Quote Originally Posted by reillym32:
You know whats not made up:
1. Two planes flying into the world trade centers
** Truth, can't argue with you there. Nice detective work! **
2. One plane flying into the pentagon
** Really? Wait, REEEALLY? Show me a video of a plane flying into the Pentagon, then. Surely, with the Pentagon being the most secure building on Planet Earth, it would have been captured from one of the nearly 150 cameras that are focused on the building at all times, right? I just want to see a plane hitting the Pentagon. It's been almost 10 years and I've still yet to see a plane. Show me, oh wise one! **
3. 3000 people died
** Can't argue with ya there either, GREAT WORK. **
4. The buildings didn't fall at free fall speed (I don't care what the fuck you say smdio, you have already discredited yourself.)
** You don't care what I say? Then why are you debating? You're simply afraid of the truth, just like most others. I showed you a report from NIST that agrees to Free Fall speed. Did they "discredit themselves" too? **
5. Remains of the deceased were found and identified from both the Pentagon and Flight 93 in Pennsylvania.
** And you believe them? I don't. If I told you I was 9'11'', would you believe me? No, you'd want proof, right? Is a list of bodies on a sheet of paper enough proof for you? Because -that- is what the government released to satisfy the "identifying" of bodies on 9/11 **
6. Parts from both Flight 93 and Flight 77 were found at the scene and can be clearly seen in pictures from the pentagon and Flight 93 crash site.
** You're just naive. Plain and simple. **
7. David Chandler is a High School physics teacher and was wrong in his analysis. Remember this guy is no Professor and he is no respected physicist. They quote this guy because he is the only one supporting there view and his video is deceptive enough to make their version of what happened sound good. Here is a video debunking this high school teacher. I'll let the video speak for itself.
smdio and his buddy David Chandler like to show you a video well after the collapse actually started to occur.
The building itself went down well after the events of 9/11 took place and was barely noticed by anyone until conspiracy theorists brought it up. No one died in it and there was absolutely no reason to bring it down.
** Oh, Let's use Pseudoscience to disprove a logical claim by Chandler! Using Pseucoscience, I can actually claim that Mars will be colliding with Earth in the next 7 days. Would you believe me? Anything debunking Chandler is ridiculous. The only video's I've ever seen trying to do so are using false calculations and input to try and DEBUNK his claims, NOT to prove the truth. If you cared enough to open your eyes, you would see that. But your comfortable living in your world of lies. Fine with me. **
8. It was and is possible to make cell phone calls from airplanes using cell phones. This has been proven by industry experts and they are even trying to make it allowed on airplanes now. We have given you the proof of this, deny it if you want.
** You've given me jack shit. Any "expert" that you throw my way, I'll throw you another expert that contradicts the claim of your expert. I'll also include AT&T and Verizon on that list. Please stop saying things that make you sound right. It's actually working against you. **
9. That most calls were made from Air Phones
** 13 cell phone calls were made. Can you read, Reilly? THIRTEEN. 28 total calls were made. That makes 13 cell calls and 15 airphone. Clearly, most = 15?
Here is what is made up or purely speculation:
1. That the towers fell at free fall speed.
** You only have to watch the video of WTC1 or WTC7, or even read the NIST report in which they admitted WTC7 fell at freefall speed for over half of the time. How are you "debunking" NIST's claims? **
2. That a missile hit the pentagon
** Show me proof that it was a plane? A video, as I suggested earlier in this post **
3. That the plane that hit the WTC shot a missile off
** Who on earth said that?! Certainly not me **
4. That our buddy smdio talked to someones mother who got a fake cell call(show us the evidence)
** How would you like me to "show you evidence" of a conversation that took place in my real life? You're so stupid. **
5.That the World Trade Centers were brought down in a controlled demolition.
6. smdio scifi fantasy story of what happened to the passengers of Flight 93
** No one knows what happened to those people, I was only speculating. I could be 100% wrong. But yes, I'm convinced that the plane did not crash. As a matter of fact, what do you have to say about Donald Rumsfeld in that youtube clip saying that the plane was shot down? **
7. That trading and put options and purchasing of insurance was because insiders had knowledge the attack was going to happen.
** Can you explain why trading was 10-20 times it's normal input for the days leading up to 9/11? Because that's never happened before in the history of our country **
8. That smdio spent $100,000 on investigating this stuff when all he has done is repeating whats on the movie Loose Change and a couple videos from his good friend David Chandler.
You're so stupid and naive