so funny. Christians all say this bullshit, but they love to prolong life. If you believed this, you would be pro-abortion. If you believed this, the next cold you got you would hope it would be cancer. I dont think you would be celebrating a terminal cancer diagnosis.
Its all so funny and such bullshit.