Quote Originally Posted by matt4000:
Here is some of my story.
When I was in my teens and began to question everything such as God, religion, school, government etc.
I also started to question things like:
Where did I come from?
Why am I here?
What is my purpose in life?
Is life a continual cycle of going to school, to get a good job, to get married, to have kids... so that my kids can go to school, get a good job, get married, have kids...so that their kids can go to school..(U get the idea)
I started asking myself, THERE MUST BE MORE TO LIFE THAN JUST THIS!!!
Anyhow after yrs. of doing drugs, in and out juvenile jail, then after doing some time in county jail all the while questioning life, but getting no answers.
Once I changed my life graduated college and had a good job, I sill never found answers to life's hard questions and still didn't find satisfaction in making good money with a decent education.
So, I found no fulfillment in money and materialistic things. I found no satisfaction in all the different drugs that I did.
I also didn't find it in all the women that I slept with.
So in all the searching and trying out all the so-called pleasures in life, none of them gave me the answers that I was looking for and never truly brought fulfillment within me.
Long story short. Everything that I tried, tasted, smoked, snorted, slept with or spent never gave me the answers that I searched for or gave me the happiness that I longed for.
After years of searching, crying, ups and downs and Once I stopped denying the existence of God, I finally began to seek Him to see for myself if He was real.
After months and months of research, studying history/other religions etc. There was too much evidence that convinced me that he was real.
Then once I began seeking him on my own, he revealed himself to me and my eyes were opened spiritually.
I then found the answers to my questions and life's hard questions that I looked for all of my life. I also found the the love, peace of mind and fulfillment that I couldn't find in anyone or in anything.
It was amazing and life transforming for me...then to find out that what happened to me, has happened to millions of others throughout the world and throughout history!!!!
Anyway, there is some of my story. I thought I should share some of it, so that you guys have a better idea who you are talking to.
The ONLY way for man to experience ultimate joy is through God. Nothing on earth can satisfy mans ultimate joy.